READER COMMENTS ON”CNN’s Nuke Bulb Photos Identical for Both Iran and N. Korea!”(158 Responses so far…)

COMMENT #1 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/14/2005 @ 3:22 am PT…
Wow. I’m sick. But I was assured it.I gave up on the media connected ago. It’s the absolute aberration of this association that is afterward this administering to its destruction.
I’m so animated you are communicable these things and advertisement them, Brad. That tempers the carelessness somewhat.From Superbowls to sitcoms to Grammys, the bodies of this country are the walking dead.Absolutely frightening. At atomic I don’t accept to absorb the money I don’t accept on some brand B abhorrence flick.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]… Winston Smith said on 2/14/2005 @ 3:27 am PT…
We are at war with Eurasia. We accept consistently been at war with Eurasia.
Your chocalate allowance has been added from 27g to 25g.
Mmmmm, Achievement Chocolate
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]… HARDWICKDEM said on 2/14/2005 @ 3:42 am PT…
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]… Fin said on 2/14/2005 @ 4:01 am PT…
If you attending absolutely anxiously at both photos you can see a absolute tiny George W. Bush giving us all the finger.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]… pat said on 2/14/2005 @ 4:53 am PT…
This is Jon Stewart’s fault. Aback he got so acknowledged everyone’s aggravating to get in on the affected account game.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]… Matthew LeFande said on 2/14/2005 @ 5:15 am PT…
Here are the two pic filenames:
Iran pic (from the Iran adventure page)
North Korea pic (from the N. Korea adventure page)
Obviously this is CNN’s screwup. No all-inclusive media cabal here, you may now abolish your tinfoil hats.
[ed note: Abounding paths to Iran and N. Korea belief removed aback it was creating odd formatting on this item. Account filenames are still accustomed above, but afterwards abounding aisle to CNN page]
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]… J. Strack said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:00 am PT…
This is not the blazon of aberration I would apprehend one of the countries bigger account countries to make. The US administering is waging an browbeating action adjoin Iran to argue that country to stop its nuclear ambitions. Am I to accept that Iran poses a bright and present crisis afterwards we acquisition out that Saddam had no weapons of accumulation abolition as our government arise to the US bodies and the apple afore the Iraq war? I acceptance I would appetite to accept affidavit this time….lots of proof. The point of this is that the affirmation of nuclear development in Iran is an acutely austere bulk that will affect accessible appraisal tremendously. Should the US access into a war with Iran adjoin such a huge country with 70 actor people, afresh the US had bigger be in crisis and able-bodied informed. Iraq has a collapsed breadth and about 25 actor people, and the US has absent over 1,400 of our sons and daughters, over 10,000 actively blood-soaked and spent hundreds of billions of dollars. Iran is a abundant bigger claiming that will accept abounding all-around after-effects as able-bodied as calm sacrifices.
How abounding bodies anticipation that Saddam had a aloft role in 9/11? A huge allotment of US citizens did. They got their account from a abrupt crack from CNN or added new organization. Beheld backdrop accept an akin bigger appulse on peoples perceptions and beliefs. They arise to us as affidavit and aback backed up by a ample account alignment such as CNN, afresh it allegation be true. Clearly, we cannot blindly chase this administrations affirmation about middle-east threats and etc. We as authentic citizens should crave affidavit afore we accomplish a accommodation about such austere matters. And we should crave not abandoned authentic advertisement by our media, we should crave a muckraker attitude, which does not abide at the present time.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]… Lori said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:23 am PT…
Forgive me, I’m at work; no time to actualize links properly.
Same image, admitting rotated, appears in Time MagazineSaturday, Mar. 08, 2003Nantanz, Iran
The afterward is the Yongbyon armpit in KoreaJan.2, 2004 18:30 KSTYongbyon, Korea
Errant advertisement by CNN. Digital Globe may accept mislabeled the ISIS’ fots, causing the confusion.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]… Lori said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:30 am PT…
Let me absolute the “Same image, admitting rotated” to “Same site, adapted perspective”. Too aboriginal in the morning and not abundant coffee.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:34 am PT…
Well, Matthew. maybe we should all aloof apprehend The Enquirer. Book names don’t acquaint us much. CNN doesn’t acquaint us much. Are you actuality to do blow control? This affectionate of affair could bulk you your job, unless you are Jeff Gannon, afresh it takes actuality addition affectionate of pimp.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:47 am PT…
I don’t anticipate Digital Globe is our friend, any added than CNN is Lori. I don’t akin assurance corporations like Alive Assets. It does accommodate creedence to the bend that the bigger an alignment gets, the added the affection and akin of account and absorption to detail drops off.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:53 am PT…
I’m not abashed by annihilation the MSM does anymore? Ambition I could bulk out what it is about this Bush assemblage that makes them appetite to abatement all over his crazy assertions.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]… benjoya said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:32 am PT…
so the declared “iranian” reactor is a korean reactor – an innocent mistake, i’m sure. it’s not like there’s some, er, cabal to accomplish us anticipate iran is added of a blackmail afresh they absolutely are and get us into an accidental war. account what affectionate of idiot would buy that?
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]… Hector said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:39 am PT…
How do we accomplish this bits hit the boilerplate media fan?How connected will it be afore we can alarm for allegation proceedings?
Nice work. And acknowledgment for sharing!
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]… Art said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:41 am PT…
“Calling Colin Powell, Calling Colin Powell. Your shirts with the CNN logo are ready”
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]… Enterik said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:47 am PT…
Regarding the links at CNN that accept to accept been an absurdity at CNN aback files are labeled the aforementioned but in adapted directories…
…It could be reality, it could be believable deniability, it could be attendant ass-covering
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]… nattydreds said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:50 am PT…
I would like to accept that this is aloof a aberration on CNN’s part. Addition affective the amiss photo. But this brings up the question, is that “nuclear facility” absolutely in either of those countries? Conceivably it’s absolutely in, oh I don’t know, Montana and they “accidentaly” acclimated it for Iran, and “accidentaly” acclimated it afresh for Arctic Korea.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]… jri said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:54 am PT…
I don’t anticipate that photo is Yonbyon.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]… Disintegrator said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:54 am PT…
I disagree with Brad’s abstracts about the agent of the photos; but to me, that altercation isn’t absolutely accordant to the discussion.
No bulk breadth the photos came from, CNN has an obligation as a account breach to verify that the advice (and images) that it provides to its readers are accurate. This agency blockage to accomplish abiding that some staffer didn’t accomplish an innocent mistake, as able-bodied as blockage to accomplish abiding that the advice actuality provided to them isn’t advisedly false.
No bulk what your opinions on this authentic adventure (government cabal or CNN foul-up), it reflects ailing on CNN.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]… Minuteman said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:55 am PT…
CNN can consistently pretend that mistakes were made. The absolute catechism is why they are appearance up the alarming account that these dangers are looming. They are arena out of the Bush administering playbook. The blow of an absolute media in the US is criminal, and democracies cannot survive the blow of absolute sources of truth.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]… jri said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:55 am PT…
I don’t anticipate that photo is Yonbyon.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]… colin powell said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:56 am PT…
those photos are incontrevertable affidavit that we accept to access iraq this instant!
iran, i beggarly iran.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]… Winter Patriot said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:04 am PT…
in animadversion #19, Disintegrator wrote: “I disagree with Brad’s abstracts about the agent of the photos…”
Please calendar that Brad did not accompaniment any cessation about the agent of the photos. He artlessly asked a few questions about it.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]… Brooklyn Girl said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:08 am PT…
Perfect! Is Colin Powell in the house?
“BTW, jes’ my opinion, but I acquisition that spinning badge ablaze abutting to this adventure absolutely confusing … “
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]… blowback said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:15 am PT…
None of you get it! A Q Khan awash affairs for a nuclear bulb to both Iran and Arctic Korea, so it is hardly hasty that they attending identical. I am abiding if CNN looked anxiously abundant they could arise up with an identical photo for nuclear plants in Syria and Venezuela as well.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]… Kerry won! said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:40 am PT…
I like to accord the Son-of-a-Bush a hug…In his bastille cell!
BTW, Papa Bush hjelped annihilate JFK.
Dude, where’s my country???
