French trademarks are complete mainly by Law 1991-7, which accouterments the EU First Trademarks Directive (89/104/EEC) and is codification in the IP Code. The cipher was adapted several times, in accurate by Law 2007-1544, which accouterments the EU IP Rights Enforcement Directive (2004/48/EC).

France has ratified the afterward all-embracing conventions and treaties:
EU trademarks additionally awning France.
French brand law confers no complete appropriate to the buyer of an unregistered mark. However, a acclaimed mark aural the acceptation of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention may be adequate beneath civilian law, alike if it has not been registered in France, if:
In adjustment to adore such protection, the acclaimed mark charge be recognised by a abundant admeasurement of the accessible in affiliation to the appurtenances or casework concerned.
French courts appraise the acclaimed appearance of the mark, demography into appliance factors such as the advantage of the mark, the ambit and the acuteness of its use, and the promotional and advertising investments.
Any accustomed actuality or acknowledged article can administer for a French brand afore the French Institut Civic de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI). The appliance can be filed by the buyer itself or its representative.
A adumbrative is binding if the brand has several applicants or if the appellant is not citizen in France, an EU affiliate accompaniment or the European Economic Area. If the adumbrative is neither a advocate nor a apparent attorney, it charge at atomic be accustomed in the European Union or the European Economic Area and charge accept a ability of advocate (neither notarised nor legalised).
A brand can be registered if it is able of appropriate the appurtenances or casework of one adventure from those of another.
A French brand may abide of any assurance able of actuality represented graphically. The IP Cipher gives examples of such signs, including:
A assurance that has no characteristic appearance or that is anecdotic or all-encompassing may not be adequate as a trademark.
The characteristic attributes of the assurance shall be adjourned at the time of the appliance in affiliation to the appurtenances or casework for which allotment is sought.
The afterward signs accept no characteristic character:
Distinctive appearance may be acquired by use, except back the assurance is of the affectionate declared in the aftermost ammo point above.
The afterward may not be adopted as a mark or an aspect of a mark:
A assurance may not be adopted as a brand area it infringes above-mentioned rights, particularly:
In addition, back an appliance for a mark that is identical or agnate to a above-mentioned registered mark is advised to be brand contravention in France, a above-mentioned rights chase should be agitated out afore filing a brand application.
Prior brand searches usually affair either identical marks/company names or agnate marks. In best cases, both types of chase are all-important in adjustment to defended a brand application.
A chase for identical marks is accessible appliance INPI’s online database. However, such chase includes neither above-mentioned aggregation names nor any assay of the affinity amid the appurtenances or casework of the beforehand identical marks and the appurtenances or casework for which allotment is sought. Consequently, it is recommended to alarm on French brand professionals to conduct such a chase and analysis.
The aforementioned is accurate of searches for above-mentioned agnate marks, as the appraisal of the affinity amid above-mentioned marks and the applied-for mark charge be fabricated with advertence to French case law and practice.
Applications for allotment should be filed afore INPI calm with affidavit of acquittal of the filing fees. They should include:

Failure to accommodate the advice aloft or affidavit of acquittal will aftereffect in the inadmissibility of the application.
If antecedence is claimed, the advertence of such antecedence should be provided. In case of adopted priority, the appellant shall accommodate INPI with an official archetype of the above-mentioned appliance (with a translation) and affidavit of the appropriate to affirmation antecedence aural three months of filing the appliance in France.
Only one mark may be activated for per filing.
If INPI considers an appliance admissible, it will be appear in the Brand Gazette aural six weeks of the filing date (four weeks in practice).
INPI examines all applications to actuate whether:
However, INPI does not conduct any chase for above-mentioned rights during the assay process.
If an appliance is advised unfit for registration, INPI will affair an argument (within four months from the filing date), with a borderline for the appellant either to adapt the appliance or to acknowledgment to INPI’s argument (one ages for academic shortcomings and two months for complete shortcomings).
In the absence of a acknowledgment by the borderline or if INPI rejects the applicant’s changes, a final abnegation of allotment will be issued. Such abnegation may affair all or allotment of the application, depending on the ambit of the abnormality or the argument aloft by INPI.
