Complications from Covid-19 put a damper on some companies’ analysis affairs over the accomplished 18 months, but others accept pushed on admitting accepting to absorb new assurance protocols. Below is a annular up of projects that could one day advance to the abutting abundance in the NWT or Nunavut.

Project: Yellowknife City Gold
Owner: Gold Terra
Resource: Gold
Location: 10 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: Gold Terra appear 5.07 grams of gold per tonne over 8.35 metres, including 11.87 g/t of gold over 3.08 metres at the Campbell Shear, south of Con Mine, during the company’s 10,000-metre appearance two conduct program. “Our conduct after-effects abide to affirm and extend the abeyant of the Yellorex breadth to add to our accepted ability of 1.2 actor accepted ounces,” admiral and CEO David Suda declared in mid-October.
Project: Pine Point
Owner: Osisko Metals
Resource: Lead, zinc
Location: 42 km east of Hay River
Status: Osiskso appear in October its intentions to absolution an adapted basic bread-and-butter appraisal (PEA) during the aboriginal division of 2022. That certificate will acknowledge amount reductions based on dewatering aggregate estimates and a new 3D hydrogeological model. The 2020 PEA adumbrated a amount of $550 actor to get the abundance into production, which would aftereffect in added than 327 actor pounds of zinc per year – a absolute of 39.1 actor tonnes of mined ability – authoritative Pine Point the eighth better zinc ambassador globally. The abundance action is projected at 10 years, but could be connected by connected drilling.
Project: Kennady North
Owner: Mountain Province Diamonds/Kennady Diamonds
Resource: Diamonds
Location: 280 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: Hundreds of till samples from the eastern and western claims were calm during summer 2021. Those samples were to be alien to a lab in Saskatoon for testing to ascertain kimberlite indicator minerals. The after-effects are accepted in aboriginal 2022, above-mentioned to the winter analysis division accepting underway. Mountain Province holds a 100-per-cent absorption in Kennady North, which covers added than 1,000 aboveboard km about the Gacho Kue Mine. The Kelvin kimberlite contains an adumbrated 13.6 actor carats while the Faraday 2 kimberlite contains an estimated 5.45 actor carats.
Project: NICO
Owner: Fortune Minerals
Resource: Gold, bismuth, cobalt, copper
Location: 50 km northeast of Whati
Status: Fortune Minerals appear a 3,000-metre assignment affairs to activate at the NICO drop in backward September. In aboriginal November, aggregation admiral Robin Goad connected congratulations to the Tlicho bodies on the awaiting aperture of the Tlicho All-Season Highway to Whati, which is accepted to be attainable to the accessible on Nov. 30. Fortune Minerals has approvals to body a 50-km activation alley from Whati to the NICO abundance site.
Project: Indin Lake Gold
Owner: Nighthawk Gold Corp.
Resource: Gold
Location: 200 km arctic of Yellowknife
Status: Nighthawk completed an aggressive 72,325-metre assignment affairs over 272 assignment holes in mid-October. Some of the conduct is advised to aggrandize accepted mineralized zones while added targets were in greenfield areas of the 930-square-km acreage aural the Indin Lake Greenstone Belt. Indin Lake contains an accepted 2.25 actor ounces of adumbrated gold and 0.79 actor ounces of accepted gold.
Project: Prairie Creek
Owner: NorZinc
Resource: Zinc, lead, silver
Location: 90 km northwest of Nahanni Butte
Status: NorZinc’s mid-October basic bread-and-butter appraisal for the Prairie Creek action is based on a abundance action of 20.3 years at 2,400 tonnes of ore per day. With $368 actor appropriate to get the abundance started, it’s estimated that 261 actor pounds of payable zinc agnate assembly – including 2.6 actor ounces of argent – is accessible annually, which would accommodate aftereffect afterwards 4.8 years. Over the action of the mine, balance afore interest, taxes, depreciation, and acquittal are estimated at $2.5 billion cumulatively. The Prairie Creek abundance is home to 9.8 actor tonnes of abstinent and adumbrated ability at 22.7 per cent zinc equivalent. There’s abeyant for 6.4 actor tonnes of accepted assets at 24.1 per cent zinc equivalent.
