VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Metallica Metals Corp. (CSE:MM) (OTC:MTALF) (FWB:SY7P) (the “Company” or “Metallica Metals”) is admiring to advertise appraisal after-effects from the aboriginal three design assignment holes (STR21-001 to 003) completed to validate high-grade gold mineralization at the Starr Gold-Silver Activity (“Starr” or the “Project”) in the Thunder Bay Mining District of Ontario, Canada. The Project, which the Aggregation has the appropriate to acquire up to a 100% absorption from Benton Assets Inc. covers a ample acreage position (5,991 ha) that includes several high-grade gold and argent occurrences aural a 20 km continued articulation of the southwestern breadth of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt (Figure 1).

Paul Ténière, CEO and Director of Metallica Metals commented, “These aboriginal assignment aperture after-effects for the Starr Activity accept accepted the alternation and array of the high-grade gold mineralization present in the Starr Axial ambition breadth and at bank depths. We are additionally seeing adequate alternation with the absolute conduct results, and this is auspicious as we abide to beforehand our 4,000 m conduct affairs and abide conduct in the Starr and Powell Zones. A added design rig has accustomed at the acreage and has commenced conduct targets to the east that accept never been activated beneath surface, such as the CK assuming which contains up to 16.5 g/t Au and 349 g/t Ag from absolute grab samples.”
Figure 1: Area of Brownish Metals’ Starr gold-silver activity with account to adjoining backdrop including the Moss Lake gold drop (sources: 2013 NI 43-101 Abstruse Address and PEA for the Moss Lake Activity and Kesselrun Assets October 7, 2020 account release)
Please note: The adjoining Moss Lake gold drop hosts an Adumbrated Mineral Ability of 39,797,000 tonnes allocation 1.1 g/t Au for 1,377,300 absolute ounces of gold and an Inferred Mineral Ability of 50,364,000 tonnes allocation 1.1 g/t Au for 1,751,600 absolute ounces of gold, and is currently beneath affliction and aliment (source: NI 43-101 Abstruse Address and PEA for the Moss Lake Activity with an able date of May 31, 2013 and filed on SEDAR beneath Moss Lake Gold Mines Ltd., now Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.). Readers are cautioned that mineralization and mineral ability estimates on adjoining and/or adjoining backdrop are not necessarily apocalyptic of mineralization on the Starr Activity (please accredit to added cautionary statements below).
Technical Overview
A arbitrary of the aboriginal three assignment holes completed (STR21-001 to 003) and cogent appraisal intercepts are apparent beneath in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Figures 2 and 3 advertise the assignment aperture locations and cogent intercepts. A photo of mineralization in assignment amount from Aperture STR21-001 is apparent beneath in Figure 4.
Table 1: Collar Table for Starr Design Assignment holes (Holes STR21-001 to STR21-003)
Note: Approximate collar coordinates in UTM NAD83 Zone 15N
Table 2: Cogent Gold Intercepts for Starr Activity design assignment holes STR21-001 to 003
Note: True widths for these intervals are alien at this time. Grades apparent are uncut.
Metallica Metals has focused its design conduct affairs on a aggregate of absolute high-grade gold mineral occurrences aural the Starr Project. The three basic areas to be activated are the Axial (Starr and Powell Zones), Eastern (CK assuming added added targets), and Western (West and South showings) Starr ambition areas. Conduct is testing several structural and geophysical targets bent from the Company’s afresh completed aerial mag-EM survey, in aggregate with all absolute geochemical, geophysical, and geological abstracts from the Project. Conduct supervision, and amount logging and sampling is actuality managed by Fladgate Analysis Consulting Corp. (“Fladgate”) of Thunder Bay and design conduct is actuality completed by Missinaibi Conduct Services Ltd. of Timmins and Forage Fusion Conduct (FFD) of Hawkesbury, Ontario. All design assignment amount is NQ-size bore and all holes are actuality surveyed appliance a downhole Reflex analysis tool.
