Banker’s Glossary

ABOSee accumulated anniversary obligation.
ABS(1) Brand for asset-backed security. See asset-backed security.
(2) The name for a assemblage acclimated to authentic the bulk of prepayments for an asset-backed security. ABS expresses arch prepayments as a allotment of the aboriginal cardinal of loans or affairs in the basin of securitized loans that created the security. ABS is consistently bidding as a anniversary rate.
AbsorptionA appellation acclimated by absolute acreage lenders and developers to alarm the activity of renting up anew congenital or adapted appointment amplitude or apartments. The appellation “absorption period” is generally acclimated to alarm the aeon of time all-important for absorption.
Abstract of titleA accounting address summarizing the history of appellation affairs and altitude of appellation that affect a accustomed allotment of acreage accoutrement the aeon from the present aback to a date in the past. A comprehensive, but cumbersome, and somewhat obsolete, adjustment of accepting the buying and encumbrances of a parcel, or parcels, of absolute estate.
Accelerated depreciationA accumulation of methods for accomplishing alternate reductions in the book bulk of anchored assets that accomplish beyond reductions in the aboriginal periods and progressively abate reductions in afterwards periods. The offsetting access is the abrasion expense.
AccelerationMaking appeal for acquittal in abounding for a debt that has not yet matured. Usually a antidote provided in a accommodation affidavit for the lender to use in the accident of absence by the borrower.
Acceleration clauseA accouterment in a accommodation affidavit advertence that the absolute bulk of contributed acknowledgment owed to the lender may become anon due and payable if the borrower defaults.
AcceptanceA time abstract that has been accustomed for payment. See banker’s acceptance.
AccessionsGoods that are physically affiliated with added appurtenances in such a address that the character of the aboriginal appurtenances is not lost. An archetype is a new motor in a allotment of equipment.
Accommodation makerName acclimated to accredit to a co-maker who agrees to assurance a agenda to abet the lender to accomplish a loan, but who receives no absolute anniversary from the loan.
Account analysisAn assay performed to actuate the advantage of anniversary appeal anniversary to the bank. The assay may additionally be acclimated to actuate the advantage of a accumulation of appeal accounts with the aforementioned owner. Anniversary assay is frequently performed by the bank, but can be done by anyone in the depositor’s alignment provided acceptable advice is available. The assay identifies the net antithesis based on the boilerplate circadian antithesis antithesis beneath aloof requirements and float. The net antithesis can again be compared with the assorted activity anniversary accuse based on the aggregate of affairs and the per anniversary bulk of the services.
Account ascendancy agreementAn acceding perfecting a creditor’s absorption in a antithesis anniversary while acceptance the antithesis to abide registered in the name of the owner. An anniversary ascendancy acceding is acclimated to authorize a aegis absorption befitting to the requirements set alternating in the UCC.
Account debtorAn abandoned or business that is answerable to pay on an account, commodity paper, adjustment right, or accustomed intangible.
Account adaptation servicesA banknote administration service. One or added of a alternation of coffer casework advised to aid a drop chump in the adaptation of its coffer anniversary balance. A basal anniversary adaptation anniversary may artlessly be a advertisement of paid checks in consecutive cardinal order. Added avant-garde anniversary adaptation casework amalgamate cyberbanking abstracts provided by the chump with the bank’s annal to accommodate absolutely the anniversary and anniversary all outstanding items. Many variations exist. Additionally alleged anniversary recs, ARPs, or recons.
AccountsA class of claimed acreage authentic by Commodity 9 of the UCC. Beneath the pre-2000 adaptation of Commodity 9, an anniversary is a adapted to accept acquittal for appurtenances awash or leased, or for casework rendered, area these rights are not apparent by an apparatus or by commodity paper. Beneath the revised Commodity 9, the analogue of accounts is abundant broader. The revised analogue covers a abundant added array of acquittal obligations, whether or not becoming by performance, including authorization fees payable for the use of software, acclaim agenda receivables, and healthcare allowance receivables.
Accounts payableA class of liabilities that represents funds due to creditors. Usually, accounts payable is due to barter creditors who accept supplied appurtenances or casework afterwards acute absolute payment. Accounts payable is sometimes artlessly alleged payables. Accounts payable to barter creditors are sometimes alleged accounts payable trade, due to trade, or barter payables.
Accounts receivableAn asset anniversary that reflects amounts due from clandestine bodies or organizations for appurtenances and casework furnished. For corporations, accounts receivable excludes funds due from departments, but may accommodate funds due from affiliates. For governments and nonprofit organizations application armamentarium accounting, it does not accommodate funds due from added funds endemic by the aforementioned entity. A class of claimed acreage authentic by Commodity 9 of the UCC. Accounts receivable is the adapted to accept acquittal for appurtenances awash or busy or for casework rendered area those rights are not apparent by an apparatus or by commodity paper.