Project: Diagras
Owner: Arctic Star Exploration/Margaret Lake Diamonds
Resource: Diamonds
Location: 22 km northeast of Diavik design mine
Status: Arctic Star’s $2.1 actor bounce conduct affairs activate bristles new kimberlites: Birch, Sequoia, Alder, Cedar and Black Spruce. Sequoia has the better design calculation and the after-effects “hint at a coarser design admeasurement distribution, as does the design indicator chemistry,” Arctic Star declared in backward September. The aggregation assassin geophysical crews to fly abutting to 6,000 band kilometres by helicopter for analysis to analyze added analysis targets for alien kimberlites. Arctic Star additionally broadcast its claims this year, adorning Diagras to 483 aboveboard km.
Project: Loki
Owner: Arctic Arrow Minerals
Resource: Diamonds
Location: 30 km southwest of Ekati
Status: Arctic Arrow appear in June that six holes of analysis conduct at the 21,300-acre Loki Action bootless to about-face up kimberlite.
“The arresting kimberlite indicator mineral alternation that terminates in the Loki breadth charcoal unexplained. Overburden samples calm during the affairs will be candy for indicator minerals to advice with advancing interpretation,” the aggregation stated.
Project: LDG
Owner: Arctic Arrow Minerals/Dominion Design Mines
Resource: Diamonds
Location: Lac de Gras region
Status: Arctic Arrow and then-senior collective adventure accomplice Dominion Design Mines conducted $3.5-million account of analysis at LDG in 2020 that included a geophysical analysis program. The 1,472-square-km affirmation is amid south of the Diavik design mine. No added announcements followed as the financially-troubled Dominion Design Mines awash its assets in aboriginal 2021.
Project: Sparta
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 84 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: The Sparta acreage appearance assorted gold-rich quartz veins and it admiring the absorption of Treminco Assets in the 1980s and conduct as continued ago as the 1940s.
Project: Mon
Owner: Sixty Arctic Gold
Resource: Gold
Location: 40 km arctic of Yellowknife
Status: Action administrator New Analysis Mines Ltd. appear in February that a winter alley to the armpit was actuality established. The acreage boasts two alongside ascendant gold trends addition over three kilometres. A affected exists at Mon and assignment permits are approved.
Project: Clan Lake
Owner: Dave Webb, Coulter Hess
Resource: Gold, platinum, palladium
Location: Arctic of Yellowknife
Status: Prospectors Dave Webb and Coulter Hess did some grab sampling and calm biogeochemical samples in August 2020. The best gold amount alternate was 2.9 grams of gold per
Project: Stratus
Owner: Brayden St. Pierre
Resource: Gold
Location: Abreast Point Lake
Status: St. Pierre agitated out prospecting, mapping and sampling in August 2020, bringing aback 22 grab samples. The best aftereffect abstinent 0.82 grams of gold per tonne from basement forth the Fubar Fault.
Project: Seahorse
Owner: Talmora Design Inc.
Resource: Diamonds
Location: About center amid Colville Lake and Paulatuk
Status: Covid-19 restrictions prevented Olivut Assets from accepting into the acreage in 2020 and 2021. The aggregation avant-garde declared that it considers the acreage to “have the abeyant to host diamondiferous kimberlite bodies of cogent size.”
Project: HOAM
Owner: Olivut Resources
Resource: Diamonds
Location: 15 km arctic of Fort Simpson, addition to 20 km from Deline
Status: Olivut Assets has “numerous” targets accessible to assignment and would like to advance with helicopter-supported geophysical mapping to analyze added targets and accent its assignment list, but that’s accountable to the adopting of funds.

Project: Astro
Owner: Orogen Royalties
Resource: Gold
Location: Forth the Canol Road, abreast the Yukon border
Status: Orogen Royalties says the 288 square-km acreage contains “outcropping gold mineralization in a 10-kilometre-long structural corridor.” Two acreage seasons of analysis accept been conducted in affiliation with Newmont.
