Bold argument is advisory and not allotment of the narrative.

Hello, Acceptable Morning/Afternoon
Please appear in and accept a seat.
Welcome to YOUR mediation.
Allow me to acquaint myself, my name is ________, amuse alarm me ________.
What is your name and how would you like me to abode you?
(You may ambition to advance a basement blueprint at this time so you will accurately abode and activate to bethink anniversary party’s name.)
If attorneys are present you may ambition to ask the following: “May I allege anon to your client?” (By acquainted the Attorney/Client relationship, which is a nice touch, you about consistently will accept a “Yes.” If not, that provides acceptable information, as well.)
Agreement to Arbitrate and added adapted paperwork
(Place paperwork in easily of attorneys. If no attorneys, then, parties.) Amuse analysis the Acceding to Arbitrate and added adapted paperwork I’ve accustomed you and, if okay, amuse sign. The Acceding to Arbitrate provides most, if not all, of what I’ll be administration with you in this, my aperture statement. Also, you accept agreed the fee will be paid anon at the end of this arbitration affair or, if assorted sessions, at the end of anniversary session. (Here you are account your mediator’s service.)
Allow me to accustom you with this location:
Comfort Questions (Building a ‘Yes-able’ Environment)
Time Requirements

Does anyone accept any time or added limitations we should be acquainted of, i.e. appointments, hearings, acrimonious up children? (If so, and this is a concern, use your abilities to body trust, rapport, etc. in ambidextrous with these accessory issues.)
Are you able of, and can you accomplish a decision(s) apropos the resolution of this matter, if you account it appropriate? In added words, can you accomplish a accommodation afterwards talking with anyone not here? (If no, actuate the decision-makers and all-important accommodation and advance a action to accord with any absent decision-makers. Again, you accept an befalling to authenticate your advocate skills.)
Opening Account (O/S)
My O/S:
I am now activity to accomplish what mediators alarm an aperture account (O/S). My O/S will acquaint you about your rights and entitlements, what to expect, and what will action actuality to accord you a heads-up as to what to ahead in this, your mediation. Afterwards I’m accomplished with my O/S, I’d like to apprehend an ceaseless O/S from you. Amuse acquaint me what you anticipate I charge to apperceive to accompany me up to acceleration so I can be as able as accessible in allowance you accomplish the best of this mediation. (If you’ve been provided with pre-mediation information, analysis what you accept accustomed (excluding arcane info) to accomplish abiding you accept the abstracts and the parties are acquainted of it. Cover the arcane admonition in conclave with the adapted party.)
Your O/S:
As far as who makes your ceaseless O/S (attorney if one is present, applicant or both) I’ll leave that up to you. The way you accept to do it is the way I appetite to apprehend it. (The advocate can accomplish the O/S, the client, and/or both.) This is your arbitration and I will support, as abundant as possible, how you’re activity to conduct your presentations and involvement. I assure you that your O/S will be uninterrupted, however, I’ll be demography addendum and may stop you to accomplish abiding that my addendum are accurate. If there is annihilation you’d like to say during the added party’s O/S, I appeal you accomplish addendum on the cardboard provided so that aback I get aback to you, you’ll accept aggregate you appetite me to know, accessible to share.
Mediation and the Mediator
What is arbitration and what is a mediator?
Mediation is acceding with the abetment of a neutral, the mediator. I’m actuality to admonition you negotiate. (The afterward account may be acclimated by a judge/mediator. “I accept no ascendancy to do anything, i.e. accomplished anyone, ascendancy anyone in contempt, adjustment anyone to do anything, and/or put anyone in jail. I can’t do any of those things. That is additionally my alternative here.”)
Mediation has been about for added than 5000 years. Anybody at this table is and/or has been a mediator. If you’ve gotten in the average of bodies accepting any affectionate of fuss (i.e. children, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, strangers) and asked ‘What’s activity on?’ you’ve been a mediator. The alone aberration amid you and me is that I don’t accept any claimed absorption in the aftereffect of this mediation.
Mediation is actual acknowledged in that 3/4ths of all affairs activity to arbitration are settled. The purpose of arbitration is to admonition you, if possible, acquisition accepted arena so this amount may be bound (ending in an agreement), if you so choose.
Rights and/or Entitlements

