What is BPC?

BPC is about accretion the accord of groups or populations underrepresented in accretion and carefully accompanying disciplines. The Civic Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Advice Science and Engineering (CISE) is committed to BPC and acerb encourages allusive accomplishments that abode the longstanding underrepresentation of assorted populations including women, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and bodies with disabilities in accretion and carefully accompanying disciplines. All levels aural these groups are relevant, from K-12 to workforce. (See #2 beneath for added details.)
Which groups authorize as “underrepresented” in accretion and carefully accompanying disciplines?
Across the US, accretion and advice science and engineering workforce, at all levels, there is underrepresentation of assorted populations including women, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and bodies with disabilities. BPC activities may accommodate low-income, rural, and added underserved populations in accession to (not in abode of) the populations declared above. BPC activities charge seek to access the representation of these groups In the US accretion and advice science and engineering workforce. Further account can be begin at the CISE BPC website (https://www.nsf.gov/cise/bpc/).
What is the aberration amid broader impacts and BPC?
NSF’s analogue of broader impacts (https://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/publications/Broader_Impacts.pdf) covers an arrangement of activities that appulse society, and may or may not accommodate adorning participation. Accretion and carefully accompanying disciplines accept specific and astute longstanding issues of underrepresentation that acceptable efforts to beforehand broader impacts accept not abundantly addressed. Adorning accord will abode associates of groups underrepresented in accretion declared in #2, while Broader Impacts will not necessarily abode these groups underrepresented in computing.
I already accept added broader impacts in the proposal. Do I still accept to accept a BPC plan?
Yes. In this broadcast CISE pilot, for all Average and larger-sized awards in the CISE amount programs added the SaTC program, a BPC plan is adapted as a Added Document, at the time of submission, with a appellation acutely anecdotic it as such. Collaborative proposals should abide a BPC plan for the absolute project, as declared in the angle alertness instructions in accepted solicitations. PIs will charge to accept a allusive BPC plan in abode by the time of accolade (see #7).
If I abide a BPC plan, again do I still charge to abode about broader impacts in my proposal?
Yes. The NSF Angle & Accolade Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter II.C.2.d.(i) requires a abstracted area labeled “Broader Impacts” in the Action Description area of all proposals. In that section, PIs may altercate a ambit of outcomes that could aftereffect from the proposed Research. The BPC affairs submitted as allotment of CISE’s pilot are to be declared absolutely in the added documents, but PIs may briefly abridge those BPC affairs aural the Broader Impacts sections of their Action Descriptions.
Is BPC the aforementioned as assortment and inclusion?
Inclusion is a basic of BPC. According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities, admittance is “the active, intentional, and advancing assurance with diversity– in the curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals ability connect–in means that access awareness, agreeable knowledge, cerebral sophistication, and accordant compassionate of the circuitous means individuals coact aural systems and institutions” (https://www.aacu.org/making-excellence-inclusive). Thus, accustomed its focus on accretion the accord of bodies from groups underrepresented in computing, BPC is not the aforementioned as inclusion, but admittance is a key basic of BPC.
What are the apparatus of a allusive BPC plan?
Regardless of length, a allusive BPC plan can acknowledgment absolutely to the afterward bristles elements:

All PIs and co-PIs are accepted to participate in BPC activities in a address accumbent with their claimed contexts, interests, and skills. Added advice apropos BPC can be begin at https://www.nsf.gov/cise/bpc/.
For Collaborative Proposals, all PIs are accepted to participate in BPC activities, but these activities do not accept to be the aforementioned in every organization.
Please agenda that it is not all-important to try and break all BPC needs in a accustomed proposal; able affairs will accent accomplishing things able-bodied over accomplishing added things. Added information, including metrics for BPC activities and examples, can be begin on the BPC pilot website (https://www.nsf.gov/cise/bpc/) and the NSF-funded BPCnet Ability Aperture (https://bpcnet.org/).
What BPC activities are advised in ambit for this pilot?
CISE recognizes that alone PIs accept altered levels of acquaintance with BPC, and that a arrangement of activities may be acceptable depending on the PI, organization, and analysis context. BPC activities can amount a advanced ambit of activities at the individual, organizational, and civic levels. CISE has historically accurate a cardinal of aggregate appulse alliances and is in the action of accretion that set of activities to accommodate basement so that PIs charge not ad-lib activities from scratch. Proposers should adjudge what sets of activities will assignment best aural the ambit of their advised population(s) because local, regional, and cultural contexts. Added is not necessarily better; affairs may focus on a baby set of activities and do them well. The activities proposed in the BPC plan charge be able with the aggregation agreement as able-bodied as the admeasurement and continuance of the award. The smoothest aisle to allusive BPC efforts is to advantage absolute acknowledged programs. You can alpha with accord in able development activities, or with advancing programs and organizations aural your administration or at your university that would facilitate extensive out to groups underrepresented in computing. You can additionally accompany an absolute BPC affairs by partnering with a BPC provider.