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]… CNN Sucks said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:50 am PT…
I accede that the media has absolutely gone to SHIT lately, but adage that Bush had a duke in it is stupid. CNN, forth with best all added aloft account outlets (Fox Account too!), are absolutely retarded. Their candor is absolutely gone… Who saw that adventure they aired about the “captured US soldier” that was absolutely a TOY?!? I mean, angelic SHIT, that was the best antic account ever…
My point? The Bush administering has NOTHING to do with this…although I absolutely ambition Dubya did… Dammit, why did the autonomous affair accept to accomplish such an asshat like Kerry their candidate! Arghhh! Now we accept 4 added years of WarMongerMonkeyMan…….. we’re fucked
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:51 am PT…
Just watch Articulation TV and accept to Air America until these abhorrent “media” stables get mucked out…
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]… Ace Pumpkin said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:55 am PT…
photo’s afflicted now, if you are apropos to the photo in the “Timeline: N. Korea nuclear dispute”.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:13 am PT…
This aloof in. Instead of sitting bottomward and talking with Arctic Korea as requested Bush and his assemblage of thugs are aback to their old tricks absent up agency to force them to do what they want. Not a agent in the lot.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]… jeff said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:19 am PT…
Comment #27: It wasn’t the Democrats who fabricated Kerry, it was… THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA! The GOP WANTED to run aginst Kerry. How do I apperceive this? Granted, it’s a anticipation but try and bethink during the primaries, the states aback east voted aboriginal and for the absolute anniversary afore and during all we heard about was how Deam was alarming it and how Kerry was affairs a suprise victory. No bulk what approach I watch, the advice I get from my TV is all the same; fiction.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]… eek said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:29 am PT…
CNN apparently re-labels all images they are provided so as to attach to their own filing systemThe book names you showed up there don’t accord you advice about their origins.
Moreover, akin if it is a cock-up, active the aforementioned pix by mistake, the actuality charcoal that addition told them to run nuke-plant images “from” both countries.
In added words, there should be a new, adapted photo in abode of the mistaken dupe.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]… Brian Siano said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:36 am PT…
It appears that CNN got its photos from the Isis-Online website ( Over there, they don’t accept to accept bifold the pics– their pictures of the Arctic Korean and Iran sites are absolute different.
Right now, I’m activity with the approach that some cartoon actuality at CNN busted up. They’ve removed the account from the Arctic Korea story.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]… Aaron said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:38 am PT…
CNN afflicted the NK page. Now its got a pic of Glorious leader.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:38 am PT…
I doubtable that there may be movements aural the MSM to arise out of the closet. To get out of bed with the admin and stop the journalistic fornication.
They may apprehend they accept journalistic STD’s, however, they may not accept what it takes to accept it, get advice (e.g. from blogs like this), and move on into absolute and advantageous journalism.
But I acerb doubtable as able-bodied that there are adverse armament aural the MSM who led them into bed with the admin who like it coiled like that. They may be alienated the accomplishment to get bankrupt up.
Come on MSM reporters, become blare blowers. Let your acrimony at the hypocracy, affected policies, and blow to the profession bang you free.
Get out into the fresh, bright air … and as Brad has said, accomplish the accurateness fun again.
If you do we are all actuality for you! And if you don’t we will be actuality adjoin you.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]… Charlie L said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:43 am PT…
The authentic ability in 1984 wasn’t that they aria — all backbreaking regimes do that — it was that they CHANGED HISTORY as they went forth to adapt things so that it didn’t akin attending like they lied.
Like how we went to war in Iraq to get rid of Saddam and accord them Democracy, rather than to get rid of WMDs and abstain a “mushroom cloud.”
Like how the Medicare bill was ALWAYS activity to bulk a Trillion dollars, rather than the 400Billion promised on the connected night aback they awash it through.
Like how we consistently knew the war was activity to be boxy activity and booty ten years and bulk 500Billion, rather than how we were activity to be “greeted in the streets as liberators with flowers and hugs” and be out of there in “two years maximum” and how it was abandoned activity to bulk 80Billion (if that) and conceivably akin be “self financing.”
It’s not the lying I hate, it’s the revisionism.
Remember the mantra… echo it to anybody you know:
Republicans lie and our kids die.Republicans abduct and accord to their affluent friends.Republicans bluff honest Americans and get away with it.Republicans accept to be swept out in 2006.
It’s simple. It’s to-the-point. It’s true. It’s our abandoned hope.
Americans allegation “scream for Democracy.”
Charlie LPortland, Oregon
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]… Cy_Guy said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:44 am PT…
CNN is active s adapted pic with a timeline aftereffect blazon adventure on the NK Nukes LINK
Which I accept is added acceptance that the pic they bamboozled was declared to be with the Iraq adventure as MATTHEW LeFANDE believability out above.
However, I anticipate it’s acrid that the Iran adventure absolutely says that the Iranian nucular activities are absolutely underground.
What we accept to rememeber in all this is that Iran does accept the appropriate to accomplish a nuke bulb – it’s abandoned application the bulb to aftermath fissionable absolute that is in abuse of treaties. The accomplished use of a any pic of any nucular ability is a aberration unless accessory adumbration is so acceptable as to appearance absolute accord violations – which of advance they don’t – and if they did – Israel would acceptable booty out the bulb themselves as they did in Iraq.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]… molly said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:01 am PT…
I anticipate Jeff Gannon got advice from Karl Rove. see Mike Rupert’s 12/05/03 piece, Washington is talking about the affinity amid J.E. Hoover and Karl. I’ll bet the accomplished W.H. columnist body knows. Shows they are sitting on it, not aloof lax. Irony of ironies bloggers apparent this advice appropriate out from a allowance abounding of declared journalists.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]… Peggy said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:11 am PT…
According to two or three accessories at yesterday’s site, it’s acceptable DUMYA can’t, or Assembly won’t, aggregation abundant soldiers or money to advance either Iran or N. Korea. He’s absolute all the “budgets”. He has no added “credibility” with Europe or China or Russia (or anyone away alfresco the U.S.A., for that matter). I anticipate these three parties will ensure DUMYA and America don’t accept any added “war parties” abroad. DUMYA and his administering can shoot all the hot air they want, application CNN and the MSM. The abandoned ones who accept him are “faith-based” Americans, as in no adequacy for analytical or rational thinking. DUMYA may try to get Israel’s Sharon to advance Iran. But is Sharon stupid??? So far, I don’t anticipate so.
As for the media, they’re a absolutely addled lot. It’s not account – it’s entertainment, announcement and propaganda. It’s time that all of America knows this.
P.S. I abandoned like the spinning badge lights!!!! Emergency, Emergency, Emergency, calling any and all thinking, caring bodies to attention! We accept addition abeyant F..K up here!
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]… supersoling said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:11 am PT…
This morning I was alert to NPR’s Morning Edition, and I apperceive they’ve been aptitude added and added to the appropriate lately, but didn’t apprehend how far.
The accountable was missile defense, and whether or not it works. The apostle they had on was acutely a rethug because his appraisal was that, all in all, it was a acceptable system. We apperceive this is bullshit, but NPR didn’t action a differing opinion. This is bad enough, but what absolutely austere my hindparts was how the apostle acclimated Iran and Arctic Korea as his abstract threat. This is how he said it, admitting not a quote, ‘if we had acceptance missiles, let’s suppose….Iranian or Arctic Korean’……….

You know….. I apprehend this on RWCM stations, but not on NPR! It’s bad, absolute bad. They didn’t skip a beat. Gonna accomplish a complaint, as I’m abiding abounding will. It was so blatant.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]… supersoling said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:14 am PT…
Molly #38
“press corpse”Nice:)
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]… supersoling said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:33 am PT…
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]… Rei said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:37 am PT…
While some of this has been said before, here’s my two cents:
That’s not Yongbyon at all. Here’s Yongbyon – calendar that it looks annihilation like the account (including the surrounding terrain):http://www.globalsecurit…prk/yongbyon-imagery.htm
It’s absolutely the Natanz facility, in Iran:…s/images/iran/natanz.JPGhttp://www.isis-online.o…ns/iran/natanz03_02.html…D/meast/09/15/iran.iaea/(etc)
Just do a google angel chase for “Natanz” and a chase for “Yongbyon” – essentilly every Natanz angel looks like the above, while every Yongbyon angel doesn’t.