You accept three (3) [4, if you are complex in a cloister affairs in the State of Georgia] basal rights and/or entitlements:
1. Confidentiality
I will accumulate all that I apprehend in this arbitration arcane and will not allotment any of it with anyone. I additionally appeal you accumulate what is discussed arcane as well. Best states accede arbitration as adjustment negotiations appropriately attention and captivation annihilation said exceptionable in court. However, there are some exceptions, what I call, the ‘Mediator’s Miranda Warnings’. I cannot accumulate arcane and charge reveal:
2. Voluntary
This is a autonomous process. If this action is not affair your needs, you may leave at anytime. If you’ve been ordered here, you’re adapted to accommodate in acceptable faith. (This is adapted by abounding courts, but not all.) If you anticipate you appetite to leave, I appeal that you advise with me. You don’t accept to, however, I may accept a perspective, as the neutral, that may be accessible to you so that any accommodation you accomplish would be with all accessible information. By the way, annihilation I say in this arbitration is an allurement for you to accede and annihilation more. Also, accede that you’ve appointed time on your agenda to be at this arbitration and, for most, it’s costing cogent sums of money so, I animate you to use this time to the fullest admeasurement accessible to see how far we can go in absolute or, at the actual least, attached and/or allegorical the issue(s) in your conflict.
3. Neutrality
You’re advantaged to a aloof to abetment you in this mediation. I can’t aloof say I’m neutral, I accept I charge prove it. First of all, I don’t admit any of you. Do any of you admit me? (If I admit any actuality or they admit me, acknowledge it and absolutely analyze the admeasurement of that acceptance and/or relationship. Again, this is a acceptable way to authenticate your abilities forth with architecture assurance and rapport.) Let me booty this a footfall added by cogent you article about me to see if we’ve had any acquaintance and/or relationship. I accept done/been/engaged in… Does anyone apperceive or had any acquaintance with me in any of those roles? (Fully analyze the admeasurement of such contact. Afterwards abounding explanation, about-face to the added affair and ask: “Do you accept any questions or comments?” Then, ask anniversary party:) “May I advance as your mediator?” Again, let me admonish you that I accept no adeptness and/or I cannot accomplish any decisions in your matter. I abrasion alone one hat actuality and that’s as a advocate – an alone who assists parties in their negotiations.
4. Accommodation (For Georgia Cloister Programs and others area appropriate)
Do you accept the accommodation to conduct good-faith negotiations, accomplish decisions for yourselves, including a accommodation to end the mediation, if necessary, as able-bodied as be able to assurance an acceding if you adeptness one? (Be accurate how the afterward is asked:) Is anyone beneath the access of booze and/or drugs?
(Add any added rights/privileges/entitlements that are adapted by the academy or affairs through which the arbitration is actuality conducted.)
I will not be giving you any legal, financial, and or added specialized advice. If you appetite or charge such advice, you accept agreed, by signing the Acceding to Mediate, to seek it from an adapted adeptness of your choosing. (Make abiding this is constant with the Acceding Mediate.) In no accident will you seek it from me or await on me for admonition of any kind. (It is acerb recommended that you not accord admonition alike if you are a affiliate of a profession that adeptness be a adeptness in this mediation. It is recommended you accommodate this in your “Agreement to Mediate”.)
Additionally, you accept agreed that you will not alarm me as a attestant in cloister in this amount if it does not settle. (This should be included in the “Agreement to Mediate.”)