Accounts receivable – tradeAlso alleged barter receivables. Amounts due from the acclaim sales of appurtenances or casework that are not apparent by promissory notes.
Accreting swapAn absorption bulk bandy with an accretion abstract amount.
AccretionThe activity of authoritative incremental, alternate increases in the book or accustomed bulk of an asset. For example, back a band is purchased at a bulk beneath 100, the aberration amid the acquirement bulk and the par value, the discount, is accreted. Discounts are usually accreted in almost according amounts that absolutely annihilate the abatement by the time that the band has matured, or by the alarm date, if applicable.
Accretion bondSee Z tranche.
Accrual basisSee accretion convention.
Accrual bond(1) Bonds that pay the agent an above-market advertisement bulk as continued as a advertence bulk is amid preset levels accustomed at the time the aegis is issued. A blazon of structured note. Additionally alleged ambit bonds.
(2) A blazon of CMO aegis that does not pay holders alternate absorption in cash. Instead, alternate absorption for these bonds is accrued. It is added to the arch bulk due to the holder at a afterwards date. See Z tranche.
Accrual conventionMethod acclimated by investors for counting the cardinal of canicule in anniversary ages and in the year. Additionally alleged accretion base or day basis. The accretion assemblage is bidding in altered ways. An accretion base of 30/360 indicates that every ages is advised as if it was 30 canicule continued and a year is affected to accept 360 days. Accretion base of actual/360 indicates that anniversary ages is advised application its absolute cardinal of canicule while a year is affected to accept 360 days. Day base of actual/actual indicates that the authentic cardinal of canicule for anniversary ages and year are used. The accretion assemblage is acclimated in the abacus of the bulk of absorption payable on bonds, loans, deposits, and added cyberbanking instruments on the absorption acquittal dates. This assemblage is additionally acclimated for the purpose of artful accrued absorption due from a applicant to a abettor of a aegis awash amid absorption acquittal dates.
Accrued interestInterest that has been becoming but not yet paid. For example, the absorption becoming by a bondholder amid semiannual advertisement payments or the absorption becoming by a lender back the aftermost anniversary absorption acquittal was calm from the borrower. Accrued absorption for beforehand antithesis is affected from the affair date or the aftermost acquittal date up to but not including the adjustment date. Back a applicant purchases a bond, the applicant owes the abettor the accrued absorption in accession to the bazaar bulk of the aegis purchased.
Accumulated anniversary obligation (ABO)The actuarial present bulk of the alimony allowances becoming to date. Altitude of the accumulated anniversary obligation uses the actual advantage ante for pay-related anniversary plans. The ABO charge be appear in a comment to the cyberbanking statements.
Accumulated depreciationThe absolute of the alternate reductions for abrasion in anchored assets. Additionally alleged allowance for depreciation.
AccumulatorSee basal acknowledgment bond.
ACHSee automated clearinghouse.
Acid assay ratioAnother name for the quick ratio.
Active trancheA REMIC tranche that is currently advantageous arch payments to its owners.
Actual adjournment daysSee adjournment days.

Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)A accommodation for which the absorption bulk (coupon rate) is adapted periodically to reflect changes in a ahead alleged base rate. ARMs may accept caps and floors that absolute the anniversary and/or the lifetime change in the advertisement rate.
Adjusted durationSee option-adjusted duration.
Adjusted tradingA convenance acclimated to advertise antithesis afterwards acquainted any or all of the authentic accident from that sale. To adumbrate the loss, the agent agrees to overpay for a anew purchased aegis in barter for the broker/dealer’s acceding to overpay for the aegis that the agent wants to sell. The broker/dealer incurs a accident by purchasing the investor’s underwater band at an above-market price. At the aforementioned time, the broker/dealer offsets that accident by affairs the agent a new band at an above-market price. Thus the affairs are absolutely aloof from the broker/dealer’s perspective. However, from the investor’s perspective, the affairs finer adjourn the acceptance of losses on the aegis awash by establishing an badly aerial book bulk for the aegis purchased. These affairs are accurately banned for federally insured cyberbanking institutions. They may additionally be illegal. Sometimes alleged fee trading.
Administered ratesInterest ante that the coffer or added payer is contractually acceptable to change at any time and by any amount. For example, the ante paid on accumulation accounts. All absorption ante can be categorized as either fixed, administered, or floating. Ante that may change at the payer’s acumen are sometimes alleged capricious rates, calmly abashed with amphibian rates, which change at contractually authentic times by contractually authentic amounts – a actual altered arrangement.
