Microsoft afresh launched a accessible new Angle affection — a Kanban-style lath actualization in Angle Calendar. Currently accessible alone in Angle on the web, the new affection lets you pin cards absolute advantageous advice assimilate a activity board. These cards can accommodate calendars, notes, assignment lists, links, and added items. Some elements in these cards can collaborate with your capital Angle calendar.

The Angle lath actualization is accessible if you accept a paid Microsoft 365 annual or a chargeless account. (See Microsoft 365 affairs for home, baby business, and the enterprise, or assurance up for a Microsoft annual for free.)
Here are the essentials for application the agenda lath affection in Angle for the web.
Go to your Angle home awning in your web browser, which may be at or, depending on whether you accept a Microsoft 365 cable or a chargeless account. In the toolbar active bottomward the larboard bend of the page, bang the Agenda icon. This opens your Angle agenda in the browser window.
On the upper-right bend of the Agenda page, bang the Month button, and from the drop-down agenda that opens, baddest Board. (Instead of “Month,” this button may say “Day,” “Work Week,” or “Week.”) The lath interface appears in abode of your annual (or circadian or weekly) agenda view.
You admission the lath blueprint by alteration the actualization (in the upper-right corner) to Board. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
Toward the upper-left of your Angle Lath home screen, bang Add to board. From the agenda that opens, baddest the blazon of agenda you appetite to add to your board. Baddest Appearance all to see several added types of cards. (I’ll go over all the agenda types in detail after in the story.)
Select a agenda blazon to add to your board. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
Once you’ve called a agenda type, the agenda will arise on your board.
Repeat the action to add added cards. As you accumulate abacus cards, anniversary one will arise in an abandoned amplitude on the board.
Note that you can add several of the aforementioned blazon of agenda to your board. This agency you can accept assorted calendars, notes, files, etc. affianced to your board.
While there are specific means to collaborate with assertive types of cards (covered after in the story), there are a few accepted means to assignment with cards, such as affective them, resizing them, and alteration their accomplishments color.
You can move any agenda to addition abode on your board. Bang the agenda so that it becomes accent by a dejected border. Afresh click-and-hold an breadth against the bound of the card, annoyance the agenda to addition abode on your board, and let go to set it aback assimilate the board.
The cards for calendars, notes, and assignment lists can be resized. To do this, move the arrow to a ancillary or bend of the agenda until it changes to double-ended arrows. Afresh click-and-hold and annoyance the arrows to enlarge or compress the card’s size.
Another way to move or resize a agenda is to bang the three-dot figure on the upper-right of the agenda and baddest Resize from the agenda that opens. To resize the card, annoyance one of the eight credibility that arise about the edges of the card. To move the card, move your cursor arrow (which may attending like four arrows or a avaricious hand, depending on your browser and operating system) to the centermost of the card; afresh click-and-hold and annoyance the agenda to addition atom on the board.
You can calmly resize or move a calendar, note, or assignment annual card. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
To anticipate the cards on your lath from actuality confused or resized accidentally aback you’re abyssal amid them, bang on the Lock items toggle about-face at the upper-right bend of the board. Bang Lock items afresh to unfreeze the cards.
Most agenda types let you change their accomplishments blush and/or set a due date. Alteration a card’s accomplishments blush can advice it angle out on the board, or you can set up a color-coded arrangement for altered projects. To change the accomplishments blush of a card, bang the three-dot figure on the upper-right of the card, baddest Change color, and accomplish a blush selection.
To set a due date for a card, bang the three-dot icon, baddest Set due date, and baddest a date from the agenda that appears. To change a due date you’ve set, bang the three-dot figure and baddest Adapt due date.
Setting a due date for a note.

Outlook’s lath actualization is set up as an “infinite canvas” breadth you can accumulate abacus cards to your board. As you do so, you may not be able to see them all at once.
To cross your actualization of the board, click-and-hold an breadth of the lath that is not covered by a agenda and annoyance the four-arrows (or avaricious hand) arrow so that you can see a altered allotment of the board. A thumbnail will arise in the lower-right bend assuming you the blueprint of the lath and breadth you are on it.
Use the blueprint thumbnail in the lower-right bend to see breadth you are on the board. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
Here is a briefing of the cards that you can accommodate on your Angle lath and how to collaborate with them.
When you aboriginal actuate the board, there’s a affianced agenda adaptation of your Angle agenda on it, and thus, whatever contest and added advice that you already accept put on it will arise here. You can collaborate with this agenda agenda aloof as you commonly do with the agenda aback you are not in lath view. This includes abacus an accident or a admonition on a date, and agreeable bodies in your contacts to an event.
Your capital Angle agenda appears as a agenda on your lath by default. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
(For added advice on how to use your Angle calendar, such as ambience contest on it, see Microsoft’s “Introduction to the Angle Calendar.”)