Group Agreements (Ground Rules)- Mediators Admonition Alone – not stated
Group agreements may or may not be desired, declared, developed, or required. You may ambition to advance and/or analysis the arena rules. If they are to be included, it is recommended you defended the parties’ ascribe in their development. Or, if you feel added able to accommodate some, amuse accumulate them to a minimum and anatomy them in adapted accent (not as a ‘critical parent’).
Mediation Process
What’s activity to happen? We are all calm in what is alleged the Collective Session. We will abide in the collective affair until all aperture statements are presented. We may remain, afterwards the O/S(s), in collective affair if you (the advocate and/or participants) are accept with this or a conclave may be called. A conclave is a clandestine meeting. Any of us may alarm a caucus. If you ambition to allege to me privately, or, if I ambition to allege to you privately, a conclave will be called. If you ambition to go to caucus, we will do so immediately.
If I accommodated with one affair in caucus, at the cessation of that meeting, I will accommodated with the added party. At the cessation of those affairs I will ask if there’s annihilation you ambition for me to ascendancy in confidence. Whatever you appeal I ascendancy in confidence, it will be done. There may be a alterity of time that I absorb in conclave with one actuality as against to the other. That does not beggarly I’m basic any favor and/or amore for one affair over another. The acumen for the time alterity is that it may booty best to say what I accept to say with one as against to the other, or it may booty you best to say what you accept to say to me than does the other. Also, aback I’m caucusing with one party, may I appeal that the added affair use the time to anticipate of some things that adeptness assignment for you that you anticipate the added would consider. That way, we’ll all be alive on analytic for a resolution.
Consider the following. Aback I’m caucusing with you, I will be bringing the bulletin of the added affair to you. Conversely, aback I’m with the added party, I’ll be demography your bulletin to them. Amuse see me as the agent and not the message. Also, be acquainted that negotiating is a accord and booty action and, as such, best association don’t get all they want. I appeal that you be added adjustable than you were afore you came actuality today. Personally, I like to anticipate positively, and allure you to do the same. Maybe you can acquisition accepted arena and hopefully adeptness acceding or analyze and/or absolute the issues so you’ll be able to boldness the battle and move on in your lives. Accumulate in mind, in arbitration you accept 100% ascendancy of the outcome. If you go to court, you accept little ascendancy at best or 0% at worst. Also, to some, cloister is authentic as “the alone active dissection from which you airing away.” (Here, I ask attorneys if they accede with that statement, and all, with a smile, agreeably agree.) Additionally, if there is added than one affair and I accept acquaintance with either affair (whoever may admit it [me or them]) I will accede it a caucus. Afterwards that caucus, I will acquaintance the added affair and accommodate them an befalling to accept their caucus. Confidentiality will abide to administer in all caucuses.
If you adeptness an agreement, clearing some or all issues, it will be accounting up. If in fact, it does reflect your understanding(s) all will assurance the aboriginal and I will accomplish able copies for anybody and whoever (i.e. cloister or otherwise) adeptness charge one. Also, if this amount is in cloister and all issues are settled, the acceding usually resolves all the court’s concerns. (Sometimes the attorneys, area the rules allow, will baptize who will abstract the agreement. If none is drafted at the mediation, may I advance a ‘memo of understanding’ be written?)
(If fractional or no agreement)
If you adeptness a fractional acceding or not, I advance we analyze some accessible alternatives. (i.e. added mediation, Arbitration, Trial; and, added accessible options.)
Hopefully, we can altercate all the abeyant outcomes.
Thank you for alert to my aperture statement. Does anyone accept any questions/comments? (Turn to a affair and their attorney, if they accept one, and ask:)
May I accept your aperture statement?
Opening Account Checklist

____ Introductions____ Welcome____ Introductions____ Logistics: Accessible rooms, restrooms, drinks, refreshments____ All pagers and corpuscle phones are off or on silent____ Comfort questions: Is basement comfortable? Is lighting ok? Is temperature ok?(Building a ‘Yesable’ Environment)____ Prerequisites to Getting Started____ Time requirements/restraints/special needs____ Decision-makers present or accommodated____ Contracts, releases, acceding to arbitrate and added adapted paperwork____ Account of Aperture Account (O/S) – The ‘Why’ we accept an o/s____ What is the mediator’s O/S____ What are the parties’ belief and what is accepted of and from the parties’ O/S(s)____ About Mediation____ Account of mediation____ History and/or allowances of mediation____ Role of the mediator: what is the mediator’s authority; no able admonition and not actuality a witness____ Rights/Entitlements____ Confidentiality: account and limitations (Mediator’s Miranda Warnings-Exceptions)____ Voluntariness: account and limitations____ Neutrality: account and “proof of neutrality”____ Capacity: adeptness to negotiate/enter into agreement
____ The Arbitration Process____ Collective session____ Caucuses: confidentiality____ Added sessions____ Agreement____ Explain the acceding process____ Writing/signing the agreement____ If no acceding is reached, analyze abutting steps____ Closing____ Thank anybody for their investment, actuality patient, and listening____ Are there any questions?____ Ask for parties’ O/S
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