By Sara Wahid

These belief are absolute and not imagined. They accord with the buried adversity of eight girls (pseudonyms are used) at accouchement abundance homes, which are authentic as: “Sheltering, educational and adorning homes for amusing welfare.”
According to their own definition, such institutions backpack out two capital jobs: accouterment accouchement with a safe ambiance and alms them abundance in adjustment to set them on the angelic aisle in activity to be advantageous in society.
But the accuracy is different. The adventure of Nasrin Mahmoud started aback she confused from ‘Dar Ahbab Allah’ in Al-Ma’adi, Cairo (established in 1993) to ‘Dar Al-Difa’ Al-Ijtimai’ in Al-Mansoura (established in 1985). She lived there for four years, afore the home accustomed a 17 years beforehand man alleged ‘H. A’, who fabricated several attempts to ally her. To this end, the abundance home exerted assorted pressures on Nasrin (to acquire the new groom), still 15 years old at the time. It changed to accepting Nasrin issued with a new ID from the Admiral of Bloom to appearance that she was two years older, benefitting from Egypt’s ‘tasnin’ (an age estimation) practice.
The alliance took abode afterwards official documentation, according to a accepted alliance arrangement active at a lawyer’s appointment with the abundance home’s knowledge. Nasrin larboard the accouchement home in Al-Mansoura with a anamnesis abounding of affliction and a abstracts captivation the donations she had accustomed while there. She went to a babyish allowance in ‘Haret Jad’ arctic of Al-Mansoura, area her unemployed and biologic absorbed bedmate bent and rebuked her.
Five years later, she got afar from ‘H. A’ and accustomed to acknowledgment to her antecedent abundance home ‘Dar Ahbab Allah’ in Al-Ma’adi, but they banned to accept her. With the advice of some kids in the home, she managed to bastard in and break there undetected for 7 months aback she met ‘Shadi’ whom she affiliated for 3 ages as he was bedevilled and confined for biologic dealing. Nasrin alternate to the centermost ‘Dar Ahbab Allah’, this time abundant with a babyish girl. She has been active there with her bairn by the time this affection commodity was completed.
Article 24 of the amusing abundance home regulations states that girls charge be accustomed aback into their abundance homes if a amusing bearings arises, such as divorce.
Less than 10 kilometers abroad from ‘Dar Ahbab Allah’ is ‘Dar Al-Hidaya’, in Al-Sayyeda Zainab adjacency in Cairo. There lived Sawsan, 16. The abundance home affiliated her off to a man two years older. On a algid winter night, she confused in with him, area his mother and two added women angry her up to a bed afore her bedmate deflowered her. This has acquired a breach and astringent bleeding in her womb, according to ‘Al-Munira’ Government Hospital.
Eight years later, Sawsan, now with a six years old son and was about to accord bearing aback her bedmate afar her in June, 2018. She begin herself in beat out clothes in the streets. She went aback to the home that affiliated her off, but the administrator there insisted that she backward the night but had to leave in the morning.
The belief of Nasrin and Sawsan, calm with others that we documented, led us to investigate how underaged girls are affiliated off at Egyptian orphanages. Women’s Centermost for Guidance and Acknowledged Awareness, which works on acceptable women’s altitude in Egypt, apparent 10 adolescent alliance cases at orphanages in the aftermost three years, according to the center’s director, Reda El-Danbouki, who said accouchement are affiliated off in accepted contracts, while laws abhorrent adolescent alliance are absent. El-Danbouki referred to Commodity 227 of Egypt’s Penal Code, which punishes those who witness, appear or affidavit marriages of bodies beneath than the acknowledged age (18 years) with two years in bastille or an EGP 300 accomplished afterwards imprisonment.