You can additionally pin one or added added agenda cards on your board. (You could accept one agenda adherent to work-only events, for instance, and a added agenda appearance your agenda alfresco of work.) This is the process:
Adding a new agenda card.
Add a agenda agenda by beat Add to lath > Calendar. It will arise on the lath with a pop-up menu. Actuality you can accept an absolute agenda or, to actualize a new calendar, bang Add calendar.
A console will accessible presenting you several means to add a new calendar, such as selecting a arrangement on the left-hand toolbar (e.g., Schools or Holidays) or by uploading an .ics agenda architecture file.
To add a new bare calendar: From the left-hand toolbar, baddest Actualize bare calendar. On the abutting panel, bang on Agenda name and blazon in a name for your calendar. If you want, aces a blush arrangement and “charm” figure for it. Bang the Save button. Afresh abutting this console by beat the X on its upper-right corner.
Creating a new bare calendar. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
Back on the agenda agenda on your board, bang the bottomward arrow, and from the agenda that opens, bang the name of the agenda you created. It will afresh be displayed in the agenda card.
On your smartphone: You can actualization calendars you created and affianced to your Angle lath in the Microsoft Angle adaptable app. From the app’s home screen, tap the Agenda figure on the lower-right to actualization your calendar. To about-face to addition agenda that you created and affianced to your Angle board, tap the agenda figure on the upper-left corner. A console will accelerate in from the left, advertisement your calendars. Tap the name of addition agenda to actualization it in the app.
The assignment annual agenda ties in with Microsoft’s To Do app, so aback you add a assignment annual agenda to your board, the tasks you accept in To Do will arise by default. If you don’t already use the To Do app, a bare Tasks agenda will appear.
To add tasks to the card: Bang on Add a task, blazon in argument to call the assignment (or item, such as for a arcade list), and bang the Add button to the right. Add as abounding tasks as you like this way.
You can annoyance and bead items in a assignment annual to alter them.
Click the brilliant figure to the appropriate of any assignment to mark it as important. Anniversary assignment has a amphitheater to its left. Aback you’ve completed a task, bang its amphitheater to mark it with a check. This removes the assignment from the list. You can see tasks you’ve completed by beat Appearance afresh completed at the basal of the list.
To adapt the adjustment of your assignment list: Move the arrow over a assignment until a six-dot figure appears to its left. Click-and-hold this icon, and annoyance the assignment up or bottomward to the abode on the annual you appetite to set it.
To see added accomplishments for a task: Right-click on the assignment to accessible a agenda of added options. You can set a admonition for the assignment or a due date aback you appetite it to be completed. You’ll be alerted of either through Angle on the day and time you accredit to it. You can additionally accessible the assignment in the To Do app, mark it as completed, and more.
Setting a admonition for a task.
If you don’t appetite to set a approaching due date for a assignment but instead accomplish abiding you abode it today, selecting Add to My Day from the right-click agenda adds the assignment to your Angle agenda for the accepted day.
To see a annual of tasks in your agenda today: On the upper-left bend of the assignment annual card, bang Tasks, and from the agenda that opens, baddest My Day. Or, from your Angle board, bang the My Day figure on the toolbar against the upper-right corner. (A third actualization accessible from the agenda in the upper-left bend of the assignment annual agenda is Agenda Lath – Default, which shows you added items on your lath that accept due dates assigned to them, such as addendum or collections.)
Note that although you can add assorted assignment annual cards to your board, the aforementioned all-embracing annual of tasks will arise in anniversary one. As you add, mark complete, or contrarily change tasks in any of them, the changes will arise dynamically in added assignment annual cards and in the To Do app. Why would you appetite assorted assignment annual cards? It ability be advantageous to accept one assuming Tasks, one assuming My Day, and one assuming the Agenda Lath – Absence view.
You can circuit off a assignment assimilate its own agenda on the lath and add accomplish to complete the task.
To circuit off a assignment into its own assignment list: From the right-click menu, baddest Add to lath > Default. The assignment will become affianced as its own agenda on your lath (while additionally actual on the top-level assignment list). You can now add subtasks to the assignment by beat on Add a footfall and accounting in text.
On your smartphone: You can use the Microsoft To Do adaptable app to actualization or adapt your assignment lists. From the app’s home screen, tap Tasks to actualization your assignment lists.
Once you’ve added a note, bang on Agenda on the appellation bar and blazon in a appellation for your note. Afresh bang Take a note… beneath and blazon in the argument for your note.
Use the toolbar forth the basal to architecture your text, actualize a bulleted list, or admit an angel stored on your computer.
To analysis all the addendum that you’ve affianced to your lath in a annual format: On the toolbar at the high appropriate of your board, bang the OneNote augment icon. A aftereffect on the appropriate opens assuming abate versions of your addendum that you can annal bottomward through, with the best afresh opened addendum against the top. Beat a agenda on this annual will accessible it central this sidebar. You can adapt it central this sidebar.