For added details, amuse appointment the CISE BPC pilot website. In particular, PIs are acerb encouraged to analysis the BPCnet ability portal, which provides examples of advancing BPC efforts and can abetment CISE PIs to plan their own allusive BPC activities.
Does my BPC plan charge to be accompanying to the abstruse agreeable of my analysis proposal?
Not necessarily. The closing ambition is for BPC to be chip with the analysis activities defined in a proposal–but for now, your BPC plan does not charge to chronicle to the analysis in your angle and does not itself charge to accommodate new research.
Do my proposed activities accept to be student-facing?
Not necessarily. Steps to access BPC address such as acclimation trainings for adroitness or administrators are additionally appropriate.
My university is a Minority-Serving Academy or a Women’s College. Does my BPC Plan charge to focus on a altered underrepresented accumulation than the ones that are accepted at my institution?
No. A BPC affairs that works with acceptance underrepresented in accretion at your alignment or in your association would be appropriate. You charge still acutely explain how your BPC Plan is advised to access accord of such acceptance in accretion and carefully accompanying disciplines, and it should additionally accommodate a absolution (i.e., with civic data) about why it is important to access the representation of that population, alike if they are not in the boyhood at your organization. Your plan should accommodate demographic abstracts for acceptance at the administration akin because it may be altered from those at the authoritative level.
Do I charge to accommodate the amount of BPC activities in my action budget?
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CISE encourages PIs to baddest activities based on abeyant appulse rather than their cost. The costs for the BPC activities are abstracted from the declared account banned for proposals, and proposals recommended for accolade may be provided added allotment to backpack out BPC activities, if necessary. At accolade time, PIs will abide for review, a account for the amount of any BPC activities with justification. Any authoritative assets that abutment BPC activities should additionally be declared in the Facilities, Equipment and Added Assets area of the angle (for added advice about Facilities, Equipment and Added Resources, see PAPPG Chapter II.C.2.i) or could be declared in a affiliated authoritative plan (see #18).
Do I accept to be a BPC able or accept a assistant who is a BPC expert?
Having a BPC able on the aggregation to achieve the BPC plan is not a requirement. At the aforementioned time, outsourcing the absolute beheading of the BPC plan to a BPC able is adverse to the goals of this pilot. BPC affairs should advice PIs advance their alone awareness, knowledge, resources, and abilities in advancing allusive BPC activities. Having access to advisers with BPC ability may accordingly advice proposers achieve a allusive BPC plan. CISE welcomes artistic BPC affairs that advance interest, knowledge, skills, and activities in abutment of BPC at all levels. When ally are included, the plan should be bright about what their roles will be and if they accept absolute relationships or commitments.
How does a PI authenticate that they can assassinate the proposed BPC activity?
CISE recognizes that alone PIs alter in their BPC abilities and knowledge. Anniversary PI will charge to authenticate that they accept able assets to backpack out the proposed activities and that the abilities of the individual, team, or alignment are constant with the needs and goals of the plan. If available, accommodate affirmation of accordant above-mentioned BPC acquaintance and any acquaint learned. If not available, call how PIs will get the bare training and/or coact with a accomplice who has above-mentioned BPC experience.
Are my BPC activities encouraged to accept change as the added genitalia of my angle are?
Not necessarily. It is accomplished and alike encouraged to body on accurate methods. The best of whether to use absolute BPC analysis and activities or to conduct new BPC analysis depends aloft one’s skills, knowledge, interests, and resources. Analysis summaries of best practices can be begin on the BPCnet ability aperture (https://bpcnet.org/).
Can mentoring (and hiring) acceptance from groups underrepresented in accretion calculation as a BPC activity?
A BPC action may accommodate mentoring (and hiring) acceptance from groups underrepresented in computing, application adapted mentoring models. PIs should accept a specific plan apropos how (and from where) they would recruit students. For example, if a PI addendum that a apprentice will be recruited from a Minority-Serving Institution, again the angle should accommodate affidavit of a accord with such an organization, for example, in the anatomy of a letter of collaboration. Additionally adapted would be a account of how the PI will abutment students’ chain and able development through the educational action (i.e., the education, inclusion, and analysis pathways) to the abutting footfall of the students’ careers.
How should BPC activities be evaluated and assessed?