Reda El-Danbouki, administrator of Women’s Centermost for Guidance and Acknowledged Awareness
Nowadays, orphanages in Egypt acquisition in marrying off girls an “interest,” according to Hiba Ashmawy, architect and arch of Friends and Ancestors for Abundance and Development of Orphanages. She said abounding admiral in this area appetite to accept as abounding marriages as accessible assured to acceding their jobs are applicable and to ensure added donations in ablaze of their achievements in award husbands for the girls.
Hiba Ashmawy: founder and arch of Friends and Ancestors for Abundance and Development of Orphanages
The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood says on its website that its Adolescent Helpline accustomed 432 notifications of adolescent alliance cases in 18 governorates.
Meanwhile, Sabri Othman, administrator of the Adolescent Helpline at the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood, accepted that the centermost accustomed complaints about adolescent alliance cases in orphanages. The centermost appear these incidents to the Admiral of Amusing Solidarity, so that acknowledged measures could be taken, in accordance with Commodity 96 of the Egyptian Adolescent Law No. 126 of 2008, which prohibits endangering the activity of a child, and penalizes who put a child’s activity at accident with six months in bastille and a minimum accomplished of EGP 2,000 that could go up to EGP 5,000. Egypt has so far not had a law criminalizing adolescent marriage, as Othman says.
The Admiral of Amusing Solidarity, through Mahmoud Shaaban, the administrator accepted of ancestors and adolescent diplomacy at the ministry, denied accepting any notifications about orphanages marrying off arrears girls. Alone bristles to 10 percent of girls at orphanages are married, he said.
Mahmoud Shaaban, administrator accepted of ancestors and adolescent diplomacy at the Admiral of Amusing Solidarity, central the Sources file.
An analysis into how the orphanages included in this affection ally girls off has begin that this action is disconnected into several stages that abstain the girl’s age – all accurate cases in this analysis are for girls who were beneath than 18 aback they were affiliated off. It all starts with inducing the adolescent with all sorts of seductions and ends with a abundant acceding amid the home’s administering and the declared groom. The home, as declared by law, informs the Admiral of Amusing Solidarity, which abetment in commutual the alliance behindhand of babe age.
But in all our accurate cases, the acknowledgment of girls to homes afterwards annulment wasn’t allowed. This led us to dig into bookish studies evaluating o the role of amusing abundance institutions in accepting ancestors aegis for orphans they host; this was agitated out by Al-Fayoum University. The analysis showed that 78.7 percent of its sample orphans didn’t get all-important abundance at the orphanages afterwards a amusing problems had happened.

The cardinal of arrears babe marriages in Egypt exceeded 117,000. Such marriages appear afterwards identification papers, according to the Central Agency for Accepted Mobilization and Statistics 2019.
There’s no bright apparatus to analyze adolescent marriages in Egypt; El-Danbouki told us that adolescent alliance cases are detected through amusing media. We asked the arch of the Alliance Admiral Association, Islam Amer, about the alliance allotment mechanism. He said adolescent marriages are registered in two ways: Age admiration or ‘tasnin’ (as it is referred to locally); that is, presenting the adolescent to a bloom ambassador to appraise her age – as in the case of Nasrin and others; the ambassador would add two to three years to her age as declared by the orphanage’s abstracts to acceding approval of alliance paperwork.
The added way is to accept a accepted marriage, which is agitated out by a lawyer, a abbey imam, or a alliance official; the babe is affiliated off afterwards a alliance certificate. Years later, the arrears babe faces two choices to prove the civilian marriage. The accepted alliance is accustomed with the husband’s accord aback the babe is 18, or the babe is affected to book a alliance acceptance accusation if the bedmate refuses to accept the accepted marriage. The additional best was apparent in some of our accurate cases.
According to Amer, Egypt’s laws ban adolescent alliance affidavit but doesn’t criminalize the marriages themselves. Hence, no alliance annal are to be begin at the Civilian Register for bodies who are beneath than 18, and the alliance official commits an answerability aback he clearly abstracts alliance diplomacy of arrears people, but the law doesn’t ascendancy him amenable for accustomed out the alliance itself.
We contacted Egypt’s ‘Dar Al-Ifta’ (the accomplished religious authority) to enquire about sharia rulings apropos adolescent marriage, but the religious academy banned to affair a fatwa (religious opinion) on the amount (by the time this affection was completed). It said a bill on the amount is actuality debated in Parliament. But we searched the institution’s official website and begin an beforehand fatwa banning adolescent alliance “because it leads to abounding disadvantages and harms in society.”
To accept added the cerebral altitude of girls beneath 18, we approved a medical opinion. Dr. Attia Abul-Naga, a adviser gynecologist and obstetrician, said, “The affair isn’t alone accompanying to puberty; it exceeds it to cerebral and amusing considerations, which actuate the child’s accord with the adverse sex. The babe herself is aback amenable for a ancestors and accepting duties to accomplish to a partner.”
We took all the capacity we aggregate about Nasrin’s case to the administrator of the amusing abundance institutions in Al-Mansoura, Walid Mahmoud, who denied Nasrin’s story. He said she able from the home and got affiliated aback she was 18, not 14 as she claims, but he accepted that she was at the abundance home aback she got affiliated aback presented with the alliance approval document, which includes the institution’s address. He said he wasn’t at his column aback the alliance happened, gluttonous to abstain acknowledged responsibility.
Nasrin’s adventure was accepted by her ex-husband, H. A., and his brother’s wife in Al-Mansoura, while the adventure was actuality investigated.
Sawsan’s case was additionally followed up by the investigation’s team; she was affiliated off by ‘Dar Al-Hidaya’ for Orphan Welfare. We got letters about her adversity cerebral and concrete traumas for actuality affiliated off while still a child. This led us to allocution with Sheikh Mohammad Qotob, administrator of the home in Al-Sayyeda Zainab adjacency in old Cairo. In an agitated tone, the sheikh denied that the home marries girls off afore they are 18, affirmation that it follows Egyptian laws and is consistently accessible to accept aback any babe who faces amusing altitude such as divorce. Sawasn’s adventure refutes these claims.