The funny thing? It’s not a “suspected site” – it’s a declared site. How impaired of CNN to pretend that it’s commodity insidious, aback Iran arrive the IAEA there to analysis it out. Heck, how could CNN balloon about the armpit – it was the antecedent of altercation aback HEU was begin by the IAEA (for which the Bush administering jumped all over Iran), which was afresh afterwards bent to accept been contagion from aback the accessories was in Russia. Afterwards the affair was resolved, the IAEA assured “The Agency has connected to backpack out analysis activities with account to the abeyance of accessory and reprocessing accompanying activities at TNRC, Lashkar Ab’ad, Arak, Kalaye Electric Company workshop, Natanz and UCF, and has not empiric to date any activities at those locations inconsistent with Iran’s autonomous undertaking.”
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]… manowar said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:54 am PT…
For what it’s worth, while I anticipate anticipate this is a poor aberration by a arresting media organization, I don’t anticipate CNN considers it one nor of abundant abundant concern.
Obviously, what happened is that there were no existant or accessible photos of the one armpit and the producer/graphics bodies aloof photo-shoped the added armpit as a substitute. “Hey, don’t all nuclear accessories attending akin from the air?”:) The angel is not meant to be absolute as abundant as accommodate ambience for the article.
How abounding times accept you apparent war advertisement on CNN televsion of either afresh instances of the aforementioned firefights with the aforementioned blood-soaked soldier battlefront aback or bigger yet, advertisement on American troops aback obviously, the helmets announce that they are British soldiers.
Now, if (and I don’t anticipate this is the case) the images were government supplied, afresh I would be absolutely worried.
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]… Sean said on 2/14/2005 @ 11:07 am PT…
It appears that CNN has adapted the error.
I contacted them via their website allurement for an explanation. I animate others to do so also
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]… John Ashcroft said on 2/14/2005 @ 11:17 am PT…
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]… Cole… said on 2/14/2005 @ 11:50 am PT…
Get Dan Rather on this !!!
Irrevocably absolute advertisement needed. Now!
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]… Bob said on 2/14/2005 @ 12:22 pm PT…
CNN has acquaint a correction. Media outlets accomplish misstakes every day, and they frequently absolute the mistakes, clashing abstract blogs and their agitated readers.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/14/2005 @ 12:52 pm PT…
Hey, didn’t Bill and Hillary annihilate Vince Foster? Oops! Amiss blog, I anticipation I was at Chargeless Republic or Little Green Snotballs. It seems we accept a few visitors from beyond the way, lurking. Here’s a authentic allotment I begin over at Adverse Punch by Paul Craig Roberts (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administering and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal beat folio and Contributing Editor of Civic Review). I bet he won’t be arrive aback to the White Abode any time soon.
As Things Abatement Apart, Lie and Lie AgainNothing to Fear But Bush Himself
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]… Larry Trask said on 2/14/2005 @ 12:55 pm PT…
In your agreeable post, you accommodate the following:
“All of which begs at atomic these questions:”
The byword “begs the question” does not beggarly “raises the question” or “suggests the question”. The byword “begs the question” refers to a analytic aberration in which one assumes the absolute affair one sets out to prove. In added words, the cessation assumes one or added of the premises. The latin name for the aberration is ‘petitio principii’.
Thank you for your post. This is a quibble, obviously, but able acceptance of the English accent helps authorize credibility.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:09 pm PT…
Trolls you should apperceive that it was not CNN that apparent the error. It was a blog. CNN in its MSM way is reactionary and reacted.
That is all they know. And it brought you guys actuality to busy with your beauteous argumentation and wisdom.
When is CNN absolutely not amiss aback it is wrong? Aback a blog believability out a “mistake”.
This tells you acquainted because aback you already apperceive it all you cannot be told anything, abnormally the obvious.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:10 pm PT…
CNN Sucks animadversion #27 and Jeff animadversion #31:I don’t anticipate you could allocate John Kerry as a moron. He may accept the allure of a asleep chicken, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Hitler was abundantly charismatic. So was Rasputin. I could go on, and claiming you to try it for yourself. Anticipate of all the best abundantly absorbing bodies that you apperceive of and 75% of them, maybe more, will not be addition you’d appetite as a president. Allure is not all it’s absurd up to be, and George isn’t absolutely absorbing himself. I’d apprehend the commodity I acquaint above, attending who is autograph it, and calling them all morons. You accept been watching the MSM too long.
“What do you do when, instead of actuality greeted with flowers, you acquisition your army is angry bottomward by insurgents and you accept no face-saving way to get out of the morass? If you are the arrested Bush administration, you accusation addition else.
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Cheney and Bush accusation Syria and Iran for the troubles that they brought aloft themselves. The Iraqi insurgency, say the Five Morons, is the accountability of Syria and Iran.”
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:26 pm PT…
The best important point is we apperceive how far they will go to advance the agenda, including murder. So far we actuality accept able too abundant harm, but the petential is there for all of us. It is absolutely capital that we are acute and badge all of their actions. Annihilation is trivial, akin if in retrospect, an blow turns out to be almost harmless.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:28 pm PT…
Thank You, Larry, for that clarification. Acceptable acceptance and akin acceptation generally change over time, because accent is a active and evolving affair that refuses to become adamantine and inelastic, abundant to the alarm of the lexicographer, the grammarian and the pedant, and ain’t it admirable that it do? Fo’ shizzle! I’m absorbed on ebonics myself. Anytime apprehend apprehend Bill Bryon’s book, The Mother Tongue? Fascinating and absolute funny.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]… Hairy said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:30 pm PT…
Get a life! I anticipate you’re the one who is arena the amateur here!
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]… des said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:48 pm PT…
apparently Bob (#48) doesn’t anticipate accurateness is important. maybe he is so acclimatized to bedraggled advertisement that he aloof don’t apprehension anymore. a blooper here, a blooper there, it’s all absolute innocent, annihilation to see here…..
i, too, anticipation the accompanying photos were apparently aloof an honest mistake, or sadly, added awkward journalism. but that’s not the point.
what added mistakes accept been fabricated that haven’t been caughtt? if we don’t pay absorption and allege up, we deserve the awkward journalism that we “enjoy” today.
I am no best absorbed to accord *anyone* a canyon aback the war in Iraq has been waged on apocryphal affirmation and apocryphal pretenses. i don’t anticipate we can’t allow to be so acquiescent aback there are bags of lives at stake. well, maybe you can, but i debris to do so.
who watches the watchers?
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:53 pm PT…
I am SICK of surgically altered, starved, albino blonde, corrective faced robots actuality purveyors of the truth.
Please adapt the amiss ‘e’ in abeyant with this’o’. It’s been aggravation me. Thanks.
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/14/2005 @ 1:59 pm PT…
Well I apprehension a lot of “petitio principiis” in the alleged goddamned facts the media is spewing!
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]… zleeper said on 2/14/2005 @ 2:07 pm PT…
It doesn’t bulk WHO the Dems had as their candidate. THE FUCKING SCUMBAG TRAITOR FUCKS (Read Refuckikkkans) STOLE THE ELECTION!We could accept had Jesus on the acceptance and Goebbels Rove would accept blanket the elction anyway.You don’t get it. DON’T BLAME ANYONE EXCEPT DICKHEAD HIMSELF. I AM SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECY LYNCHING TREE AND A ROPE TO HANG THE FUCKING TRAITOROUS CUNT FUCK.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/14/2005 @ 2:08 pm PT…
Darned right, Teresa! That’s ALL they do: alpha with an acceptance instead of a catechism and beating it until it appears to be fact.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]… Dean said on 2/14/2005 @ 2:22 pm PT…
We don’t accept a account media we can trust.Their all bought and paid for.Thanks for putting this up.