This will alter according to the accurate activities planned. Assertive attempt apply, however:
How does a PI use a Authoritative plan in their proposal?
For those projects area all accommodating institutions accept Authoritative BPC Affairs absolute by BPCnet: You may accommodate a 1-page action plan and an associated absolute authoritative plan (per institution). The 1-page action plan charge call the specific roles of the PI and co-PIs, their alertness and what aspects of the Authoritative plan their strategies focus on. If your academy has a absolute Authoritative Plan but you appetite to adduce BPC activities that do not adjust with that affairs goals, that is allowed. In those cases, you charge chase the instructions in account #7 of this FAQ and abide a 3-page BPC plan that includes all co-PIs.

My administration doesn’t accept any BPC activities action on. What should I do?
You can still abode a acceptable plan. There are assets to advice with the development of able BPC plans, accessible at the BPCnet ability aperture (https://bpcnet.org/), area one can apprentice how to abode a action plan, including templates and sample activities.
How will NSF analysis and appraise BPC plans?
Submitted BPC affairs will be evaluated by reviewers with ability in accretion and adorning accord as adapted for the proposal. Reviewers will be asked to animadversion on whether the Adorning Accord in Accretion (BPC) plan advisedly addresses the bristles elements of a BPC Plan: (1) the ambience of the proposed activity, (2) advised population(s), (3) strategy, (4) preparation, and (5) measurement. Grantees beneath this pilot are adapted to abide descriptions and assessments of their BPC activities and outcomes as allotment of their anniversary action letters in the Special Report Requirements area for appraisal by the acquainted NSF affairs officers. In addition, CISE affairs to conduct an appraisal of the all-embracing BPC pilot. This may be conducted by a third party. Grantees beneath the BPC pilot charge accommodate advice about action outcomes to abutment this evaluation.
How will BPC affairs amount in allotment decisions? Will a admirable angle not be adjourned because of a poorly-rated BPC plan, or because a BPC plan was not included in the antecedent submission?
All average or beyond proposals charge accommodate a BPC plan at the time of submission. Reviewers will be asked to animadversion on whether BPC affairs accept the elements to achieve them meaningful, as articular in #7. CISE will abide to abutment the association in developing allusive BPC plans, and CISE Affairs Directors will assignment with all PIs whose proposals are recommended for allotment to ensure they accept allusive affairs in place. CISE Affairs Directors will additionally assignment with PIs afterwards reviewing their BPC activities as declared in their anniversary action reports. No Average or beyond awards will be fabricated after accustomed BPC affairs in place.
Why did CISE admit the BPC accomplishment and why is it expanding?
CISE has had a abiding charge to BPC (see https://www.nsf.gov/od/broadeningparticipation/bp.jsp). CISE recognizes that BPC requires an arrangement of long-term, abiding efforts, and will crave the accord of the absolute community. Efforts to augment accord charge be action-oriented and charge booty advantage of assorted approaches to annihilate or affected barriers. BPC depends on abounding factors, and involves alteration ability throughout academia–within departments, classrooms, and analysis groups. This change begins with added acquaintance of barriers to accord as able-bodied as remedies throughout the CISE community, including amid arch board (PIs), students, and reviewers. BPC may accordingly absorb a advanced ambit of activities, examples of which accommodate accommodating in able development opportunities aimed at accouterment added across-the-board environments, abutting assorted absolute and approaching aggregate appulse programs to allowance advance and apparatus authoritative BPC affairs that body awareness, inclusion, and engagement, and administering beat to groups underrepresented in accretion at all levels (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate).
In 2017, CISE appear a 3-year pilot accomplishment to access the community’s captivation in BPC. CISE adapted that BPC affairs were included in proposals for assertive ample awards, conspicuously proposals to the Expeditions in Accretion program, added Frontier proposals to the Cyber-Physical Systems and Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) programs. CISE additionally encouraged for assertive added projects, the admittance of BPC affairs in proposals and adapted the admittance of BPC affairs in awards, conspicuously Average and Ample projects in the amount programs of the CISE Divisions of Accretion and Communication Foundations (CCF), Computer and Network Systems (CNS), and Advice and Intelligent Systems (IIS), added the SaTC program.
Building on this experience, in FY 2022, CISE will crave that Average projects in the aloft programs accommodate a BPC plan at time of submission; and accept a allusive BPC plan at the time of award.
CISE hopes to achieve several things:
The abiding ambition of this pilot is for all segments of the citizenry to accept bright paths and opportunities to accord to accretion and carefully accompanying disciplines.
Where may I apprentice added about the ambience for BPC?

Below are a few baddest references that can serve as a starting point:
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