Project: Fox Lake
Owner: BNT Gold Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 275 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: Mapping, prospecting, clay sampling, arctic till sampling, and geophysical surveys accept been done on the 47,400-acre property.
Project: Courageous Lake
Owner: Seabridge Gold
Resource: Gold
Location: 240 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: Seabridge hasn’t provided any updates aback 2018 aback it articular two new gold zones as a aftereffect of a winter conduct program. A prefeasibility abstraction in 2012 adumbrated that the adjacent FAT drop is home to 6.46 actor ounces of accurate and apparent gold, which could be produced at an boilerplate of 385,000 ounces per year over 16 years.
Project: Little Nahanni
Owner: Lake Winn Resources
Resource: Lithium
Location: 39 km northwest of Cantung mine; abreast the Yukon border
Status: Samples accept alternate up to 3.77 per cent lithium on the 13,300-acre Little Nahanni property. Equitorial Exploration, which afterwards became Lake Winn Resources, appear account of 1.47 per cent lithium over 9.66 metres in November 2018.
Project: Up Town Gold
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: West ancillary of Giant Mine, six kilometres from city Yellowknife
Status: Spanning about 8,000 acres, Up Town Gold hosts 10 high-grade gold occurrences.
Projects: Bishop, Zeus, Rhombus, ZIP
Owner: GGL Resources
Resouce: Diamonds
Location: Lac de Gras design district
Status: GGL’s backing are amid in the Lac de Gras area, a commune that is home to the Ekati and Diavik mines. GGL has concentrated on its Nevada interests over the accomplished year.
Project: Hidden Lake
Owner: Far Assets and Gaia Metals Corp
Resource: Lithium
Location: 40 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: After-effects from a 2018 assignment attack included 1.6 per cent lithium oxide over 9.2 metres. The analysis comprised 1,079 metres of conduct at 10 holes, bearing 197 amount samples from the 4,568-acre property.
Projects: AYE 1 and Handle 1
Owner: Dave Nickerson
Resource: Gold
Location: Abreast the Ingraham Trail turnoff, abutting to Yellowknife
Status: Prospector Dave Nickerson agitated out filigree sampling during summer 2018. He avant-garde appear 59.7 grams of gold per tonne from the Fox attitude at his 100-per-cent-owned Aye affirmation based on 2017 arroyo assignment and 36.9 grams of gold per tonne at the No. 9 attitude on his wholly-owned Handle 1 acreage based on a 2017 mini-bulk sample.
Project: Hangstone
Owner: Wayne Kendrick
Resource: Gold
Location: 47 km arctic of Yellowknife
Status: Grab samples accept alternate 26.5 and 23.5 grams of gold per tonne at Hangstone.
Project: Itchen
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 348 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: This acreage is amid 78 km southwest of the above Lupin gold mine. Argent Range Assets did some staking and sampling at Itchen in 2016 but no action has been accent in the years since.
Project: Terra
Owner: DemCo Limited Partnership
Resource: Silver
Location: Camsell River, south of Great Bear Lake
Status: Owned by the Dene Nation, DemCo acquired added than 97 aboveboard kilometres in minerals claims in 2013. The armpit encompasses four accomplished bearing mines, including the Terra Mine. In 2016, DemCo performed some assignment on actual cores from Terra but no assignment has been appear aback then.
Project: Chidliak
Owner: De Beers
Resource: Diamonds
Location: 120 km northeast of Iqaluit
Status: The action has an accepted ability of added than 22 actor carats from two kimberlites, but there are 41 kimberlites that accept activated absolute for the attendance of diamonds. De Beers conducted a bashful summer affairs at the armpit in 2021, advancement the affected and abstracts accumulating from sensors in the field.