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/14/2005 @ 2:34 pm PT…
LGM #49 –
Great link! Acknowledgment so much…
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]… Rick said on 2/14/2005 @ 3:57 pm PT…
Don’t let the freepers abduct the facts, as baby as they are. Don’t let them abduct your feelings, either. It’s no baby actuality that ‘this’ adventure brings them out actuality on Bradblog.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]… Me said on 2/14/2005 @ 4:52 pm PT…
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/14/2005 @ 5:14 pm PT…
I accept witnessed abounding times a photo in the MSM actuality acclimated for several things different to the account account at hand.
My approach on it, like in this case, it that they accept a very, absolute low appraisal of their viewership and/or readership.
I anticipate it is the old cerebral action breadth an abandoned could not possibly account anyone that accustomed them as they are.
The MSM apparently has an “I suck” mentality and authority in antipathy and derision their admirers for not acumen it.
“Anyone who would accept this bu$shit is a dork” is acceptable their centermost essence.
We gotta accompany these neohumans out of the freaking closet and into our apple breadth the accurateness is fun and facts and candor are the foundation of journalism.
I don’t accord a bits if a bad address is accustomed by a gay, bi, a whore, yo mamma, or beeline … aback the “reporter” sucks they suck.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]… jamie said on 2/14/2005 @ 5:14 pm PT…
Uh… the adapted photo looks like a breadth of the aforementioned picture, about a third from the basal on the larboard duke side. Possibly with some detail removed to attending like snow, and absolutely continued to abstruse surrounding area. I’m no expert, but attractive at the ambit of the road, it seems the same. I additionally ability be accepting paranoid, what with this chilling Gannon apparatchik actuality and all.
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]… Peggy said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:17 pm PT…
Oh, Dredd – I’m such a big fan of yours…and LGM…and go get ’em Zleeper…those Repubs. are sooooo weeeaaakk in the arch and heart. I’m a huge fan of accurateness teamed with ethics. This aggregate seems abundant too attenuate these days. The trolls haven’t got the faintest adventitious of candidly acceptable a agitation adjoin you guys.
Hi, Teresa – I will be attractive up “petitio principiis” to acquisition out absolutely what it means, but, meanwhile, the “piis” allotment sounds accustomed – so I say “piss” on the all the lying hypocrites in the MSM and the White House.
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]… Salome said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:31 pm PT…
ich ford’re den kopf des Bus*!
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]… Don Martin said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:33 pm PT…
Good bolt on the pictures. Too bad CNN didn’t bolt it, but don’t adjudge the association because an editor or web ambassador busted up.
Your editor, for example, should accept adapted this usage: “All of which begs at atomic these questions”
You beggarly “raises at atomic these questions.”
To beg a catechism is to accept the acknowledgment to a catechism you haven’t absolutely raised. It’s a analytic fallacy. The byword has been abundant abused of late, but shouldn’t be; we allegation it to call the fallacy, which is active all too often.
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]… Don Martin said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:33 pm PT…
Good bolt on the pictures. Too bad CNN didn’t bolt it, but don’t adjudge the association because an editor or web ambassador busted up.
Your editor, for example, should accept adapted this usage: “All of which begs at atomic these questions”
You beggarly “raises at atomic these questions.”
To beg a catechism is to accept the acknowledgment to a catechism you haven’t absolutely raised. It’s a analytic fallacy. The byword has been abundant abused of late, but shouldn’t be; we allegation it to call the fallacy, which is active all too often.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:54 pm PT…
Who let the dogs out? And why are they blind about actuality tonight?
Yo dog! Lar #50 – ya beggarly if we don’t allocution appropriate what we say don’t beggarly nothing, eh?
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]… Peggy said on 2/14/2005 @ 6:58 pm PT…
Don Martin #69 & #70 – it’s adverse that you accept to abide on trivia, aback the MSM has an “obligation” to accurately address the facts and not mislead or act as the White Abode advertising machine. “Simple mistakes” by the MSM bulk to “misinformation” which is difficult to absolute already it’s out there.
If you accept apprehend all of the aloft posts, the referenced sites, and added reportings available, afresh the photo and adventure cannot be anesthetized off as a “simple mistake. Conceivably the White Abode and the MSM advertising apparatus fabricated a “simple mistake” aback it claimed there were WMD’s in Iraq and showed us photos of “portable labs” and answer an actionable war. Yes, we can achieve that it was all aloof an “simple mistake”. It eases the apperception and relieves us all of albatross for our “simple mistakes”.
“Simple mistakes” or “misinformation” are not an advantage aback you are ambidextrous with the lives and abundance of millions of people. What this “simple mistake” is arch us arise is added aggressive assailment based on “misinformation”. Sorry, I acceptance I don’t accede with you on this one.
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]… Carl Wernerhoff said on 2/14/2005 @ 7:58 pm PT…
Can we accept that the photo is akin of a area in Arctic Korea? Accustomed this administration’s almanac of lying, I wouldn’t accept a thing.
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:02 pm PT…
Peggy said…..
“Simple mistakes” or “misinformation” are not an advantage aback you are ambidextrous with the lives and abundance of millions of people. What this “simple mistake” is arch us arise is added aggressive assailment based on “misinformation”. Sorry, I acceptance I don’t accede with you on this one.
Asolutely.The point is, they are actuality paid huge sums of money to do a job. And they are accomplishing an amateurish, absolute botching of absoluteness job. Each little lie is set up like dominoes, until they all are set into motion to actualize a blow for the American people.
We are the targets and we are amenable for angry this. We allegation to shoot bottomward every lie we can, big or small, until the force of action wears them out and overwhelms them, apprehension them impotent. We accept an abnormally adamantine job in that we accept to accomplish up for all the academician asleep bodies who are a allotment of this and don’t care. (yet).
Peggy, analysis out Larry Trask #50 for a abundant account of petitio principii.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:13 pm PT…
I do accept this ability be advancing bottomward to apperception control, as the bigger issue… a action of the wits. Maybe we can bulk out new agency to get our bulletin through, with focus and funding, and the alliance of talent.
I noticed an absorbing affair today. Randi Rhodes is off for awhile on Air America, and they chose Mike Malloy to adapt her on Mondays. As you apparently know, he is outrageous, HIGHLY inflammatory, and acutely rebellious. To put him on astern afternoon drive time radio ability be significant. It can’t be aloof ratings. They usually accept him on late, so as not to account trouble.I apperceive a lot of new bodies were apparent to the bulletin today.
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]… Elliott said on 2/14/2005 @ 8:23 pm PT…
Perspective is key actuality – if you attending at the adapted photo, that absolutely IS Arctic Korea, you can see that it’s at a abundant added angled bend than the bifold Iran photo. This is acceptable because the photos were taken from a accessory orbiting aloft the equator, which would attending bottomward abundant added anon on Iran than on NK. Any austere advance at misinformation would be a little added sophisticated, I think.
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]… anne onymous said on 2/14/2005 @ 9:13 pm PT…
I’m a bright artist and generally times aback I am alive on a new job, until i accept a final image, I will aloof grab the arrangement from a above job and resize it. Apparently aloof change a bit of the archetype as well. afresh aback I get the absolute final angel I bead it in as one of the aftermost things I do on the project.
All this shows is the added analysis of web based media outlets hasn’t translated into added pay for web monkeys. The 22 year old who was in allegation of alteration those photos was apparently aggravating to leave aboriginal and abandoned the ball.
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:21 pm PT…
I’m abashed that some of the pedants, (not the aforementioned as pedophiles) and grammarians haven’t provided an archetype of “question begging” but they may abandoned apperceive the latin, petitio principii. I apperceive a little latin, too. His name is Raoul. That’s a joke. I adopt the appellation annular acumen because it is appealing bright that’s what it is. It is not the aforementioned as bombastic reasoning, but they will both accomplish your arch circuit like Linda Blair in The Exorcist if you are not careful.
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]… Fred said on 2/14/2005 @ 10:54 pm PT…
That’s it. I’m absorbed on blogs.

I heard several (both advanced and con) allocution appearance hosts today aggravating to discredit “bloggers”. Yeah, sure, if bloggers get it wrong, they don’t get fired, BUT if a blogger gets it amiss too generally no one will apprehend her/his site. INFOECONOMICS.
Also, accepting it “wrong” doesn’t accept to be accepting anyone in the Controlling Branch fired, does it?
Blog hard, blog often.
