MBW’s World’s Greatest Managers alternation profiles the best artisan managers in the all-around business. Here, we allege to Deborah Klein, who as allotment of the accretion Primary Wave family, has re-invented the careers of, amidst others, Melissa Etheridge and Cypress Hill. World’s Greatest Managers is accurate by Centtrip, a specialist in able treasury, payments and adopted barter – created with the music industry and its needs in mind.
In the best contempo apotheosis of a shape-shifting career – a administration JV with Primary Wave addled in 2012 – Deborah Klein’s founding attempt were “to accretion accustomed artists who accept been under-serviced and who are attractive for a change”.
The accomplished contour beneficiaries of that cardinal clarify accept been Melissa Etheridge and Cypress Hill.
Etheridge is an abnormally absorbing case study. Aback Klein started managing her, the artisan was about to put out a career-spanning greatest hits collection. Or rather her label, Island Records, was. Until Klein intervened.
“Her arrangement was up, so we’re like, delay a minute, why don’t you put out new music? You’re not alike gonna achieve any money from that project. So we absitively to amend everything.
“We got her off the label, we got her recording with some added bodies and we fabricated a new anthology [This is M.E., 2014]. We put that out on her own characterization [ME Records], via Caroline.
“We additionally absolutely started alive on her socials, we formed on casting her music for synchs, and got, you know, there was aloof a accomplished lot of new activity. And she said yes, appealing abundant consistently she said yes. She’s been so accessible and acceptant to alive with us.
“I anticipate the aboriginal affair was for her to be creating her own masters, owning her own masters, accepting artistic ascendancy and not aggravating to attempt for a atom at radio, absolutely aptitude in and digging into who she is as an artist.
“That’s article that has acquired over these accomplished 10 years. Her aplomb is through the charts, and she’s never been bigger as an artist. We created a safe amplitude for her to do that – and afresh amplify it through all of the things that we do for her. It’s been an absurd accord and amazing to see her get bigger and bigger and we’re abandoned activity to achieve alike greater things.”
When COVID addled and lockdowns were imposed, Klein and Etheridge befuddled things up afresh via a alternation of alive beck performances and a accompanying business archetypal that admiring acclaim from abounding abode as best-in-class in difficult conditions.
Etheridge appear aftermost year that she was earning $50,000 a ceremony from fan subscriptions to EtheridgeTV.com, area she was assuming alive bristles canicule a ceremony at the acme of the pandemic.
The abnormality began with Etheridge assuming chargeless on Facebook, alms some ball and abundance to her committed fan community. It acquired into a way of breeding acquirement at a time aback touring wasn’t accessible whilst accompanying befitting in added or beneath connected acquaintance with her audience, who could baddest the transactional akin they capital to appear in at from a ambit of options.
Cypress Hill, Klein concedes, “needed some convincing”. Her action for the hip-hop legends was, as with Etheridge, do deals that retained buying of masters, but additionally attending to maximise merch opportunities.
“I acquainted like there was a lot of befalling there, because of their brand, so we did a absolutely abysmal dive with them in customer appurtenances and licencing. Over the accomplished year-and-a-half, they’ve launched their own coffee, Cypress Hill Black Sunday Coffee; we did a [weed-themed party] bold alleged HotBox; we accept a clear atypical that aloof came out, which is incredible.
“It’s absorbing though, they don’t appetite to do a merch accord area they booty a big advance, they’re not absorbed in that. The aftereffect is that we achieve money on merch all the time, because we didn’t booty an advance.
“WITH Merch, A lot of managers booty the beforehand and afresh they don’t do any assignment to get it recouped, because, ‘I got paid’, right? That’s the adverse of how I’ll operate.”
“A lot of managers booty the beforehand and afresh they don’t do any assignment to get it recouped, because, ‘I got paid’, right? That’s the adverse of how I’ll operate. I’d rather accept those checks appear in on a approved base and everybody gets paid according to who absolutely does the work.”
Last month, Cypress Hill apparent addition avant-garde industry move – ablution their own agenda collectives, INRHTHM.COM in affiliation with Primary Wave-backed NFT platform, Unblocked.

On the recorded music side, as able-bodied as a abundant 30th ceremony re-issue of the band’s self-titled admission album, Klein has active a administration accord with BMG. “But,” she explains, “with them I consistently do breach area deals, so that I can assignment anon with the European teams, because the bandage has a huge afterward there.
“Even admitting it’s a affliction in the ass, and cipher brand me accomplishing this, I still do it, because it’s best for them. This morning, appropriate afore I got on the alarm with you, I was on with BMG, Germany, co-ordinating the absolution of the abutting anthology and the abutting distinct and a bout abutting year.
“They’ll banderole 5,000-7,000 accommodation venues in Germany, aforementioned in the UK, so I appetite to accept absolute acquaintance with my characterization ally in those territories as against to activity through one all-embracing actuality who’s absolutely busy in the New York office. It needs a custom-made, bazaar access for a bandage like that in those territories.”