Project: Aback River
Owner: Sabina Gold and Silver
Resource: Gold
Location: 364 km southwest of Cambridge Bay
Status: Sabina is agronomics avant-garde with pre-construction activities for the proposed Goose Mine, with assignment proceeding on the anchorage ability and camp. Winter ice alley architecture and an analysis access at Umwelt are additionally on the agenda.
“For the aboriginal time at Aback River, armpit operations will abide year-round,” Bruce McLeod, Sabina’s admiral and CEO, said in aboriginal November.
Sabina appear on Oct. 1 that it had aloft $13.5 actor through the markets. The money is bare for analysis expenses, according to the company. The company’s all-embracing Aback River mineral appraisal is 6.32 actor ounces of abstinent and adumbrated gold as able-bodied as 2.86 actor ounces of accepted gold.
An adapted achievability abstraction appear in March estimated $2 billion in post-tax net banknote breeze on gross revenues of $7 billion over the 15-year action of the mine.
Project: Hood River, Ulu Gold
Owner: Blue Star Gold Corp.
Resource: Gold
Location: 125 km west of Bathurst Inlet
Status: Blue Star’s 5,000-metre summer assignment attack over 25 holes produced 11.06 grams of gold per tonne over 2.18 m from a aperture in the Gnu breadth that avant-garde angry up 52.7 g/t of gold over two metres. Addition ambition alternate 5.53 g/t of gold over 1.54 metres. After-effects from addition 18 holes were still awaiting as of Oct. 28.
“Continued able after-effects from the Gnu breadth breadth drilling, amid alone 750 metres from the Flood breadth deposit, and the new ability that assorted near-surface aerial brand gold zones may abide in this arena is actual encouraging,” CEO Grant Ewing stated. “Our abstruse aggregation will abide to appraise the after-effects of the affairs as they become accessible over the advancing weeks and amend the cartography models which will advance to prioritization of abstinent ambition zones in alertness for the abutting assignment program.”
The 9.5-square-km Ulu acreage lies 50 km arctic of the Arctic Circle in the Kitikmeot region. Based on accomplished work, the Ulu boasts 605,000 ounces of abstinent and adumbrated gold and 226,000 ounces of accepted gold.
Project: Sundog Gold

Owner: New Break Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 235 km west of Arviat
Status: New Break is a new amateur in the Kivalliq region, extensive acceding with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) in October to analyze 94 aboveboard km of Inuit-owned lands. The action is accepted as Sundog. The Kivalliq Inuit Association will administrate apparent rights while NTI will administrate mineral rights. Terms of the accord agree that if New Break formally files a analysis of one actor estimated ounces of gold, again NTI will get a $1 actor account payment, or $5 actor for bristles actor ounces. A Sundog achievability abstraction would be account $3 actor to NTI, while bartering assembly would aftereffect in a acquittal of $5 actor to Nunavut Tunngavik.
“We attending avant-garde to a advantageous alive relationship, congenital on account and our aboveboard admiration to see the Sundog Action account the Inuit and New Break shareholders alike,” said Michael Farrant, admiral and CEO of New Break.
New Break added Kivalliq analysis backdrop abide of Sy, Noomut/Esker and Angikuni Lake, which awning 220 aboveboard km in total.
Project: Naujaat
Owner: Arctic Arrow Minerals
Resource: Diamonds
Location: Nine km northeast of Naujaat
Status: Processing of a 2,000-tonne aggregate sample from the Naujaat Design Action was started in backward October. Accomplice Burgundy Design Mines adjourned the $5.6-million action for the rights to acquire a 40 per cent absorption in the Naujaat Design Project. The purpose of this sample is to affirm that a different citizenry of adorned chicken to orange chicken chunk extend into coarser design sizes. “The affection of these chunk will additionally be actual important as we accept these adorned coloured chunk will be a key amount disciplinarian for abeyant approaching development of the Q1-4 deposit,” said Ken Armstrong, admiral and CEO of Arctic Arrow.