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]… secretmojo said on 2/14/2005 @ 11:12 pm PT…
Sorry. “Honest Mistake” doesn’t ablution here. A absolute actuality had to draft this footage. If affective from a “stock” pile, they around knew it was the Iran footage and arise anyway. If it were handed to them by a government official, they allegation accept been falsely told “This is from Korea.”
In the former, it proves that CNN aloof doesn’t accord a applesauce about accuracy, and are added anxious about amphitheater than reporting.
In the latter, it proves that CNN now functions as a newsletter for the guys in power, akin if they adjure they are not.
In both cases, with commodity as austere as nuclear war, it proves that CNN is incompetent, a alarming accountability to Americans, and an accessible aqueduct for lies.
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/14/2005 @ 11:13 pm PT…
There are a brace of “insufferables” here, and I too arise to be abstruse aback it comes to argumentation and usage.
There is a “B” and a “Don” who accept to advance that classical articulate “correctness” is agnate to amount and truth. I say to them, “Do not criticize if you cannot surpass.” B and Don – if your absolute ability is in the advancement of anatomy rather than meaning, you accept defeated your own (logical) ends.
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]… Arranhado said on 2/15/2005 @ 2:11 am PT…
Wake Up Bodies of Affiliated States of America !
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]… Pedro said on 2/15/2005 @ 2:16 am PT…
Hugo Chavez – venesuala’s admiral alleged USA a agitator state. And i allotment that view.
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]… Bia Winter said on 2/15/2005 @ 3:33 am PT…
Nothing surprises me anymore breadth this assemblage is anxious (Bush, OR CNN!) I abhorrence to say it, but aback I saw the the bang in Lebanon yesterday, forth with the absolute intoning of accusation on Syria for this (another Bush target: How CONVENIENT!) my aboriginal anticipation was, Bush’s guys did it, both to abet noncombatant agitation there to be taken advantage of and to lay the arena assignment for address to access Syria bottomward the line! I anticipation some of those bombs in Iraqui markets and mosques had that aforementioned origin, as able-bodied as the auberge bombing of adopted journalists, appropriate NEXT TO the beyond one with the American imbedded ones.. Alarm me a cynic, but I’ve been calling these things for over thirty years now (JFK’s murder, Iran Contra, October Surprise, baseborn 2000 election, and Neocon captivation in 9/11) …and I haven’t been wronge YET!
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]… Paul said on 2/15/2005 @ 4:09 am PT…
Pictures are all able-bodied and good, but how do I apperceive any of them are of a nuclear plant?
There is around no ambience provided in the “correction” photo. It could be an appointment architecture in Michigan.
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/15/2005 @ 5:52 am PT…
Good point Paul #87.
It makes one admiration how the CIA association handles them.
The accepted photo was not bent by MSM professionals, so it may be that central the CIA breadth they advance on such photos, the aforementioned affair happens from time to time.
There has been a bend that “group think” has taken over the government.
There has been criticism of that accumulation anticipate and there has been account of it via the bend of a aberrant abstraction of “patriotism”.
The 911 agency envisioned a apparatus which is said to accept led to the development of behavior that accept inherent criticism entities in the CIA. MSM is declared to accept that too. So is congress. So should abandoned americans.
I beggarly one accumulation is to be the “here is the way it is” while addition accumulation is to be the “no it isn’t, it’s like this”.
This is said to advance a added authentic account of the absolute apple at the point of focus.
While I accede that a pro and con blazon of address will in accepted tend to ask added questions about a subject, and aftermath added of a 3-D reality, it is not perfect.
The axiological accurateness of arguments pro and con both depend on adjacency to the basal facts. Stray for any acumen and the account distorts no bulk if one is arguing pro or con.
We actuality at this blog accept a axiological assumption that the MSM should be analytical of the admin specifically, and the greater government in general.
We apostle the bend that our civic DNA has been afflicted by a MSM that is not arena the antipode role (being apprehensive of power), but instead is in bed with (embedded) ability and is agreeable to activity any and all visions the admin sends them.
We anticipate this is the botheration the 911 agency envisioned aback it declared some of the affection aback it criticized the pre-911 CIA.
While I do not accord the 911 address acceptable marks for the basal absolute book it depicted, I do accord the abstraction of seperation of admiral acceptable marks, and I apostle that it allegation be activated to the MSM and the government.
They allegation beddy-bye in seperate beds and accept a appearance of absoluteness based aloft what they discover, not what they are told by the government.
And as your criticism notes, the MSM needs some centralized criticism so it does not accede one “picture” to fit all locations.
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]… badnewswade said on 2/15/2005 @ 6:04 am PT…
It’s a blood-soaked aberration you tinfoil-headed twits!
Actually, the arch of CNN has aloof been accursed for saying, in a clandestine meeting, that that the US aggressive has advisedly asleep jounalists in Iraq.
Apparently freep bloggers generated abundant of an “outrage” to bulk this man his job, artlessly for aggravating to avert his advisers adjoin the blow of actuality killed!
Not abundant of a Accompaniment stooge then.
Check the Freeps’ crowing rants over the atrophy of the aberrant CNN exec here:…[email protected]/279
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]… DaWookie said on 2/15/2005 @ 6:16 am PT…
To all those who affirmation an honest mistake, I say this: How is it that these “mistakes” like “election irregularities” abandoned arise to favour the administration?
When Dan Rather fabricated a “mistake”, he was hounded out of his job with abandoned the best apathetic “investigation” actuality done, yet aback CNN makes a “mistake”, NOTHING IS DONE – no acceptance of error, nada, nix, nowt.
Sorry, I don’t buy the “mistake” babble for a second.
To the Pro/Am linguist army I say, if you don’t like the book architecture here, go achieve else. As connected as the advice presented is absolute and the acumen based on it holds up to scrutiny, the casual grammatical faux pas is inconsequential (as connected as the bulletin doesn’t get corrupted). Here, we amount the message, akin if it comes with some piss-smellings.:P
Keep the acceptance siblings.
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/15/2005 @ 7:25 am PT…
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]… Dave said on 2/15/2005 @ 7:34 am PT…
This behaviour fits able-bodied aural the operational ambit of the storytellers hyping up yet addition conflict.
The reactor in Iran is still beneath construction, so a photo of a accomplished commodity was bare to concoct the coercion of the matter, appropriately the photo of N Korean reactor gets borrowed!
As for Kay, his accreditation from Iraq inspections angle attestant for us all. Kay knew there were no weapons in Iraq forth with the draft of warmongers aback 1992 onwards, but to get his anniversary million-dollar pay cheque, went on to aftermath the affectionate of ambiguous letters that the necons, and warmongers admired for.
During his account on CNN, Kay pontificated that for the accomplished 18 years Iranians through deception, accept hid their nuclear activities from the all-embracing association (does it not complete familiar?)!!!
Anyone who can be agitated to apprehend the NPT, will realise that the accord sates until such time there is no uranium alien into any bulb there is no allegation for any declarations of any kind. Although abnormally all the billion dollar accessory technologies alignment from the archaic camera blazon to constructed breach arena biting alarm able ones, accept bootless to see the adhesive blocks actuality erected. As able-bodied as all those advantageous analysts analysing the abstracts from such accessories falling into accumulation anticipate allurement accept analysed these adhesive blocks as a admirable abbey accepting built!!
http://www.thisislondon….ource=Evening Standard…ge=story_15-2-2005_pg4_2
Nonetheless the advertising goes, on aback as anytime there is no allegation for blockage the accuracy of any belief that the hire an able mob arise out with, as able-bodied as the abashed reporters activity shy to catechism the candor of the administrator in chief, and his neocon posse!
Finally although the oil is active out, and Kiribas Islands are drowning, but there is no allegation to go nuclear, afterwards all what are the oil companies to do to get their billions of profits? Anyhow aback the history is apprehend (if there is anyone larboard to apprehend it) Dubya would accept been connected gone, as he keeps cogent Woodward and everybody else!
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]… kelley b. said on 2/15/2005 @ 7:39 am PT…
Nice catch, Brad.Oh: honest aberration my ass!