Within two months of advertisement of an appliance for a French brand in the Brand Gazette or, for an all-embracing registration, in the World Bookish Acreage Organisation Gazette, an activity may be filed, in actuality or through a representative, by:
The two-month borderline is not extendable. A adumbrative is binding in the aforementioned affairs as for filing applications. The adversary charge abide affidavit of buying of the mark on which the activity is based.
If the opposing mark was registered at atomic bristles years afore the date of opposition, the appellant may abode that the adversary accommodate affirmation of use of its mark. The adversary shall again prove use for at atomic one (not necessarily all) of the appurtenances or casework covered by its above-mentioned mark or accommodate able affidavit for non-use.
INPI should adjudge on the activity aural six months of filing of the opposition. In the absence of a accommodation aural such timeframe, the activity shall be accounted rejected. However, in practice, INPI consistently makes a accommodation afore the end of the six-month period. This aeon shall be abeyant in the afterward cases:
INPI’s activity decisions are appealable afore specialised courts of appeal, aural one ages of the notification of the accommodation if the appellant is French, and aural three months if the appellant is not from France. The territorial administration of these appellate courts is bent by the abode of the appellant; the Paris Cloister of Abode has complete administration area adopted appellants are concerned.
The appellant may request, in writing, the complete or fractional abandonment of its appliance at any point in time until the abstruse alertness for allotment begins.
Unless the appliance is alone or withdrawn, the mark is registered in the Civic Trademarks Annals for 10 years from the filing date. Allotment of an accustomed appliance takes about four to bristles months from the appliance date, while allotment of an adjoin appliance takes about 10 to 11 months. INPI issues the allotment abstracts about two to three weeks afterwards the registration.
Registered trademarks are renewable every 10 years, by declaration. At the renewal, the buyer of the brand shall not adapt the assurance nor extend the account of appurtenances or services. However, the face-lifting may administer alone for allotment of the appurtenances or casework declared in the antecedent registration. Affidavit of use is not appropriate for renewal.
A face-lifting acknowledgment should be submitted to INPI in the six months above-mentioned the accomplishment of the registration. An appliance for face-lifting may additionally be filed aural an added six-month period, aloft acquittal of added fees. Face-lifting shall booty aftereffect on the day afterward the accomplishment date of the registration. INPI issues the face-lifting abstracts about two to three months afterwards the renewal.
Cancellation: The authority of a registered mark may be challenged through a abandoning activity or in contravention activity afore the courts:
A abandoning activity based on complete area may be brought by any absorbed affair or the accessible prosecutor, admitting about area may be invoked alone by the buyer of an beforehand appropriate (or its licensee). Representation by an advocate at law is compulsatory in these administrative actions. The first-instance courts usually affair a accommodation aural nine to 18 months. Their decisions are appealable afore courts of appeal.
Acquiescence: If the buyer of a brand has acquiesced to the use of a afterwards identical or agnate mark for bristles alternating years while actuality acquainted of such use, and if the afterwards mark was activated for in acceptable faith, the buyer of the beforehand appropriate shall no best be advantaged to act adjoin the use of the afterwards mark in account of the appurtenances or casework for which the afterwards mark has been used.

Revocation for non-use: If, aural a alternating aeon of bristles years starting on the advertisement of registration, the mark has not been put to 18-carat use in affiliation with all or allotment of the appurtenances or casework for which it is registered, and there are no able affidavit for non-use, the rights of the mark buyer shall be revoked. Such abolishment can be invoked by any absorbed affair or as a acknowledgment in contravention proceedings.
In this respect, use of the mark in a adapted anatomy that does not adapt its characteristic appearance is advised 18-carat use.
The buyer of the mark for which abolishment is requested bears the accountability of affidavit of 18-carat use of its mark. Affirmation of use shall be provided for all appurtenances or casework for which the brand is registered. Failing that, the mark will be revoked for the appurtenances or casework for which 18-carat use was not proved.
If use of the mark started or resumed aural three months of the abode for revocation, afterwards the buyer of the mark has become acquainted of a abode for abolishment adjoin its mark, such use shall be disregarded.
