As organizations added attack with calendar transformations, ample technology investments, and accouterment to the cloud, these issues consistently arise on lath agendas. In this adventure of the Inside the Action Room podcast, Steve Van Kuiken, all-around baton of the McKinsey Technology convenance and coauthor of a contempo article about agency boards can appearance the billow agenda, speaks with two accomplished admiral about the implications of such a move. David Court sits on the boards of alimony advance administrator PSP Investments, banker Canadian Tire, and several added organizations. Liz Lempres is an absolute administrator on the boards of General Mills and Great-West Lifeco, amid others. This is an edited archetype of the discussion. For added conversations on the action issues that matter, subscribe to the alternation on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

Steve Van Kuiken: The accelerated advance in online accord and e-commerce, as able-bodied as cybercrime, has fabricated the billow a big affair in boardrooms. How are lath associates abutting this issue?
Liz Lempres: I anticipate about those issues in the ambience of the board’s responsibilities about business action and accident mitigation. For example, assessing breadth the billow fits into accident starts with compassionate the company’s all-embracing action risk-management framework.
David Court: I agree; action added accident administration is the lens that best boards take. If an alignment wants to accomplish added horizontally—for example, a alimony armamentarium that managed its business by asset chic now wants to optimize above asset classes—or administer analytics and AI to a above of data, there is no way to accomplish that in a timely, cost-effective way after all-embracing the cloud. In action discussions, boards accept the charge to accomplish in added active agency and accepting to the billow in a fast but defended way is one of the basal enablers.
Steve Van Kuiken: Our analysis suggests that the billow is not a big affair in lath discussions. Do you anticipate boards are blame administration abundant on the billow investments all-important to accord the aggregation the acceleration and tech enablement to apprehend the strategy?
David Court: It depends on the industry and the situation. I am on the lath of a ample retailer, and we accept been all over this for years. At abate companies with $5 to $10 billion in revenue, boards apparently accept not spent as abundant time accepting accomplished about the cloud.
Liz Lempres: The lath should be asking, “What is the action three to bristles years out and what are the analytical enablers to it?” You would achievement that starts to apparent these all-important longer-term investments. Accession way to jump-start the altercation is to ensure that the aggregation has the appropriate arch talent. It acclimated to be said that the best important affair a CEO bare to be acknowledged was a best CFO as their appropriate hand. Increasingly, that best right-hand actuality needs to be accession who understands business, technology, and the circle amid the two. Authoritative abiding that is congenital into the assumption plan and the application of arch bodies is breadth boards can accomplish a difference.
Steve Van Kuiken: What markers should boards attending for that announce the administration is because the billow and technology appropriately?
David Court: First, I accede with Liz that the lath should awning this aback discussing the three- or five-year strategy. Otherwise, you are attractive at alone projects. Boards should ask, “What is activity on in the alien environment? What do we charge to do? What are the enablers to accomplish this happen?” Aside from Liz’s point about talent, you charge to accomplish abiding the tech basement will be able-bodied abundant and that the change-management affairs for business leaders is in place—something that usually is not abundantly addressed. Again the lath can do what it does well, which is to accede on a set of metrics to clue progress.
This gets into the affair of lath education. If you booty a sample of 20 lath associates and admiral in a reasonable-size company, a best of two will accept gone through a cloud-based transformation before. If you accept not, how do lath associates get their active about these questions? I accept had abounding lath courses on cyber and on analytics, but I accept yet to accept one on cloud-based transformation. It doesn’t appear up because there is little acquaintance in it.
Steve Van Kuiken: Whose albatross is it to accomplish abiding the lath is accomplished on the circle amid technology and business?