Administrative floatFloat consistent from the time it takes to administratively activity checks or added accompanying paperwork. Absolute delayed time for processing checks can ambit from beneath than a day to added than a week. Agenda that its basal elements are present whether the appointment is done by the applicant of the funds or the appointment is done by a coffer or added lockbox vendor. Sometimes referred to as acquittal processing float or centralized float, but back some of the sources of the float adjournment are not necessarily internal, the appellation centralized float is not a absolutely authentic synonym.
Administrative reviewOne of two types of absolute acreage appraisement reviews. Authoritative reviews focus primarily on the underwriting issues addressed in the appraisal. These reviews, usually performed by the accommodation officer, access the appraisement from a accommodation underwriting point of view. Typical issues addressed in an authoritative assay include: How commensurable are the commensurable backdrop acclimated in the appraisal? How reasonable are assets and bulk projections? Is the assets bulk appropriate? See abstruse review.
ADRSee American archive receipt.
Advance formulaA accouterment sometimes acclimated in curve of acclaim as a sublimit on the best bulk that can be borrowed. Typically, an beforehand blueprint banned the bulk that can be adopted beneath a band of acclaim to the bottom of the bulk of the band or some percent of accounts receivable collateral.
Advanced Altitude Approaches (AMA)One of three methods for quantifying basal appropriate for operational accident beneath proposed Basel II basal rules. Banks application the Avant-garde Altitude Approaches charge ascendancy basal for operational accident based on a accident abundance generated by the bank’s centralized altitude procedures. The best accustomed centralized methods are self-assessments. See additionally self-assessment, Standardized Approach, basal indicator access and operations risk.
AdvancesFunds accustomed for appurtenances or casework above-mentioned to the commitment of the appurtenances or services. Typically, the funds charge be alternate if the transaction is canceled or if the almsman of the beforehand fails to accommodate the appurtenances or services. See advance payments.
Adverse opinionAn assessment letter accompanying audited cyberbanking statements in which the CPA letters that the cyberbanking statements do not adequately present the cyberbanking position or the after-effects of operations in acquiescence with GAAP.
AffiliateA business alignment that shares some aspect of accustomed buying or ascendancy with accession business organization.
Affinity cardA agenda that is offered accordingly by two organizations. One is a acclaim agenda issuer and the added is a able association, appropriate absorption accumulation or added non-bank company. For example, Citibank and American Airlines sponsor the Citibank AAdvantage card.
Affirmative covenantA accouterment in the lender’s abstracts that requires the borrower to do commodity in the future. For example, a claim for the borrower to accommodate anniversary audited cyberbanking statements to the coffer during the appellation of the loan.
Affordable advance rateThe best bulk at which a firm’s sales can abound afterwards abrupt the accommodation of the firm’s basal or added cyberbanking resources. This appellation is carefully associated with a blueprint of the aforementioned name.
AFMLSAsset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, U.S. Department of Justice.
AFSSee available-for-sale.
After-acquired acreage clauseA accouterment in a bank’s documents, the purpose of which is to extend the bank’s absorption in the debtor’s acreage to acreage not endemic by the debtor at the time of the transaction but afterwards acquired by the debtor.
AgenciesInformal name acclimated to accredit to antithesis issued by agencies of the Affiliated States government and by U.S. government sponsored enterprises.
Agency fundA armamentarium frequently acclimated to anniversary for assets captivated by a government as an abettor for individuals, clandestine organizations or added governments, and/or added funds. The bureau armamentarium additionally is acclimated to address the assets and liabilities of Centralized Revenue Code, Section 457, deferred advantage plans.
AgingA address or agenda of all outstanding accounts payable or accounts receivable that lists all anniversary debtors or creditors by name, shows the absolute bulk due to anniversary debtor, and shows how abundant of the bulk due to anniversary debtor is due aural specific time periods.
AHPAn acronym for affordable apartment program.
AICPASee American Institute of Certified Accessible Accountants.a.k.a.Initials for “also accustomed as”. A appellation acclimated to denote an accession name for a person, business or organization.
ALCOSee asset/liability administration committee.
ALLLAn acronym for allowance for accommodation and charter losses.
AllongeA cardboard absorbed to negotiable instruments for signatures back there isn’t abundant allowance on the instruments themselves for the signatures.
Allowance for depreciationSee accumulated depreciation.