Revocation shall booty aftereffect retroactively as of the date of accomplishment of the five-year aeon mentioned above.
Revocation for genericisation: If a mark has become the accepted name in barter for a artefact or account for which it is registered, its owner’s rights shall be revoked for such acceptable or service.
Revocation of a ambiguous mark: The allotment of a mark shall additionally be revoked if the mark has become misleading, decidedly as commendations the nature, affection or bounded agent of a artefact or service.
Surrender: A registered mark may be surrendered at any time in account of all or allotment of the appurtenances or casework for which the mark is registered.
Anyone that uses a mark after the authorisation of its owner, by breeding the mark or assuming it for identical or agnate appurtenances or services, shall be accountable for brand infringement.
In adjustment to actuate an anarchic act, the cloister charge assess:
Civil contravention affairs can be brought afore specialised courts by either the buyer of a mark or the complete licensee, if the licence is recorded in the Brand Register. A licensee whose licence acceding has not been recorded can arbitrate in contravention affairs alone to affirmation antidote for amercement that it has suffered.
An contravention activity charge be brought aural bristles years of the infringement.
Such contravention may be accepted by any means. To defended affirmation of the contravention and to admission any advice accompanying to it, the rights holder may admission from a competent cloister an adjustment to backpack out a admission at the bounds of the alleged infringer.
Such adjustment authorises a bailiff to appropriate the doubtable anarchic accessories (effective seizure) or to appointment the declared infringer’s bounds to aggregate affirmation of the contravention by demography pictures of the doubtable anarchic appurtenances or demography samples (descriptive seizure).
The rights holder shall again arouse the declared infringer on the claim afore a cloister aural 20 alive canicule or 31 agenda days, whichever is the longer, as from the seizure. Otherwise, the admission shall be annulled at the abode of the declared infringer.
Prior to an contravention action, the rights holder can additionally abode an admonition in adjustment to anticipate an approaching contravention or any added infringement, by agency of arbitrary proceedings. Such affairs may be ex parte if the affairs crave that such measures be issued after the actor actuality heard.
In adjustment to be acknowledged adjoin third parties, the afterward advice should be recorded in the Brand Register:
The recordation of a licence is not compulsory, but is advantageous for evidentiary and opposability purposes and for the licensee to be able to act in contravention litigation.
The appellant of such recordation shall accommodate INPI with a archetype or an abstruse of the accomplishment advertence the change in buying or use of the rights (not legalised, but translated into French).
Trademarks and added IP rights can overlap. Thus, accountable amount may be adequate as a trademark, by absorb or as a architecture if it satisfies the requirements for such protection.

Under French law, unauthorised use of a brand on the Internet additionally constitutes brand infringement. The rights holder may sue those that unlawfully use its mark on the arena of brand contravention or unfair competition.
According to case law, the French courts accept administration over infringements on websites that are advised for French consumers (depending on the language, the bill or the altitude units acclimated on the website).
Law 2004-575, which accouterments the EU E-commerce Directive (2000/31), establishes accountability regimes applicative to internet admission providers (IAPs), hosting account providers (HSPs) and website editors in case of an actionable act on the Internet, including brand infringements.
Article 6.I.2 of Law 2004-575 defines ‘HSP’ as the accustomed or acknowledged actuality who, for the accouterment to the accessible through online accessible advice services, food signals, writings, images, sounds or letters of any kind.
By advantage of Article 6, IAPs and HSPs accept no accepted obligation to adviser the advice that they address or store, or actively to seek actionable activities. They are accountable alone if they knew of the actionable act or if they did not act promptly in adjustment to annul the actionable agreeable or accomplish the agreeable aloof back they became acquainted of it.
As to area names, the ‘.fr’ allotment rules accommodate especially that it is the albatross of the actuality registering or appliance the area name to ensure that it does not aperture third parties’ rights.
A altercation resolution action alleged Syreli is accessible for disputes over ‘.fr’ domains, in accession to administrative actions. This arrangement is managed by AFNIC, the anthology of the ‘.fr’ top-level domain; decisions are issued aural two months of cancellation of a complaint.
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