Project: Meadowbank
Owner: Western Atlas Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: Adjacent to Agnico Eagle’s Meadowbank mine
Status: Although the Meadowbank acreage garnered absorption for its gold potential, Western Atlas Assets appear in April that it activate nickel and polymetallic mineralization abreast the surface. One aperture intersected 0.14 per cent nickel, 0.01 per cent cobalt, 0.28 per cent chromium, 9.11 per cent adamant and 0.8 per cent sulfur over 95 metres from a abyss of 18.73 metres. In September, the aggregation served apprehension that it had adapted its permits to acquiesce it to assignment up to 20,000 metres per year and enlarge the affected to a best of 40 people. Meadowbank covers 580 aboveboard km.
Project: Committee Bay
Owner: Fury Gold Mines
Resource: Gold
Location: 130 km southwest of Kugaaruk
Status: Fury Gold appear in September that a five-hole, 2,587 accent assignment affairs was complete. The focus was on an eight kilometre microburst breadth breadth the Raven anticipation is located. In the past, Raven has yielded 31.1 grams of gold per tonne over 2.8 metres and 9.49 g/t gold over 7.57 metres. After-effects from this summer’s assignment affairs had not been appear about as of the aboriginal anniversary of November. The all-embracing acreage encompasses 270 aboveboard km forth the Committee Bay Greenstone Belt.
Project: Mel
Owner: Arctic Arrow Minerals
Resource: Diamonds
Location: 140 km south of Hall Beach
Status: The aftermost amend apropos the Mel acreage came in February aback Arctic Arrow appear a data-sharing acceding with StrategX Elements Corp, which acquired the non-diamond mineral rights in the area. However, Arctic Arrow retains a per cent ability on non-diamond production. The Mel acreage encompasses 560 aboveboard kilometres.
Project: CSI
Owner: Arctic Arrow Minerals
Resource: Diamonds
Location: West of the Jericho and Muskox kimberlites
Status: CSI is a newly-staked action breadth Arctic Arrow undertook a bashful till sampling affairs in June. The acreage covers an breadth that “could potentially host a basement antecedent for regionally aberrant kimberlite indicator mineral samples appear by beforehand workers,” according to Arctic Arrow.
Project: Seal/Storm
Owner: Aston Bay Holdings
Resource: Copper, zinc, silver
Location: 120 km south of Resolute Bay
Status: Aston Bay Holdings’ accomplice American West Metals Limited spent three weeks assuming a arena electromagnetic geophysical analysis at the Storm chestnut action on Somerset Island over the summer. The assignment was advised to acquisition extensions of the accepted mineralization forth bang and at depth. A conduct attack is advancing in 2022. Storm encompasses a amazing 3000-sq-km area, including the Seal zinc and argent project.
Project: South Kitikmeot Gold
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 276 to 432 km south of Kugluktuk
Status: Argent Range appear in August that it optioned the South Kitikmeot Gold Action to Australian aggregation Viridis Mining. The acreage covers “known gold occurrences forth a 200 km continued amalgamation of metasedimentary rocks which host the Lupin Abundance (3.4 actor ounces gold assembly to date) and the Aback River Action (5.3 actor ounces gold abstinent and adumbrated resources) currently actuality avant-garde to assembly by Sabina Gold and Argent Ltd.,” Argent Range stated.
Project: Greyhound
Owner: Gold 79 Resources/Agnico Eagle
Resource: Gold/silver
Location: 40 km northeast of Baker Lake
Status: Agnico Eagle is the operating accomplice at the 13.6-square-km Greyhound property, which lies 32 km south of Agnico Eagle’s Meadowbank gold mine. Gold 79 Resources, aforetime accepted as Aura Resources, holds a 37 per cent interest. Agnico Eagle was accepted to undertake an 1,100-metre, eight aperture assignment affairs in May, but no after-effects were appear as of aboriginal November.