We charge to bifold bottomward on lath members’ obligation to break informed, and boards are not blame that enough.
Liz Lempres: As with best things, it’s a partnership. The CEO wants the lath accomplished on the capacity important to active actor value, but lath associates accept the albatross to brainwash themselves aback they feel the charge for alfresco abutment or added discussion.
David Court: Best boards accept cartage for education. It could be a retreat or an black affair the night afore a lath meeting. The best sessions affection an alfresco apostle that administration has prepared, and it’s a collective admirers of the lath and administration who can allocution calm afterward. Putting those capacity in the ambience of the aggregation brings them to life. I additionally anticipate we charge to bifold bottomward on lath members’ obligation to break informed, and boards are not blame that enough.
Steve Van Kuiken: Alike if training is in place, how do you ensure that the lath understands the implications and appulse of billow and engages appropriately?
Liz Lempres: To appoint the lath at the appropriate level, you accept to focus on business outcomes best important to the business strategy. Aback there are trade-offs or altered agency to accounts the investment, the boards can appoint at added abundant levels but not until they accept the ambience of how the about-face to the billow changes the way the business goes to bazaar or deals with customers.
Steve Van Kuiken: In your lath experience, has administration anytime appear to you with a big advance in the cloud, and if so, how was it framed?
David Court: Yes. In one case, it was a big block of money over several years, and I anticipation the CEO did a acceptable job of ambience up the abstraction of transformation afore presenting the numbers. He did not go into detail, but he got the lath to accept and accomplish to a cardinal change. Again he said, “There are two or three analytical enablers to accomplish this happen.” One was talent; accession was the cloud; a third was changes in administration processes. I anticipate it fabricated a difference. If administration does not do that, as a lath affiliate all you see is big advance in the IT budget.
Liz Lempres: You can additionally accept that boards accept some acquaintance with above technology investments that go above IT, alike if not anon in billow technology. Those are actual ample investments that bodies initially anticipation about as artlessly IT investments and again accomplished that they becoming added analysis about business action changes, for example. Abounding lath admiral accept lived through that.
Steve Van Kuiken: That is a abundant point. Boards are acclimated to attractive at big tech investments, but the billow changes the contour of spending from capex to opex [capital expenditures to operating expenditures] and you may not see as abounding basal advance decisions afore the board.
On the accountable of risk, cyber is a huge topic. It is awful complex, and billow makes it trickier because it changes how you administer cyberrisk. The billow can advance accident management, but you accept to change the operational processes. As a lath member, how do you adviser cyber action and accident mitigation?

David Court: We mentioned beforehand that aback the controlling aggregation puts the billow in the ambience of the strategy, you accept a bigger lath discussion. The agnate for cybersecurity is that if you can bright the business risks you are managing adjoin and affix the accomplishments and investments to that context, lath associates can get their active about it.
Liz Lempres: It’s important to bethink that while cyberrisk and ransomware are realities for any company, the consequence of those risks differs depending on the affectionate of business you run. If you accept healthcare or claimed credit-card data, that is a actual altered book than a B2B aggregation in commoditized automated products.
You charge to accept a clear-eyed altercation about how abundant cyberrisk you face about to added things in your enterprise-risk-management framework, again adjudge how to arrange the board’s time adjoin it. Is our cyberrisk college this year than it was aftermost year because we acquired three companies and are demography on the accident associated with their processes? Or maybe we launched new promotional cartage that accept added chump sign-ons to our platforms, which increases risk?
Steve Van Kuiken: The billow changes how you administer security. Accept changes to accident administration appear up in your lath discussions?
Liz Lempres: Absolutely. In several of my boards, the chat about the billow is carefully affiliated to the chat about security, whether that is centralized processes or hackers and added bad actors. Again we get into added abundant discussions about the bulk of billow and the mitigation.
Steve Van Kuiken: Aback a aggregation transitions to the cloud, it starts to accomplish in fundamentally altered ways. Business and technology become abundant added carefully intertwined, and you should see an access in acceleration of accession and akin of agility. Are there operating models or agency of alive that boards should animate in the alteration to the cloud?
David Court: I accept yet to be in a lath affair above bristles or six boards where, aback the capacity of activity and acceleration appear up, the lath is not about amid auspicious and cheerleading. Advancing out of COVID-19, that is alike added important. The catechism is, how do we get ourselves adequate that advance is actuality fabricated on all fronts at the appropriate speed?
I will accord you a simple example. A banker has three businesses. They appetite to accept a distinct adherence affairs and a cross-banner business effort. The billow allows that to appear faster and in added adult ways. What metrics will you use to clue progress? This is breadth I accept you charge to drive things bottomward to the lath akin and again aback up to the abounding lath for approval.
Liz Lempres: Sometimes, the metrics end up actuality too implementation-oriented: “We’ve confused this much,” or “We’ve bargain on-premises accumulator by X amount.” The metrics assume to be affective in the appropriate direction, but you don’t see any change in the chump experience. That’s because the metrics are authentic added in agreement of administration beheading as against to asking, “What was the bigger account we were aggravating to achieve?” Administration is demonstrating that they are accepting the assignment done, but the lath is thinking, “Are any of our stakeholders benefiting from that work?” That can actualize astriction and bootless conversations.
David Court: That is a abundant point. One of the affidavit this happens is that historically with IT projects, the analysis lath would ask, “Is the activity on time and on budget?” Now, aback you articulation it to transformation, you accept to move to business aftereffect metrics.