While attractive for choir adjoin adolescent marriage, we begin the case of Amal Mohsen at ‘Dar Al-Aman’ in the Giza Governorate. The home is run by the privately-owned Egypt Association for the Protection of Women and Children. In 2014, Amal was 17 and advancing for her average academy exams, accepting collapsed abaft in her ancestry at an beforehand stage.
Amal, who was absent to complete her studies, begin herself at the appointment of the abundance home’s director, Camelia Kamel, who told her of affairs to ally her off two months later. Amal approved advice from the psychologist, Hana’ Hashem, who followed up on her case and condition. Hashem told the investigating aggregation that the home’s administrator didn’t acknowledge to her calls to stop the marriage. The analyst filed a complaint with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.
The home’s administrator responded by abhorrent the analyst from entering the institution. Hashem filed complaints with Al-Ajouza badge base about her actuality banned access to the abundance home, and appear the adventure clearly in the Al I’ilam base above-mentioned to aperture a law apartment with the appointment of the Public Prosecutor. The case concluded with the psychologist’s dismissal, while the administrator is still in her position (by the time this affection was completed).
As we said in the alpha of the article, there are eight cases that we accurate and followed up. For journalistic ethical reasons, we accept to acknowledgment some here. We’re accessible to present the added cases to accompanying authorities if appropriate to do so.
First: B. F., 17, was threatened by Mohammad Ismail, administrator of ‘Dar Al-Akhawayn’ in Misr Al-Jadida neighborhood, to accept a annoyer blemish her with nitric acerbic if she banned to ally Othman, 70. She filed a complaint with Misr Al-Jadida’s badge base advertisement browbeating to ally an aged man. She additionally claimed that the administrator addled her and added girls at the home. Aback we followed up this case, we apparent that a cloister has begin Ismail accusable and bedevilled him to two years in prison. The babe wasn’t affiliated off.
Two: S. F., 16, at My Accouchement Association for Orphan Welfare, Al-Ma’adi, was affiliated off to Y., who was four years beforehand and lived in the home’s boys section. Afterwards the marriage, completed at a lawyer’s appointment afterwards official documentation, the home didn’t accord the brace a collapsed in abuse of bylaws of such associations. The brace busy out a collapsed in Cotsica, in Al-Ma’adi, a move that accepted unaffordable for the husband. They additionally didn’t get official alliance affidavit because the wife was underage.
These altitude complicated their affiliated life; Y. afar S. F. added than 10 times but alone verbally and every time he justified activity aback on the divorce.
Our stories, which the affection aggregation managed to gather, chase up and investigate, are numerous. What’s accident abaft bankrupt doors in abounding accouchement abundance homes violates laws and the sharia. It additionally had abrogating impacts on the girls and their futures. Affidavit shows that they were adapted into some array of commodity that’s awash and bought in bright abuse of Egyptian laws and all-embracing charters active by Egypt – all of which set the age of adolescence at 18.

This analysis was conducted with the abutment of Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism Network (ARIJ).
The angle bidding in this commodity do not necessarily reflect those of Al Bawaba News.
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