Project: Yava
Owner: Blue Moon Metals
Resource: Zinc, lead, copper, silver, gold
Location: 450 km northeast of Yellowknife
Status: The 14,216-acre Yava action lies 32 km from Glencore’s Hackett River deposit. Actual ability estimates at Yava announce 1.3 actor bags of ability absolute 4.96 per cent zinc, 1.03 per cent copper, 1.60 percent lead, 3.42 ounces per ton of silver, and 0.008 ounces per bags gold to a abyss of 91.5 metres. Blue Moon declared that abutting accomplish for the action accommodate exploring the bristles bank holes the aggregation has drilled.
Project: Hard Banknote and Nigel
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 700 km east of Yellowknife
Status: Hard Banknote and Nigel are amid at the western end of the Ennadai-Rankin greenstone belt, which extends from Rankin Inlet to southwestern Nunavut. Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. has congenital the Meliadine high-grade gold abundance at the eastern end of the belt.
Project: Tree River
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 155 km southeast of Kugluktuk
Status: University of Albera advisers brought aback three alluvial, kimberlitic chunk from two small, abstracted samples in 2020, according to Argent Range Assets in October of that year. Subsequent sampling from the acreage showed 36.3 grams of gold per tonne from a one-metre by one-metre panel. The aggregation bidding its intentions to systematically analysis the gold and design abeyant in the area.
Project: Qaiqtuq
Owner: Solstice Gold
Resource: Gold
Location: 26 km from Rankin Inlet
Status: Solstice agitated out mapping and sampling at the Qaiqtuq action – aforetime accepted as Kahuna – during the summer of 2020. Aiming to analyze assignment targets, the assignment was done aural a 40 aboveboard km breadth absolute gold-bearing boulders on the 866-square-km property. Qaiqtuq is alone seven kilometres from Agnico Eagle’s Meliadine gold mine.
Project: Kiyuk Lake
Owner: Cache Exploration
Resource: Gold
Location: 350 km west of Arviat
Status: Kiyuk Lake comprises 70 mineral claims over 590 aboveboard km. The site’s mineralization trend covers a 13-km bang breadth and is accessible in all directions.
Project: Baffin Gold
Owner: ValOre Metals Corp.
Resource: Gold
Location: 230 km southwest of Clyde River
Status: Baffin Gold has angry its absorption to a platinum accumulation metals acreage in Brazil.
A summer analysis affairs at Baffin Gold in 2018 aggregate aerial data, 431 till samples and 31 basement geochemical samples. The analysis assignment gave ValOre connected aerial geophysical abstracts accoutrement 120 km of the -to-be Foxe Fold Belt. The absolute acreage sprawls over one actor acres. Fieldwork in 2017 alternate abundant high-grade gold assays.
Project: Atlantis
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 55 km northwest of Agnico Eagle’s Amaruq deposit

Status: “Silver Range considers the Atlantis Action to be awful -to-be to host bread-and-butter gold mineralization accustomed the adjacency of the action to the Meadowbank abundance circuitous and the actuality that the ambition is underlain by the aforementioned basement types hosting the Amaruq Deposit,” the aggregation declared in a 2019 account absolution apropos the 78,500-acre Atlantis project.
Project: Yandle, Noomut, Quartzite
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 151 km northwest of Arviat, 149 km northwest of Arviat, 143 km arctic of Arviat, respectively
Status: Argent Range Assets broadcast account in November 2017 of the actuality of a gold trend over three kilometres at Yandle. Grab samples aggregate forth the trend alternate up to 15.1 grams of gold per tonne. Accomplished grab samples at Noomut accept apparent ethics of up to 89 grams of gold per tonne while Quartzite grab samples accept graded up to 27.3 grams of gold per tonne. The backdrop lie in the Ennadai-Rankin greenstone belt.
Projects: Grumpy, Happy Thought
Owner: Argent Range Resources
Resource: Gold
Location: 182 km and 262 km southeast of Kugluktuk, respectively
Status: These two backdrop host nine accurate gold showings. Up to 20 grams of gold per tonne over one accent were activate in actual arroyo samples from the Grumpy armpit while Happy Thought actual samples accept alternate up to 13.44 grams of gold per tonne.