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]… hclsmith said on 2/15/2005 @ 7:40 am PT…
the first-mentioned CNN folio now says
An beforehand adaptation of this commodity included an angel that was afield articular as an aeriform photograph of Arctic Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear plant. The photo was absolutely a bartering accessory photo of a nuclear ability abreast Natanz, Iran.
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 7:43 am PT…
Right on Bia Winter #86!That’s what I anticipation aback I heard the news! My god we’re accepting contemptuous and suspicious. How sad for us, but akin sadder for those who are actuality manipulated and don’t akin apperceive it.
DaWookie aloof for you (you rock!):
COMMENT #94 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 8:18 am PT…
COMMENT #95 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 8:28 am PT…
COMMENT #96 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 9:12 am PT…
Back to the altercation of not advantageous assets taxes to pay for war, I begin this rather absorbing article. Anyone apperceive annihilation about it?
COMMENT #97 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/15/2005 @ 9:17 am PT…
I am abundantly abashed that Paul allegedly recognizes the apologue depicted in this thread, and generates criticism breadth it is due (see animadversion #87).
I acclaim him for his bright headedness and accomplish some references to the apologue and its connected implications to, for example, the CIA (comment #88).
I am clumsily abashed at the cluelessness of Cole #47, Bob #48, Hairy #55, Don Martin #69-70, and BadNewsWade #89, as compared to those who acicular out that we are talking about advertisement aural a Apple War III abeyant ambience here.
Two nations who accept been threatened who accept vowed to rain blaze from the sky and actualize hell on apple if attacked.
To handle this in a ho hum Gannon allege address is alarming and sends the amiss message.
Walking on eggs to be authentic is a bigger acute than the acute of alleviative blunder on abundant affairs as if that blunder was required.
COMMENT #98 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 9:54 am PT…
COMMENT #99 [Permalink]… Soroush said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:07 am PT…
Fact of the bulk is that as connected as the peoples in these countries don’t try to apprentice a added pluralistic culture, they’ll abide to face absolutism from aural as able-bodied as through foreigners (who assignment like scavangers)!
COMMENT #100 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:13 am PT…
COMMENT #101 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:33 am PT…
BadNewsWade #89 exemplifies some of the blow that group-think does.
First it moves away from the facts via a abstraction that “loosely administration the facts is expected”. It is acceptable abundant for gummit assignment s/he opines.
S/He says the CNN guy was “fired” missing the actuality that he “resigned”. Those who abstraction law apperceive that there is a aloft difference.
There is consistently the hypocrit gene in group-think, it seems, and this time it is alleged a “bloody misprint”. Yea, the adventure is about abundant blood. Nukes and abundant claret go calm like group-think and death.
So a adventure that involves a ambience of nuclear war and millions of deaths allegation not be handled like a aboriginal dog adventure (was it absolutely the account of Aboriginal Dog or aloof one of creamy bottomward at a ranch?), but that is all comsumed and puked out about with a ablution “just a misprint” statement.
This leads melodiously, I am abiding BadNewsWade would group-think, to “that that the US aggressive has advisedly asleep jounalists in Iraq” … aback the absolute actuality is that the account was that they were “targeted”. Targeted does not beggarly “killed”.
Hell there is no reasonable agnosticism that americans are “targeted” to accumulate to the adventure facts, and akin “killed” to go with this group-think extension, by what is alleged “friendly fire”. Apprehend about it all the time (when it is not abreast an election).
The aggressive targets its own and kills them. Those are for absolute facts. It could arise to those they don’t beddy-bye with too ya know.
But I will accept the best for this group-think canvass and accept mens rea was allotment of the bond foundation aloft which this bluster was based.
That is, the rantor #89 meant to say that the CNN dude said and meant that the aggressive carefully murdered some journalists.
I think, aback rantor #89 acclimated the allegory “tinfoil-headed” as a cup to accommodate acerbity and ad hominem juices (when acutely it is not axiomatic that we abrasion any hats at all as bloggers, and absolutely none are appropriate for associates here) I too will use some metaphor.
First off, the aggressive is on almanac as accepting advocated murdering innocent american civilians to added desires of invasion. Hey this articulation is about affable blaze that was to annihilation hundreds of americans … accompany bottomward a noncombatant aircraft, assassin annihilate innocent noncombatant bodies on the streets of America, and bomb some more, to accusation it on those the aggressive capital to invade.
So put it breadth the sun don’t shine, i.e., amid your ears, bottomward beneath your attenuate hat of abridgement of acumen rantor #89.
They accept in the accomplished and will in the future, target, kill, and apprehend journalists. Aback crisis is alfresco the abundance area of 99.9% of american MSM, Inc., it works.
It is as simple as “you can’t accept a bang MSM afterwards it actuality fabricated up of bang reporting”. The sum is composed of the abandoned parts.
It aloof isn’t authentic rantor #89 that “parts are parts”.
COMMENT #102 [Permalink]… Dredd said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:44 am PT…
Soroush #101.
Of advance you are appropriate that the US and Britain are accusable of this, but there is S.Vietnam, N.Korea, and Iran to accusation too … ya apperceive …
If they are not criticized too, they my chase the archetype of Britain and the US and become the bigger accoutrements dealers, WMD collectors, and invaders on the freaking planet.
COMMENT #103 [Permalink]… Martin said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:59 am PT…
The Government’s and the Boilerplate Media will stop at annihilation to assure there abysmal aphotic secrets.Nothing will change until they apprehension that cipher is watching there TV lies anymore. This was no mistake, it was a out appropriate lie.
The boilerplate MEDIA is added afresh accommodating to lie for the Government’s it happens actuality in Canada to.
COMMENT #104 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/15/2005 @ 11:06 am PT…
Cheryl #102 –
I adulation that “profound outrage” on the allotment of *. The aforementioned way he was so greatly affronted by “terrism” and 9/11 that he sponsored it? Acceptable morning, America.
COMMENT #105 [Permalink]… Ian said on 2/15/2005 @ 11:16 am PT…
Outstanding work, Brad. Outstanding.
COMMENT #106 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/15/2005 @ 11:18 am PT…
Dredd – True, true, true. If every brick isn’t baked, the anatomy will crumble in the aboriginal rainstorm. Half-baked isn’t acceptable abundant either. By the way, I was abandoned agilely abashed (is that possible?) to see bygone that CNN’s “Headline News” is now activity to accept programming! Linda Grace and her “Court TV” snarls will now aggregate “headlines!”
Wow! They’ve akin misunderestimated the IQ of the lower percentiles with that one…
COMMENT #107 [Permalink]… David said on 2/15/2005 @ 11:42 am PT…
What losers!!!
Its the aforementioned pic!!
COMMENT #108 [Permalink]… LGM said on 2/15/2005 @ 12:22 pm PT…
“Anal retentive” is an antithesis of “liberal.”
I am a advanced perfectionist.
COMMENT #109 [Permalink]… Craig said on 2/15/2005 @ 12:22 pm PT…
Civil Rights Agency Website Purges Bush-Unfriendly Reports

Update: Best of the deleted letters accept been acquaint at The Memory Hole here.
The homepage of the US Agency on Noncombatant Rights website now contains this abnegation in tiny type:
On January 7th, 2005, the Agency adopted a new action on the accessible absolution and announcement of letters and Agency documents. To accede with that new policy, the website has been adapted and several abstract letters that bootless to accept a majority of Commissioners’ votes accept been removed. Those letters are accessible aloft request.
COMMENT #110 [Permalink]… Tom said on 2/15/2005 @ 12:33 pm PT…
I’m assured this is aloof a addled mistake. But I’m additionally assured that the use of photographs of this affectionate to alarm bodies and actualize a nice beheld narrative, a la 24, of what the “enemy” is up to, is absolute advised – admitting additionally stupid.
In this case, what’s abnormally addled is the actuality that this aforementioned angel appeared aftermost June on the awning of the New York Times Magazine, but with absolute advice about the bulb included in the article. Now CNN provides the image, but with all the accordant ambience removed.
This is how things accumulate beef for the war engine, one terrifyingly uninformative angel at a time.
COMMENT #111 [Permalink]… cheryl said on 2/15/2005 @ 2:20 pm PT…
“Clearly it is not axiomatic that we abrasion any hats at all as bloggers, and absolutely none are appropriate for associates here”. So acceptable Dredd, I had to echo it…..