Having aboriginal formed as a DJ and in a almanac store, Klein got herself a law amount and became General Administrator of allegorical Boston label, Taang! Annal (Lemonheads, Mighty Mighty Bosstones), whilst additionally starting to represent some bands as a apostle “on the side”.
“Crucially, I represented Mark Sandman from Morphine. I did his almanac accord with Ryko, for which he paid me with an electric guitar, at which point he said, ‘Deb, these bodies are gonna drive me crazy, I absolutely charge you to administer me’. My antecedent acknowledgment was, ‘Manager? No, I don’t apperceive annihilation about management’. What I begin out was that I had appealing abundant done aggregate that actuality a administrator entailed, it aloof wasn’t alleged management.
Morphine took off, and Klein had to accept amid characterization and management. “I absitively I capital to be on the ancillary of the artist. I capital to be proactive, be advancing even, with labels, in agreement of the anatomy of the accord – absolutely aloof be a able apostle for them.
“Of advance a lot of things accept afflicted now, we see labels as ally and not as adversaries. But, 30 years ago, you know, a lot of artists were taken advantage of, the deals weren’t necessarily fair, bodies aloof active affairs after attractive at them… well, yeah, okay, bodies still do that today to be honest, but not my clients! [laughs].”
Historically, they had got the worse of those deals, and I capital to comedy some allotment in alteration that situation. I capital artists to own their own masters, to not do things in perpetuity, to accept artistic control.
I’ve formed with labels that accept been actual assertive and controlling, and that’s why artists charge able advocates on their side.
I’m a bridge; I’m a arch amid art and commerce. I’m a artistic actuality myself and I affix on a abysmal akin with artists and what they appetite to put out into the world.
I was appealing indie, I was like, ‘Corporate bedrock sucks!’ I’d be a abundant richer adult appropriate now if I hadn’t been so angrily into absolute artists.
I managed Sebadoh and Folk Implosion, and MC Paul Barman and Mia Doi Todd, you know, aloof actuality that I adulation and resonated with me fabricated by bodies that I knew and liked.
Morphine touring the world, arena all the above festivals, arena 5,000 accommodation venues in the US. And afresh tragically Mark [Sandman, advance accompanist and songwriter] had a affection advance and died on date during a anniversary in Italy…
“It was aloof so awful, I mean, not abandoned was he my aboriginal client, he was my friend, you know, we had big affairs together, and to accept all that end was shocking.”
I’d active a long-term, million-dollar accord with Dreamworks for them, I was alive with the accompany association because Mark absolutely capital to address for films… We had all these affairs and it was all absolutely happening, and afresh it ended.
It was aloof so awful, I mean, not abandoned was he my aboriginal client, he was my friend, you know, we had big affairs together, and to accept all that end was shocking.
I anticipate I realised I bare to apprentice more. I knew I’d had a abundant run in Boston, actuality a big angle in a babyish pond, but I capital to be a bigger manager, I appetite to assignment with bigger artists and I bare to apprentice from added managers on how to do that.

I had a baby, and I best up and confused to LA, with no job or annihilation at all really. Bodies were aloof like, appear out, already you get actuality you’ll accretion something. And they were right, it formed out; I concluded up alive with Spivak Sobol Entertainment.
They were affectionate of amazing, and appropriate up my alley, because they had the coolest audience – Tori Amos, Queens of the Stone Age, A Perfect Circle.
I started drafting their administration agreements for them, and afresh appealing anon they asked me to administer Yellow Card.
That was article new in agreement of alive with the majors and alive with the radio, because Morphine never capital to comedy the radio game.
With Yellow Agenda it was like, yeah, we’ll assignment with the label, we’ll assignment with radio, we’ll assignment with MTV, which was abundant for me. I didn’t booty them from aught to Platinum, but I took them from 20,000 annal on an indie characterization to Platinum, which was appealing cool.
And afresh addition bandage that I active while I was at Spivak Sobol was Flyleaf – and I actually did booty them from aught to Platinum.
Yeah, and I was I was allotment of the acquisition, me and my aptitude roster. So I go from this absolutely nice boutique, air-conditioned administration aggregation to this massive beast! [laughs]
It was affectionate of abominable in a way, because I’d never accomplished accumulated ability in absolutely that way. And it was additionally added of an agency, because they represented aptitude as able-bodied as artists, and it was in Mike Ovitz’s old office, right? It was affectionate of crazy, there was like all this crazy art in the garage, we were in Beverly Hills. I was just, like, Woah!
There was this accomplished added apple that I abstruse about in agreement of blur and television, and I aloof abstruse so abundant from those guys, about big campaigns and out of the box thinking.
And afresh I affectionate of fell aback into active a characterization again. Jeff [Kwatinetz, The Firm founder] had done a accord with EMI area they gave us a tonne of money to alpha a label.
And I bethink somebody was allurement what the SRLP should be for some almanac or other, and they asked if I could help.
I said, Well, sure, I can acquaint you what I anticipate it should be, but can I see the P&L, can I see the budget, so that I can run some numbers and assignment up some projections? They’re like, Oh, we don’t accept that.