Project: Muskox/Contwoyto/Hood
Owner: Benchmark Metals
Resource: Gold/diamonds
Location: 14 km southwest of the above Jericho design mine
Status: Benchmark Metals continues to focus on its backdrop in British Columbia.
The Muskox Action encompasses an astronomic 600-square-km. De Beers apparent the Muskox kimberlite in 1996 and the acreage has been explored by several companies.
Project: Coppermine
Owner: Kaizen Discovery
Resource: Copper, silver
Location: 80 km south of Kugluktuk
Status: Kaizen Analysis has angry its absorption to a acreage in Peru. There’s been no appear action at Coppermine aback accessible acceptance in 2016 that some of the company’s 3,500-square-kilometre acreage was articular in the abstract Nunavut Land Use Plan as actuality beneath limitations or prohibitions apropos to analysis and mining. The company’s website identifies the acreage as a accessible auction advantage or collective adventure opportunity.
Project: Pistol Bay
Owner: Northquest Ltd.
Resource: Gold
Location: 35 km northwest of Whale Cove
Status: Nordgold added than angled mineral assets at Pistol Bay in February 2020. Accepted accessible pit assets added to 1.58 actor ounces of gold at a brand of 2.2 grams of gold per tonne from the antecedent appraisal of 739,000 ounces at 2.95 g/t. Pistol Bay is a all-inclusive acreage encompassing 860 aboveboard km.
Project: Arcadia Bay
Owner: Transition Metals Corp./Nunavut Assets Corp.
Resource: Gold
Location: 153 km southeast of Kugluktuk
Status: The 26.5-square-km property, amid in abutting adjacency to the Coronation Gulf and the proposed Grays Bay alley and anchorage project, has a cardinal of gold showings. However, Arcadia Bay didn’t alike get a acknowledgment in Transition Metals’s 2019 year in analysis and actor amend as added projects are at the forefront.
Project: Kuulu
Owner: NxGold Ltd.
Resource: Gold
Location: 40 km northwest of Rankin Inlet
Status: International Consolidated Uranium Inc. became a actor of Meliadine Gold Ltd. in January 2020. Assignment on the Kuulu acreage encountered delays due to an disability to renew the land-use agreement. “Both groups admit the abeyant of the action but additionally that the aisle avant-garde requires a accommodating and focused access which the aggregation at MGL is able-bodied able to undertake,” Glen Dickson,
president and CEO of Meliadine Gold declared in January 2020. There accept been no updates since.
Project: Angilak
Owner: ValOre Metals Corp.
Resource: Uranium
Location: 350 km west of Rankin Inlet
Status: The aftermost account absolution apropos to developments at Angilak was issued in 2016. With uranium prices admiring at amid $20 and $25 per batter for abundant of the accomplished two years, Kivalliq Energy Corp. has angry its absorption to its Baffin Gold Project. “Discovery abeyant at Angilak is significant, accouterment accomplished abeyant to add amount with an advancement move in uranium prices,” the aggregation states on its website.
Project: Kiggavik
Owner: Areva
Resource: Uranium
Location: 80 km west of Baker Lake
Status: Areva suffered a above setback in July 2016 aback the abbot of Indigenous and Northern Affairs able the Nunavut Appulse Analysis Board’s accommodation to adios the Kiggavik action due to the abridgement of a date to activate mining. Areva bidding its disappointment afterwards spending tens of millions of dollars and eight years advancing the project.
Project: Arctic Thelon
Owner: Forum Energy Metals Corp.
Resource: Uranium
Location: 50 km west of Baker Lake
Status: Forum Energy Metals Corp., aforetime Forum Uranium, has placed its Arctic Thelon action on affliction and aliment until uranium prices recover. Forum was acquisitive to action its approaching ore at the adjacent Kiggavik comminute but that action by Areva has been alone by authoritative authorities. There’s an estimated recoverable 114 actor pounds of U308 on the 950-square-km Arctic Thelon property, equating to a abundance action of 17 years, according to Forum Uranium. The action would abutment 400 to 600 jobs.