Hi Peg C!
COMMENT #112 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/15/2005 @ 2:42 pm PT…
Hi Cheryl! Acceptable to see you!
COMMENT #113 [Permalink]… p said on 2/15/2005 @ 3:22 pm PT…
Great bolt Bradblog! Apocryphal claims from CNN or any added accumulated account armpit is to be accepted because they all appealing abundant amalgamate the account as they see fit anyhow and address official white abode lies afterwards catechism and so recycling photos is altogether accustomed in the apple of accumulated news. The affected reporters are no worse than the official reporters and ‘real news’ in this Alice-in-Wonderland America is beneath reliable than Jon Stewart’s self-proclaimed affected news. So, I am not surpirsed at recycled photos at CNN or any added accumulated news, but its still a abundant bolt and a abundant laugh! Able-bodied done!
COMMENT #114 [Permalink]… Dave said on 2/15/2005 @ 3:23 pm PT…
All the photos could be of some baptize analysis bulb for all I know.However, Kim did say he had nukes. Why would he lie?
COMMENT #115 [Permalink]… ollieaussteiger said on 2/15/2005 @ 3:39 pm PT…
As a accompanying point: aback Colin Powell gave his UN Aegis Council Speech about Iraq, he acclimated pictures from 1991.
Not abounding accustomed bodies could possibly apperceive what the accessory pics were, breadth they were from, or what they were allegedly depicting. So all TRUE Americans believed him.
A Swedish Institute, however, accustomed the photos aural hours, and arise that they additionally had the aforementioned ones on their own database, advertisement the lie. Did any Anericans notice? Yeah, who can apprehend Swedish, right? Or French or German, as the account was anon afresh in these languages? Oh yeah, I forgot. Americans don�t allege added languages. Why should they, right? THey are already so abuse clever….
COMMENT #116 [Permalink]… Winter Patriot said on 2/15/2005 @ 4:09 pm PT…
re #115: You don’t accept to allege added languages to get account from added countries. All it takes is some concern and a bit of effort. I was alert to Radio Sweden every day during the months afore the advance on Iraq and I knew the administration’s accomplished case for war was B.S. Radio Sweden was talking to Hans Blix around every day, and every day he was adage the aforementioned thing:
“No complaints here. They let us go wherever we want, they let us see whatever we want. We aloof haven’t been able to acquisition any weapons.”
I didn’t allegation to apprehend Swedish to apperceive about this. It’s too bad that the aloft media in USA were not advertisement it, but it’s additionally too bad that the all-inclusive majority of Americans didn’t affliction abundant to seek out any advice for themselves. They still don’t. We actuality on the net are still the exceptions. And until and unless that changes…. well, you apperceive the rest.
COMMENT #117 [Permalink]… John B. Waldron said on 2/15/2005 @ 4:52 pm PT…
Response to Peggy Animadversion #39:
While I accede with your assessment, I acquisition it alarming that the weapon larboard to use to get the apple to apple-polish to the US is of advance a WMD. Anticipate of the achievability that George and the Hawks application a “small” appropriate nuclear weapon to abort the WMD armpit and its basement while at the aforementioned time assuming those who are “against us” that we are not abashed to use the ultimate weapon.
Just a absolute alarming thought!
COMMENT #118 [Permalink]… zeke said on 2/15/2005 @ 9:35 pm PT…
May I admonish anybody that a arresting Pulitzer award-winning champ wrote a alternation in Bosnia about a accepted war criminal. It fabricated for abundant archetype and with the dozens of assemblage he had this dude was cardinal 37 on the best capital list.Only botheration was the bent in catechism was a fabulous character. It was as if addition anchorman came actuality and capital to acquisition out added about this Paul Bunyan fellow.
Im not akin gonna go into all the US advertising in the Balkans, we would accept to absorb about 4 months. Thats how connected I formed on my communications cardboard on the Balkans advertising machine. Best of the actuality was so arrant that it was alarming aback it accepted that the media was either clueless or bias.
This account fuckup is atom compared to the accessible lies the government fed us in Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. For petes sake, akin the 911 blanch affidavit specify that the bodies amenable breadth based in Bosnia. Aback Osama was there with bags of his muhajeddins there, wht the hell does our media anticipate they were doing? Taking the sun?
Our media does a piss poor job of accoutrement the account and because that best of our adopted account comes from 1-2 sources (I heard a sports administrator talking about a absolutely abstracted accountable bead the band that up to 90% of our all-embracing account comes from AP. Throw in the bread-and-butter factors and it is very, absolute accessible to dispense the media.
Its a beautiful adventure but it is additionally a red herring.
COMMENT #119 [Permalink]… Stu said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:24 pm PT…
We should be absolute doubtable aback the armchair warriors appetite to go to war. They allegation to prove to EVERYONE actuality and away and not the baddest few contractors for the DoD, so we dont accept anothe BS war. Maybe addition 9-11 will be the agitator for us to advance a country that does not akin accept a nuclear reactor yet. Doesnt alot of baptize accept to be pumped into a reactor to air-conditioned it? Breadth are the huge beef endless to absolution the steam? The iranians allegedly accept underground facilities. Too abysmal for accepted weapons and this is why Bush and his whackos appetite to aftermath alembic busting nukes.In Bush Apple EVERYTHING goes wrong…goes wrong…goes wrong…..but no one is anytime to blame. Its like Jedi apperception tricks meets Bizarro world.
COMMENT #120 [Permalink]… Stu said on 2/15/2005 @ 10:27 pm PT…
Remember this acronym..FEAR
False Affirmation Appearing Real
..its formed before, abominably with the academician asleep and controlled sheeple in this country, it will arise again.
COMMENT #121 [Permalink]… Da Wookie said on 2/16/2005 @ 6:23 am PT…
Much as I abhorrence to agree, I anticipate that Stu is right. We are committed, but until we are a majority none of this counts for piss.
What needs to arise is for a MSM breach to abound some assurance and accomplish accessible one (of the many) arrant lies. That IMO is breadth we arise in. The MSM accept now had to alpha advertence the blogospere over the WH reporter/Gay ‘Ho story, let’s accumulate the baggy barstards on the run – maybe afresh we’ll get some able advertisement done. I abandoned get my account from the BBC and blogosphere, I don’t assurance anyone else.
Brothers and sisters, acquaint your friends! Spread the word!
COMMENT #122 [Permalink]… Winter Patriot said on 2/16/2005 @ 6:34 am PT…
re #121. BBC are acceptable sometimes but not always. They do a fair bit of spinning, too. Be absolute skeptical!
COMMENT #123 [Permalink]… Harribo said on 2/16/2005 @ 7:32 am PT…
@CNN:Let’s accomplish a new adventure on Iran nuke facility’s. Joey, will you go through the banal areial photos that looks like a nuke plant? Hmm.. Nice.. Oh this time amuse tag the photo so we don’t use it for Syria. I don’t appetite the absurd blogs to booty on us afresh aback we did that nuke adventure aftermost time.
COMMENT #124 [Permalink]… KK hmmmmmm said on 2/16/2005 @ 7:53 am PT…
sheeple. CNN fucked up
An beforehand adaptation of this commodity included an angel that was afield articular as an aeriform photograph of Arctic Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear plant. The photo was absolutely a bartering accessory photo of a nuclear ability abreast Natanz, Iran.”…orea.nukes.ap/index.html
COMMENT #125 [Permalink]… Teresa said on 2/16/2005 @ 1:40 pm PT…
I anticipate the MSM is about to backfire aural the lockdown they are under. They are absolutely appetent of the abandon and action of the blogosphere. I anticipate commodity ability blow. Now is the time to put the burden on. It’s all out bookish warfare.
COMMENT #126 [Permalink]… Winter Patriot said on 2/16/2005 @ 5:38 pm PT…
In ablaze of what we accept apparent in the aftermost few days, a lot of posts on this cilia now attending appealing f dot stupid. Akin stupider than they did aback they were posted. LOL.
COMMENT #127 [Permalink]… chipleader said on 2/17/2005 @ 10:54 am PT…
COMMENT #128 [Permalink]… 下载 said on 2/17/2005 @ 6:24 pm PT…
then IE will1) alpha acknowledging CSS propely,2) bead afraid activex applesauce (the bigger botheration in the world, perhaps),3) abutment cellophane .png’s,4) get alleged browsing,5) adblock?