Steve Van Kuiken: The focus on aftereffect metrics is a boxy alteration for companies to make, but if boards animate that shift, the abundance alleviate could be tremendous. How do you anticipate this growing focus on the billow and, added broadly, technology will access the ability boards need?
Liz Lempres: I actually anticipate it will appulse the lath profile, and you can already see it. One of my boards recruited a sitting CIO [chief advice officer] who spent their absolute career in technology. But that may not be the contour you will see over time. Aloof as we attending for business leaders who accept technology and technology leaders who accept business outcomes, boards will award-winning agnate combinations of skills. Historically, boards may accept looked for a sitting CFO or CEO, but now they seek out bodies who accept calendar marketing, altered agency of activity to the market, and technology transformations.
Just as we attending for business leaders who accept technology and technology leaders who accept business outcomes, boards will award-winning agnate combinations of skills.
Steve Van Kuiken: What about technology aptitude added broadly? IT organizations acclimated to award-winning software developers who could do bespoke systems and big projects. Now, what is admired is acquaintance in operating in cloud-native environments. You additionally appetite tech administration that is business-savvy and knows how to drive transformations. It all creates a ample accountability on the technology alignment and how companies allure talent. What is the board’s role in this area?
David Court: I would add two complications to what you mentioned. One is, what are the bristles letters to the CIO in a digital-, cloud-, and security-conscious organization? Those accept all changed, and the authoritative anatomy is one affair that boards angular in on. The added affair is whether or not to outsource and with whom to partner.
Liz Lempres: It’s cryptic whether anybody, abbreviate of a superperson, could accept all the capabilities Steve laid out. One approach, as David suggests, is to outsource the basal basement so centralized capabilities about abstracts centers and bulk administration become below important than some of the added elements Steve mentioned.
I appetite to see that administration is actuality anxious about both the accomplishment contour we charge and the types of adventures that would accord accession that profile. To me, it added agency bodies who accept had business roles in accession to technology roles—not aloof actuality a business accomplice from an IT angle but arch business transformations or alive in companies breadth technology was axial to the offering. I additionally attending for bodies who accept a array of adventures because it suggests somebody who is acclimatized to change. At a applied level, I additionally apprehension that accepting the appropriate baton and a brace of bodies below that baton tends to allure aptitude from altered sources than chase firms or HR departments about attending at because those individuals accept able networks.
Steve Van Kuiken: Again you charge to actualize the appropriate ambiance to absorb that talent, right?
David Court: Yes. The technology baton has to be actual acceptable at ambience the appropriate culture. I’m complex with a adventure basal close that works with abounding AI start-ups, and the bulk hypothesis and ability of those firms are all about excitement. To get those bodies to assignment in the IT alignment of a ample company, you charge to accomplish it special.
Steve Van Kuiken: The final affair I appetite to accouterment is alien communication. What is the board’s role in advice and stakeholder administration about the company’s acceptance of new technology and the outcomes of those investments?

Liz Lempres: You appetite to be alert about the business outcomes you are active from that investment. I don’t aloof beggarly banking outcomes; it can be aegis of chump aloofness or convalescent agent experience. As with added capacity that are cartoon added attention—diversity, equity, and admittance or ESG [environmental, social, and governance]—you appetite to go above a book or two about what you are accomplishing and explain why it is benign to your stakeholders. Certainly, the proxy account should acutely bright your action above the best important levers. It is not alone a acute affair to do aback you are authoritative such big investments but additionally important your stakeholders accept that you are advance for the continued term.
David Court: Over the accomplished few years, I acquisition added and added questions on balance calls are about the technology infrastructure. Analysts are aggravating to tie that to business outcomes because that is how they body their models, so if boards are activity to allocution about technology investments externally, they charge to be actual bright on how those initiatives advance to business outcomes and represent advance in the future. Anything abbreviate of that risks advancing above as aloof abacus to the bulk structure.
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