Drilling about the axial allocation of the acreage (Starr Central) has been focused on the Starr Assuming and Powell Zone (Figure 2). The Aggregation has acclimated accessible absolute data, recommendations from antecedent assignment reports, as able-bodied as targets from a anew completed geophysical and structural estimation to plan assignment holes in this area. Several assignment holes will act as infill, testing the alternation amid accepted values, while others will analysis structures that accept never been assignment activated that additionally authority gold ethics at surface.
Figure 2: Conduct completed in the Axial allocation of the Starr Acreage (STR21-001 to 003)*Assays awaiting for holes STR21-004 to 006. **Cross breadth adumbrated by band A-A’
Figure 3: Cantankerous breadth (A-A’) of conduct completed to date on the Starr Acreage (STR21-001 to 003)*Assays awaiting for holes STR21-004 to 006

Hole STR21-001
Hole STR21-001 was accomplished center amid absolute assignment holes SAG-06-11 and 91-3. The purpose of this assignment aperture was to affirm the alternation of brand amid the two absolute holes. A arbitrary of the cogent mineralized intervals include:
0.5-5.9 m: Mafic Advancing Rock: Advancing bedrock selectively has cross-cutting collapsed and angled quartz veining associated with the mineralization of localized pyrite clusters. Host bedrock is absolute magnetic, with cool and brownish mineral begin in veins from 0.9-1.35m best adequate hematite. Lithology is adapted with Hematite occurring primarily in sections 3-5.9m. Breadth of albite about-face from 1.65-2.4m. Basal acquaintance is abstinent at 75° to amount axis.
5.9-20.9 m: Mafic Agitable Unit: Breadth heavily chloritized with blooming colour from 5.9-15.2.2m. Breadth of acute cross-cutting with white/barren quartz veins occurring from 10-15m. Albite about-face present from 15.3-16.7m. Basal acquaintance is affected at 70° abstinent to amount arbor (Figure 4).
20.9-23.35 m: Granitic Advancing Rock: Distinct assemblage of chapped advancing rock, heavily adapted with albite, K-Feldspar and Silica, 3% pyrite and Pyrrhotite associated with advancing quartz veins. Quartz veins booty a brecciated-style alongside tourmaline. Basal acquaintance is affected at 70° abstinent to amount axis.
23.35-25.65 m: Felsic to Average Advancing Rock: Gradational acquaintance with assemblage above. Zone includes cross-cutting collapsed veins with halos of alteration. Pyrite and Pyrrhotite associated with quartz veins. Basal acquaintance is affected at 80° abstinent to amount axis.
25.65-27.35 m: Mafic Agitable Unit: Less chloritized mafic agitable with atramentous colour including assorted barren/white quartz acid veins forth foliation of 60°. Basal acquaintance is affected at 60° abstinent to amount axis.
Figure 4: Assignment amount photo from top of aperture STR21-001 announcement brand and thicknesses (0 to 18.7 m)
Hole STR21-002
Drill aperture STR21-002 was planned to analysis the cartography and mineralization amid absolute assignment holes SAG06-11 and SR-97-12. Geological logs advertise assays in the blind bank are added continuous. A arbitrary of the cogent mineralized intervals include:
63.15-68.7 m: Ultramafic: lithology is abundantly adapted with quartz-carbonate veins and careful zones of pyrite up to 2% (65.6-66.35 m). Heavily sheared quartz veinlet/zone with 2% pyrite from 67.1-67.45 m. Ample quartz-carbonate veinlets active forth amount arbor from 63.15-63.95 m. The basal acquaintance bend with the diabase dyke beneath measures 70°.
Hole STR21-003
Drill aperture STR21-003 was planned as a step-out of absolute assignment aperture SR-97-12 to affirm alternation of brand forth bang to the north-east. A arbitrary of the cogent mineralized intervals include:
27.8-46.5 m: Moderately silicified-chloritized aphotic ablaze bedrock with ample grains of feldspar and quartz eyes occurring throughout. The feldspars accept been acerb adapted by chlorite and epidote abrogation them with a ablaze blooming appearance. Ablaze blue-white carbonate veinlets action sporadically throughout. Little to no mineralization present in this unit. Towards the lower allotment of the assemblage the feldspars about absolutely abandon (37-46.51 m) and the assemblage takes on added of an average agreement with baby quartz eyes still present.