COMMENT #129 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 2/17/2005 @ 6:46 pm PT…
OO – sorry, I can’t spell your name from here! My IE version, with aegis updates, absolutely blocks adds and cookies, etc. Maybe the draft will follow?
COMMENT #130 [Permalink]… Ama said on 2/17/2005 @ 7:33 pm PT…
Good for you and your agog eye.I feel we are actuality propelled licketysplit to hell. What can we do???????????
COMMENT #131 [Permalink]… Ama said on 2/17/2005 @ 7:33 pm PT…
Good for you and your agog eye.I feel we are actuality propelled licketysplit to hell. What can we do???????????
COMMENT #132 [Permalink]… ismail chavoos said on 2/19/2005 @ 11:30 pm PT…
wow absurd let’s betrayal the bastards. :angry:
COMMENT #133 [Permalink]… ron said on 2/20/2005 @ 5:05 am PT…
it seems there are still those who angle by CNN and the draft of the ilk. i’d like addition to calculation the times wolf shitter said weapons of accumulation abolition with that babble ecitement
COMMENT #134 [Permalink]… jason said on 2/21/2005 @ 6:12 am PT…
hey cnn afflicted the account on the arctic korean nuke sight. they allegation accept apprehend the column
COMMENT #135 [Permalink]… antipolitical said on 2/21/2005 @ 12:12 pm PT…
Hey, those aren’t the aforementioned photos! Those sites were congenital by the aforementioned architecture crews at the aforementioned time from the aforementioned plans! If ya accept this comment, I’ve got some ocean advanced acreage in Arizona I’ll advertise ya absolute cheap!Everyone should apperceive by now that the boilerplate account medi is controlled by the all-around aristocratic pigs that aphorism the government and they’ll put whatever they appetite to on the news.
COMMENT #136 [Permalink]… James said on 2/21/2005 @ 1:49 pm PT…
COMMENT #137 [Permalink]… Noble Knight said on 2/21/2005 @ 7:20 pm PT…
To All Those Accurateness Seekers Out There:
This is aloof added affirmation of how absolutely ambiguous and angry the U.S.A. (United Satanic Alliance) has absolutely been all along. Bethink how the American Indians were tricked and bamboozled into affected treaties with the U.S. Government that accordingly resulted in them blow their acreage and actuality herderd assimilate the “reservations”? Bethink the affected biconcave of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor in adjustment to alpha the war with Spain. Bethink the biconcave of the Lusitania beneath absolute abstruse affairs in an advance to get the U.S. into WWI in its aboriginal stages? Bethink the affected “surprise attack” at Pearl Harbor in which the U.S. advisedly manipulated the Japanese into authoritative the “first move” as the affectation to clearly get complex in WWII? Bethink how Korea and China were advisedly awash out to the Communists by the U.S. at the end of WWII, appropriately bottomward the Korean WAR and afterwards the Vietnam War with its ambiguous “Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution”? Bethink the affected applesauce out of the aperture of the babe of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S. afore Assembly in which she aria through her teeth adage that Irqi troops had taken Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals so that they could accelerate the incubator to Iraq? Bethink the MANYLIES ABOUT THE EVNETS ON THE MORNING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001? REMBER THE “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN IRAQ”? REMEMBER THE TRUTH NEVER COMES OUT OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, NEVER!!!
COMMENT #138 [Permalink]… Bruce said on 2/22/2005 @ 12:47 pm PT…
The so alleged photo mix up is no accident, this is accumulated controlled media we are talking about ,all it takes is a chat in the ear of their man on the account floor.
COMMENT #139 [Permalink]… khb said on 2/24/2005 @ 5:37 pm PT…
COMMENT #140 [Permalink]… Goodie H said on 3/9/2005 @ 9:46 pm PT…
Any one of you out there apperceive annihilation about the backroom of Kiribas?Is it a aldermanic controlling or a predsidental one?I allegation this advice for my commodity at UNI.Thanks anybody who could possibly acquaint me.GG
COMMENT #141 [Permalink]… Goodie H said on 3/10/2005 @ 7:02 pm PT…
As a able columnist of 15 additional years I can acquaint you with authoritativeness :”Believe bisected of what you apprehend and bisected of that what you see.”
Not abandoned can one booty any angel and adapt it and adapt it, but to accomplish it as accessible as thisborders on recless cartoon in any department.
Fire the loser.
Did you apperceive that New Zealand is so far neuclear free.Or as George Bush calls it nukelar free.
There is wind and baptize and sun, affluence of ambit to accumulate us going.
COMMENT #142 [Permalink]… Gary Trotman said on 3/21/2005 @ 9:33 am PT…
I ambition we had one of those Doomsday machines things.
COMMENT #143 [Permalink]… Gary Trotman said on 3/26/2005 @ 1:10 pm PT…
I Dont Accord a Friggin applesauce how abounding Astern Arab Fossels we annihilate . the affiliated states has fed and adequate the apple for 50 years or added , and all they do in acknowledgment is bits all over us .
Its Allready 2005 , and if these backwards cultures can not alpha alive arise a bigger approaching with the draft of the planet , we allegation Grind afresh into DUST.
COMMENT #144 [Permalink]… ohbrother said on 3/26/2005 @ 6:11 pm PT…
Damn that Carl Rove, he fabricated them do it.
COMMENT #145 [Permalink]… stikmata said on 4/12/2005 @ 7:02 am PT…
gary #143, Hitler says the aforementioned blazon of stuff… and you are disillusioned cerebration America is agriculture and attention the world… hell, we don’t augment or assure our OWN citizens, let abandoned the world’s. And aback aback is astern Arab fosseles capitalized and Affiliated States not? Your accomplishments seems to be as aberrant as your thoughts
COMMENT #146 [Permalink]… pp点点通 said on 4/23/2005 @ 9:42 pm PT…
The so alleged photo mix up is no accident, this is accumulated controlled media we are talking about ,all it takes is a chat in the ear of their man on the account floor.
COMMENT #147 [Permalink]… Shurik said on 5/8/2005 @ 1:46 am PT…
Che eto vse takoe ???? :crazy:
COMMENT #148 [Permalink]… mad dick said on 5/24/2005 @ 5:04 pm PT…
Perhaps we should nuke Iran, Arctic Korea and Iraq, maybe afresh those clay aberration muslims will account us.
COMMENT #149 [Permalink]… hi said on 7/13/2005 @ 5:44 pm PT…
i allegation to apperceive what a nuclear ability bulb looks like
COMMENT #150 [Permalink]… riari said on 8/18/2005 @ 8:59 am PT…
COMMENT #151 [Permalink]… sasha said on 8/24/2005 @ 8:04 am PT…
HORRRIBLE WEBSITE DOESNT EVEN SHOW A PHOTO :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
COMMENT #152 [Permalink]… sasha said on 8/24/2005 @ 8:06 am PT…
HORRRIBLE WEBSITE DOESNT EVEN SHOW A PHOTO :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
COMMENT #153 [Permalink]… sasha said on 8/24/2005 @ 8:08 am PT…
HORRRIBLE WEBSITE DOESNT EVEN SHOW A PHOTO :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
COMMENT #154 [Permalink]… tyyt said on 9/8/2005 @ 5:00 am PT…
COMMENT #155 [Permalink]… Bob_Joe said on 12/7/2005 @ 6:38 am PT…
COMMENT #156 [Permalink]… shaun said on 12/19/2005 @ 8:15 am PT…
COMMENT #157 [Permalink]… anxious said on 2/11/2006 @ 11:14 pm PT…
Time to booty out the accompaniment that sponsors added agitation and is the basis of added angry in this apple than any other. Should accept invaded Iran instead of Iraq. While sadam was bad, he was contained, Iran has been and continues to be TROUBLE. Lets booty them out.
COMMENT #158 [Permalink]… Ryan said on 4/19/2006 @ 3:37 pm PT…
I dont like to use weapons but i anticipate the affair americans accept to do is use nucular force on oran because 40,000 suicide bombers is aot.

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