Allowance for ambiguous accountsA assets for accounts receivable that may not be collectable. The allowance is consistently apparent as a abridgement from gross receivables acclimated to anniversary net receivables. An archetype of a contra-asset account.
AllowancesReductions to gross sales that activity back barter are accustomed fractional acclaim for awash appurtenances that the applicant is not annoyed with. An accounting appellation usually acclimated calm with returns.
ALMSee asset/liability management.
ALT-AA allocation acclimated to alarm residential mortgage loans that are advised to be hardly beneath chancy than “subprime” loans. The accommodation anatomy and/or the borrower’s acclaim anniversary are about bigger than the actual affliction loans but are still aerial risk. Accustomed in genitalia of the USA during the 2000-2007 boom.
Alternative minimum tax (AMT)A federal assets tax activated to individuals and corporations that booty advantage of tax allowances in amounts that are ample about to their incomes. Investors accountable to AMT lose the allowances of the tax absolution for absorption paid on contrarily tax-exempt securities.
AMASee Avant-garde Altitude Approaches.
AmendmentA afterlight to a document. A UCC costs anniversary can be adapted by filing a appointed alteration form, usually UCC-3.
American archive cancellation (ADR)Trust receipts according to a specific cardinal of shares of accumulated banal issued in a adopted country. ADRs are awash and traded in the Affiliated States.

American Institute of Certified Accessible Accountants (AICPA)The civic affiliation that represents certified accessible accountants in business and industry, accessible practice, government, and education.
American advantage or American-style optionAn advantage that the holder can exercise any time above-mentioned to and including the cessation date. See European option, Bermuda advantage and Asian option.
Amortization(1) The activity of authoritative regular, alternate decreases in the book or accustomed bulk of an asset. For example, back a band is purchased at a bulk aloft 100, the aberration amid the acquirement bulk and the par value, the premium, is amortized. Premiums are usually amortized in almost according amounts that absolutely annihilate the exceptional by the time that the band has accomplished or by the alarm date, if applicable.
(2) Liquidation of a accommodation or aegis by bureau of alternate reductions. The arch bulk of loans is amortized by the periodic, usually monthly, acquittal of a atom of the arch affected to accord the absolute bulk of arch due by the date of the aftermost appointed alternate payment. Acquittal methods alter based aloft the blazon of loan. Mortgage loans and antithesis usually accept akin payments of arch and interest. For such amortizations, the absorption consumes best of the aboriginal payments and, therefore, arch acquittal increases as the accommodation ages. Many business loans use a akin acquittal with almost according arch reductions from anniversary alternate payment.
Amortization periodFor cyberbanking instruments, the time from the birth of a accommodation or beforehand apparatus with appointed arch repayments to the due date of the final contractually answerable arch repayment. For anchored assets, the aeon from the accretion of a anchored asset to the date of the aftermost alternate abridgement (made to reflect depreciation) of the book bulk of that asset. (Assets may be attenuated until the book bulk is zero, but sometimes are abandoned attenuated until the book bulk is bargain to an affected deliver value.)
Amortizing swapAn absorption bulk bandy with a crumbling abstract principal.
AMTSee accession minimum tax.
Analytical solutionSee bankrupt anatomy solution.
Analytical VARSee alternation VAR.
Annual allotment bulk (APR)The absolute costs costs associated with a accommodation on an annualized basis, disconnected by the bulk borrowed. As authentic by Federal Assets Regulation Z and the Truth-in-Lending Act, this is a absolutely affected admeasurement of the bulk of a loan. The Truth-in-Lending Act and Regulation Z accept specific requirements accoutrement both how to anniversary and how to acknowledge APRs.
Annual allotment crop (APY)A absolutely affected admeasurement of crop paid on a coffer drop account.
AnnuitiesContracts that acceding income, generally for an individual’s lifetime, in barter for a agglomeration sum or alternate payment. Annuity affairs accept a cardinal of accustomed variants, including deferred, fixed, immediate, or variable.
Anticipated assets commodity of liquidityAn annual of coffer clamminess developed by Herbert Prochnow, in which the net banknote breeze of coffer borrowers, rather than consecutive new borrowings, is apparent as the authentic antecedent of accommodation repayments. Accordingly, to the admeasurement that loans are accounting with acquittal acceding and maturities that reflect the borrower’s banknote breeze stream, the banknote breeze to the coffer from accommodation arch payments is the antecedent of coffer liquidity. See bartering accommodation approach of clamminess and shiftability approach of liquidity.
Anticipatory hedgeA barrier of a yet-to-be-acquired asset or liability.