46.5-49.5 m: Moderately silicified-chloritized agitable bedrock with ~1 cm avant-garde quartz-carbonate veinlets occurring throughout in anarchic orientations. The veinlets are generally associated with abstinent hematite alteration, and some are composed dominantly of a blush carbonate. The able pyritization and about-face associated with veining empiric in this assemblage at the top of the aperture has absolutely abolished at this point. From 46.51-64.12 m this agitable assemblage is frequently bisect by a porphyritic hematite adapted dyke. Varying amounts of pyrite broadcasting throughout the assemblage alignment from trace to 3%.
49.5-50.1 m: Heavily hematite adapted porphyritic dyke with a aerial dioritic arena mass. The arena accumulation additionally has anemic calcite alteration. Mineralization is composed of 0.5% pyrite and is broadcast throughout. The high acquaintance of the dyke is aciculate and about erect to amount axis. The lower acquaintance is shallow, undulating, and about alongside to amount axis.
50.1-57.2 m: Weakly silicified and chloritized massive agitable bedrock with anarchic quartz-carbonate veinlets occurring throughout.
57.2-59.25 m: Breadth of acerb silicified alternating units of mafic metavolcanics and porphyritic dyke, with the dyke actuality the assertive assemblage (~75%). Pyrite mineralization is broadcast throughout both units at ~1%. The dyke has ample feldspar phenocrysts (maximum 1 cm in width) that accept a pinkish alteration. The arena accumulation of the dyke is moderately calcite altered.
59.25-63.1 m: Massive, moderately silicified and calcite adapted bank bedrock with accepted occurrences of calcite, chlorite epidote, and k-spar (hard apricot blush mineral) abounding fractures. The carbonate about-face is stronger in some sections, effervescing absolutely strongly. Mineralization consists of ~1% broadcast pyrite.63.1-64.1 m: Chlorite-calcite adapted mafic agitable dyke with ample able-bodied developed feldspar crystals and desultory calcite veinlets (1-2 cm wide) throughout. The agreement of this dyke is absolute agnate to the hosting mafic meta-volcanic, about the contacts amid them are sharp. Mineralization consists of broadcast pyrite throughout (~1%) with an access abreast the high and lower contacts (~4%).
64.1-73.7 m: Acerb chlorite adapted and moderately silicified mafic agitable with pinkish calcite veinlets cantankerous acid the host rock. Able interstitial calcite about-face occurs from 64.12-66.14 m. Trace pyrite mineralization broadcast throughout, with a slight alternative forth breach surfaces.
Analytical and QAQC Procedures
Metallica Metals and its geological consultants (Fladgate) accept implemented a able-bodied Affection Affirmation and Affection Ascendancy (QAQC) affairs for the Starr Activity that complies with CIM analysis best practices for sampling, alternation of aegis procedures, and analytic methods. Certified gold advertence standards, bare material, and duplicates are commonly amid by the armpit geologists at the on-site amount processing ability as allotment of the QAQC affairs in accession to the ascendancy samples amid by the laboratory. The NQ-sized bisected amount samples are labeled and bankrupt in artificial sample accoutrements and captivated on armpit in a defended area until transported by barter to Activation Laboratories (“ActLabs”) in Thunder Bay, Ontario, area they are able and analyzed. ActLabs is absolute of Metallica Metals.
Actlabs’ QAQC arrangement is registered to all-embracing affection standards through the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (including ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9002 specifications) and is accepted to the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation of Testing Laboratories, specific to mineral, argumentative and ecology testing laboratories.
Core samples are analyzed for gold appliance Fire Assay-AA techniques (1A2-Au-30). Samples abiding over 5 g/t gold are analyzed appliance Fire Assay-Gravimetric methods (1A3-Au-30). Selected samples are additionally analyzed with Aqua Regia “Partial” Digestion methods for ICP-MS (Ultratrace 1-15). The Aggregation and its geological consultants affirm all appraisal after-effects appear herein accept anesthetized QAQC protocols.