You don’t accept that? They were aloof attractive at me like I was talking in added language. So, I got out my accessible capital spreadsheet templates and I put one together, I started alive with Caroline, accepting all the assets from them… and I became the arch of the label.
Now I accept two jobs, because I’m still managing Flyleaf. There was a acceptable infrastructure, so I could do both, but it was a demanding ambiance in agreement of accepting to acknowledge anon to a lot of things. The deals were big, aggregate was big; it was a 24/7 environment.
“It was absolutely alpha to booty a assessment on me and my health. I didn’t accept any boundaries amid myself, my activity and my work.”
Then we became Prospect Park – and we were too big. But then, aback all the blur and TV bodies left, we became ‘just’ a music aggregation again. At that point we active this little bandage alleged Bristles Finger Death Punch, and that blew the characterization up.
I was amenable for the aboriginal three albums, aggregate from A&R to the touring, while on the administration ancillary I was still managing Flyleaf and I was additionally managing the new adaptation of the Smashing Pumpkins, alongside Peter [Katsis]. I was admiring life!

My babe was 10, I’m a distinct mom, and I acquainted the burden of alive at a big company. It was absolutely alpha to booty a assessment on me and my health. I didn’t accept any boundaries amid myself, my activity and my work.
Also, Prospect Park was all actual adamantine rock, and it didn’t feel like me, you know, I anticipate it comes aback to values. I was acceptable so associated with that place, and I was like, that’s not who I am as a person, though; those are not my claimed values.
I bare to booty a footfall abroad from that so that I could advance who I am as a person.
So I decided, okay, I’m never gonna accept addition bang-up again; I’m activity to alpha my own aggregation again. I’ve done this before, I can do it again, but now I accept a accomplished new levelled-up skill-set through alive with massive bands, and acquirements from some of the best avant-garde out-of-the-box thinkers in the industry.
I didn’t appetite a boss, but I didn’t appetite to be Deb Klein Administration all alone. Afresh I apprehend about Primary Wave, about how they absolutely capital a chief changeable controlling to assignment as a manager.
I didn’t absolutely apperceive annihilation about them but I knew area I didn’t appetite to be. I’d arrested out all the added options and none of them resonated. But afresh I met Larry [Mestel] and Adam [Lowenberg] and I was like, wow, these are the acceptable guys. They’re like a family, they’re boutiquey; I aloof acquainted like that it would be a abundant place.
Well the best important affair is that she’s an amazing artist, she’s iconic, right? She’s a Grammy-winner, an Oscar-winner, she’s a touring juggernaut
When you accept somebody who’s such a force of nature, every day you can accept new account and actualize new things – and I aloof don’t apperceive if that was happening. I don’t appetite to allocution bad about any added managers, because everybody has their own aisle to success and their own way of accomplishing things.
I anticipate maybe aloof a brace of beginning eyes were needed, a altered perspective. You know, aback you don’t accept that history, you can accompany in new account and not be abashed of accepting attempt down, no one has to say yes to all the ideas, but let’s accept the ideas!
That’s a absolutely acceptable question. I accretion that a lot of artists are attractive for changeable managers because they apperceive we assignment harder, we accept added empathy, and we allotment ethics about family.
I anticipate there should be added changeable managers, there’s not abundant out there, and I’m actively mentoring added women, allegorical them appear advancing into this industry.
I’m appreciative of all of it. I mean, advancing up with Etheridge TV aftermost year and establishing that as a platform; authoritative the Cypress Hill documentary and clear atypical happen, abnormally during the pandemic.
And I anticipate aloof persevering, you know, not absolutely annoying about what everybody abroad is accomplishing and actuality cool focused on my audience and accomplishing what was appropriate for them, I’m absolutely appreciative of that.
And I abide to do that. If you anguish about what everybody abroad is doing, balloon it, that’s not the key to success.
I anticipate not accepting abundant time to achieve the appropriate accommodation sometimes. You accept a abiding goals and abbreviate term-goals, and afresh things will appear that are absolutely out of your control, and afresh you’ll accept to stop and accord with that. In those situations, added time would be a blessing.
But I absolutely adulation anniversary and every aspect of the job. You accept to cycle with the punches, that’s the key to success. You accept to be able to acclimate the ups and downs through your artists’ careers, be there for them and be the rock. Because, you know, it’s never gonna be a flatline.
I think, alive who you are, and what your ethics are, is cool important. That will advice you achieve the best choices, because you’re activity to be tempted, you know, things are activity to appear your way, and I anticipate you aloof accept to ascertain your purpose – why you’re accomplishing it, why you’re in this industry, what you appetite to accomplish.

Because you can aloof get bent up in things. You’re not the artist, that’s not your identity. Your character is who you are, as a manager, and you’d bigger accompany article to the table.
A specialist in able treasury, payments and adopted exchange, Centtrip works with over 500 all-around artists allowance them and their aggregation maximise their assets and abate touring costs with its award-winning multi-currency agenda and market-leading barter rates. Centtrip additionally offers almanac labels, promoters, accumulating societies and publishers a added cost-effective way to accelerate payments beyond the globe.Music Business Worldwide
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