You can add quick addendum to yourself anywhere on a board, afresh use the OneNote augment aftereffect to actualization them all. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
On your smartphone: You can use the Microsoft OneNote adaptable app to actualization or adapt your notes. On the home awning of the app, tap the Sticky Addendum figure on the lower appropriate to appearance a advertisement of your notes.
You can pin cards that affectation the acclimate or time of your accepted breadth or added cities. Anniversary acclimate agenda can affectation alone one location, but you can add as abounding as you like. A distinct alarm card, on the added hand, can appearance the accepted time for assorted locations. This can be accessible if you charge to be acquainted of the schedules of bodies you’re alive with who alive in added time zones.
Or, if you’re planning a trip, you can set acclimate and time cards for your destination to admonish you of the time aberration and what affectionate of accouterment to pack.
Weather and alarm cards are accessible for befitting tabs on acclimate altitude in assorted locales and comparing time differences.
This agenda sets a distinct assignment that you charge to do. After you add a ambition card, bang on What’s your goal? and blazon in a abrupt description of the task. Bang Set date and baddest a day from the calendar. Confusingly, aback you set a due date with added types of cards such as notes, the due date appears on the agenda on your agenda lath but not on your capital Angle calendar. Aback you set a due date for a goal, however, it will be added to your Angle calendar.
To change a goal’s due date: Bang the three-dot figure on the upper-right of the Ambition agenda and baddest Adapt due date.
Goal cards highlight a distinct ambition to be completed, and their due dates arise on your capital Angle calendar.
The Articulation agenda displays a web link. Beat this articulation will accessible it in a new browser tab.
The Book agenda displays a articulation to a book that’s in your OneDrive storage. If it’s a Microsoft Appointment file, beat this articulation will accessible the book in a new browser tab in the corresponding web adaptation of the Appointment app — so, for example, beat an .xlsx book will accessible it in the web adaptation of Excel.
Location cards advice you accumulate advice about a accurate breadth handy.
This agenda displays a map thumbnail and advice for a location, such as a business, city, or landmark. Already you’ve added the agenda to your board, bang Enter a location, alpha accounting the name of the location, and baddest the breadth from the annual of options that appears. If available, an address, buzz number, and/or website will additionally be listed on the card.
To get admonition to the breadth in Bing Maps: Bang the three-dot figure on the upper-right of the agenda and baddest Accessible directions.
When you aboriginal pin this card, you’ll be prompted to blazon in the name of a being who’s in your Microsoft annual contacts. This agenda afresh displays their name, email address, and added accessible information, such as their buzz cardinal and job title.
A accumulating is a agenda that contains added cards. It’s a way to adapt your cards so that they don’t become chaotic on your board.
When you aboriginal pin a accumulating agenda to your board, you’ll be prompted to blazon in a name for the collection.
To add cards to the accumulating card: Click-and-drag a agenda on your lath assimilate the breadth of the accumulating agenda with the words Annoyance items into a collection, or bang the three-dot figure on the upper-right of any card, baddest Move to collection, and accept the accumulating to move it to.
A accumulating card, such as “All things Sydney” on the left, groups added cards together. (Click angel to enlarge it.)
You can actualize added than one board. For example, you can accumulate cards that are accompanying to your accepted assignment activity on one board, and actualize another, abstracted lath that contains cards with advice pertaining to your accessible business travel.
You can actualize altered boards for altered purposes.
To actualize addition board: At the upper-right bend of the lath that you’re viewing, bang Board, and on the agenda that opens, bang the arrow to the appropriate of Lath and baddest New board. You’ll be prompted to blazon in a name for the new board. After you bang Create, your Angle lath home awning will about-face to the new board.
To about-face aback to your aboriginal board: At the upper-right bend of the lath you’re examination is a button assuming the name of the accepted board. Bang that name, and from the agenda that opens, bang the arrow to the appropriate of Lath and baddest Default.
Switching aback to the absence board.
To rename or annul a board: At the upper-right bend of the lath you’re viewing, bang the board’s name, bang the arrow to the appropriate of Lath and move the arrow over the name of the board. A pencil figure and a debris can figure will arise to the appropriate of it. To rename the board, bang the pencil icon, blazon in a new name, and bang Update. To annul the board, bang the debris can icon.
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To change the scale, colour, or font for any textual content on the back, simply spotlight it by double-clicking on it. Then right-click on the highlighted text and make changes by left-clicking in the popup menu. As a nice feature, when you hover your cursor over the color squares, the background will temporarily change, so you possibly can see how that shade appears. Left-click in the clean house to the proper of the postcard and proceed to hold down the left mouse button. Slowly drag the cursor to the left until you’re over the postcard.