Qualified Person Account and Abstracts Verification
All accurate and abstruse advice absolute in this account absolution was able and accustomed by Paul Ténière, M.Sc., P.Geo., CEO and Director of Metallica Metals Corp., who is a Able Person as authentic in NI 43-101. Mr. Ténière has absolute all accurate and abstruse abstracts appear in this account absolution including the amount descriptions, sampling procedures, and analytic abstracts basal the abstruse advice disclosed. Specifically, Mr. Ténière advised the abundant amount logs produced by Fladgate during the conduct program, the certified appraisal after-effects from ActLabs, and the appraisal blended tables produced for anniversary assignment hole. No errors or omissions were acclaimed during the abstracts analysis action and a Fladgate geologist additionally absolute the advice disclosed.
This account absolution additionally contains accurate and abstruse advice with account to adjoining or agnate mineral backdrop to the Starr Project, which the Aggregation has no absorption in or rights to explore. Readers are cautioned that advice apropos mineral resources, geology, and mineralization on adjoining or agnate backdrop is not necessarily apocalyptic of the mineralization on the Company’s properties.
On account of the Board of Directors

METALLICA METALS CORP.Paul Ténière, M.Sc., P.Geo.CEO and [email protected]
About Metallica Metals Corp.
Metallica Metals Corp. is a Canadian inferior mining aggregation listed on the Canadian Balance Exchange (“CSE”) and its accepted shares barter beneath the ticker attribute “MM”. The Aggregation is focused on accepting and exploring gold-silver and platinum accumulation metal (PGM) backdrop beyond Canada. The Aggregation is currently exploring and developing its Starr gold-silver project, and Sammy Ridgeline and Richview Pine PGM projects, which are all amid adjoining to avant-garde mining projects in the Thunder Bay Mining District of Ontario.
For added information, amuse appointment the Company’s website at
Neither the Canadian Balance Exchange nor its Adjustment Services Provider (as that appellation is authentic in the behavior of the Canadian Balance Exchange) accepts albatross for the capability or accurateness of this release.
Forward-looking Advice Statement
This account absolution contains assertive “forward-looking information” aural the acceptation of applicative balance law. Advanced advice is frequently characterized by words such as “plan”, “expect”, “project”, “intend”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “estimate” and added agnate words, or statements that assertive contest or altitude “may” or “will” occur. In particular, advanced advice in this columnist absolution includes, but is not bound to, statements with account to the Company’s proposed acquisition, analysis affairs and the expectations for the mining industry. Although we accept that the expectations reflected in the advanced advice are reasonable, there can be no affirmation that such expectations will prove to be correct. We cannot agreement approaching results, achievement or achievements. Consequently, there is no representation that the absolute after-effects accomplished will be the same, in accomplished or in part, as those set out in the advanced information.
Forward-looking advice is based on the opinions and estimates of administration at the date the statements are made, and are accountable to a array of risks and uncertainties and added factors that could account absolute contest or after-effects to alter materially from those advancing in the advanced information. Some of the risks and added factors that could account the after-effects to alter materially from those bidding in the advanced advice include, but are not bound to: accepted bread-and-butter altitude in Canada and globally; industry conditions, including authoritative adjustment and ecology regulation; abortion to access industry accomplice and added third affair consents and approvals, if and back required; the availability of basic on adequate terms; the charge to access appropriate approvals from authoritative authorities; banal bazaar volatility; liabilities inherent in baptize auctioning ability operations; antagonism for, amid added things, accomplished cadre and supplies; incorrect assessments of the amount of acquisitions; geological, technical, processing and busline problems; changes in tax laws and allurement programs; abortion to apprehend the advancing allowances of acquisitions and dispositions; and the added factors. Readers are cautioned that this account of accident factors should not be construed as exhaustive.
The advanced advice absolute in this account absolution is especially able by this cautionary statement. We undertake no assignment to amend any of the advanced advice to accommodate such advice to absolute after-effects or to changes in our expectations except as contrarily appropriate by applicative balance legislation. Readers are cautioned not to abode disproportionate assurance on advanced information.
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