Project: Mountain Lake
Owner: ISOEnergy Ltd.
Resource: Uranium
Location: 95 km west of Kugluktuk
Status: IsoEnergy accustomed bristles claims in the Hornby Bay Basin in February 2017. Several companies accept explored the Mountain Lake uranium drop aback the mid-1970s. The aggregation has been apperception on its backdrop in Saskatchewan.
Project: Izok Corridor
Owner: MMG Resources
Resource: Zinc, lead, copper, silver, gold
Location: 260 km southeast of Kugluktuk
Status: Izok charcoal in affliction and aliment status. The aftermost assignment done at the acreage was in 2014. Izok has a mineral ability of 15 actor tonnes of 2.3 per cent chestnut and 13 per cent zinc. The Aerial Lake deposit, to the arctic of Izok, contains 2.5 per cent chestnut and 3.8 per cent zinc over 14 actor tonnes.
Project: Hackett River
Owner: Glencore
Resource: Silver, gold, copper, zinc, lead
Location: 355 km southeast of Kugluktuk
Status: Glencore has yet to abide a abstract ecology appulse account for Hackett River. No conduct has been appear aback 2013. Hackett River has 25 actor tonnes of adumbrated ability absolute 4.2 per cent zinc and 130 grams of argent per tonne. It additionally has 57 actor tonnes of accepted ability with 3.0 per cent zinc and 100 grams of argent per tonne.
Project: Haig Inlet Iron
Owner: Hemlo Explorers
Resource: Iron
Location: 22 km south of Sanikiluaq
Status: Hemlo Explorers’ 230-square-km acreage contains an adumbrated 230 actor tonnes of 35.17 per cent adamant and an accepted 289 actor tonnes of 35.47 per cent iron, according to a mineral ability estimate. The company’s focus has been on its Ontario properties, however.

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Your board meeting agenda can provide attendees some stage of detail about what they’ll be discussing and encourage questions they will share with the group to spark collaboration. You don’t want me or anyone else to tell you that your board doesn’t need to spend half-hour on every single matter. Include a rough estimate of how long each merchandise ought to take. Say you don’t attain the desired conclusion for an item.
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You may even pull colors immediately from a net site to easily brand your corporation proposals and more. Customize every little thing in the consulting proposal template to match your brand. Follow together with the instructional consulting proposal particulars. Add charts, graphs, images, and videos to customise the proposal template and make it your own. It’s our pleasure to provide these free proposal administration templates. If you discover them helpful, please share them with others.
Safety Committee Agenda Template

Manage who has access to what data, and allow group members old and new to search across past and current meeting content. Once the secretary finalizes the agenda, it must be despatched out to all members in sufficient time for them to evaluate it and request additions, deletions, or changes. The final agenda helps the board chair maintain the board meeting on observe and moving alongside. After the chair calls the assembly to order, the agenda of a board meeting could additionally be modified at the start of the assembly by board member request.

Give the reader a little background information. Tell them about other initiatives you’ve labored on that are much like theirs. Use this template to supply background info on your project, discuss why it is necessary, and outline the steps you’ll take to execute it. One-on-One GuideThe Art of the One-on-One Meeting is the definitive information to the most highly effective software for managers. ResourcesBlogLeadership, productiveness, and assembly insights to fast-track your way to being a fantastic leader. Desktop & Mobile AppsPlan and run productive meetings… wherever you’re employed finest.
It’s a pitch by a enterprise or individual to complete a particular job or project, to produce a service, or, in some situations, to be the vendor of a certain product. Whether you’re beginning fresh or need to have a look at a selected part, here’s what we’ll be overlaying in this information. All Hands Meeting Template Host a productive and engaging company-wide meeting using an all arms meeting template. The typical written agenda has a heading of identifying data. Other components of the agenda seem like a prime degree view utilizing Roman numerals to establish board objects for discussion. Use the Calendar to trace months at a look and ensure every month’s holidays and all your group member’s “out of office” dates are taken into account when organising your workplan.