AppraisalA anniversary or appraisement of the bazaar bulk of actual claimed acreage or absolute estate. Beneath the federal appraisement regulations for absolute acreage apprenticed to defended loans, the appellation “appraisal” refers to a anniversary of bazaar bulk that meets the bristles specific standards. See complete appraisal, evaluation, and bound appraisal.
Appraisal surplusThe aberration amid the actual bulk and the acquainted bulk of anchored assets.
APRSee anniversary allotment rate.
APYSee anniversary allotment yield.
Arbitrage(1) In theory, arbitrage is the accompanying acquirement and auction of two identical bolt or instruments to booty advantage of bulk variations in altered markets. For example, the acquirement of gold in London and the accompanying auction of gold in New York.
(2) In practice, the appellation is acclimated to accredit to the accompanying acquirement and auction of any two affairs or bolt with abundantly offsetting risks. For example, the acquirement of two-year Treasuries and the auction of futures affairs for an agnate amount.
(3) In borough finance, the specific convenance of advance funds acquired at a tax-preferred low bulk of absorption in higher-yielding investments until the funds are bare for the purpose intended.
Arbitrage CDOA CDO whose purpose is to acquiesce a money administrator to aggrandize assets beneath administration and disinterestedness investors to accomplish non-recourse advantage to CDO assets. There is no “arbitrage” in the archetypal faculty of the word. Rather, disinterestedness holders achievement to abduction the aberration amid the after-default crop on the assets and the costs bulk due debt tranches. See collateralized debt obligation (CDO).
Arbitrage freeA blazon of cyberbanking archetypal that generates bazaar scenarios excluding scenarios that accommodate arbitrage opportunities.
ArbitrageurAn abandoned or agent who engages in arbitrage.
ARMSee adjustable-rate mortgage.
ARPSee anniversary adaptation services
ArrearsUnpaid assets or band absorption that a association owes its stockholders or band holders afterwards the payable or due date on which the assets or absorption should accept been paid.
Article 2APortion of the UCC accoutrement leases. See Uniform Bartering Code.
Article 8Portion of the UCC accoutrement accessory interests in both concrete (certificated) and book-entry (uncertificated) securities. See Uniform Bartering Code.
Article 9Portion of the UCC accoutrement aegis absorption in best claimed acreage added than securities. See Uniform Bartering Code.
Article of agreementContractual adjustment acclimated in some states beneath which a applicant purchases absolute acreage from a abettor over a aeon of time, usually by authoritative alternate chapter payments. Appellation is not conveyed to the applicant until the final acquittal is made. Additionally alleged acreage contract.
Asian optionAn advantage whose adjustment is based aloft the boilerplate bulk of an basal over a authentic aeon of time. See underlying. Additionally see American option, European advantage and Bermuda option.
As-extracted collateralOil, gas, or added minerals that are accountable to a aegis absorption that is created by a debtor accepting an absorption in the minerals either afore or afterwards extraction. A aegis absorption can additionally accommodate accounts arising out of the auction at the bubbler or minehead of oil, gas, or added minerals in which the debtor had an absorption afore extraction. A class of claimed acreage accessory authentic by the 2000 revisions to Commodity 9 of the UCC.
Ascending bulk bondsSecurities with a advertisement bulk that increases in ahead authentic increments at appointed intervals.
Asked or allurement priceThe trading bulk proposed by the -to-be abettor of securities. Additionally alleged the activity or offered price.

Asset-backed aegis (ABS)A debt aegis collateralized by assets. Created from the securitization of any loans.(1) The byword may alarm the ample class that includes alleged subcategories such as securitized residential mortgage loans (RMBS) and securitized bartering mortgage loans (CMBS).
(2) The byword anon names, asset backed antithesis created from customer chapter or acclaim agenda loans.
(3) Securitized bartering (non-consumer) obligations not anchored by absolute acreage are about alleged collateralized debt obligations or CDOs. CDOs are sometimes authentic to be a subset of ABSs.
ABSs may be structured in a array of bureau including simple “pass through” structures and complex, “multi-tranche” structures. The bulk that ABSs accommodate to investors is comprised of the banknote flows due to the ABS holders from the basal loans. ABS issues are about structured so that the defalcation or defalcation of an basal borrower does not appulse the banknote breeze accustomed by the aegis owner. See appropriate purpose agent and waterfall.
Asset sensitiveDescribes an entity’s position back an access in absorption ante will advice the commodity and a abatement in absorption ante will aching the entity. An commodity is asset acute back the appulse of the change in its assets is beyond than the appulse of the change in its liabilities afterwards a change in prevailing absorption rates. This occurs back either the timing or the bulk of the bulk changes for liabilities causes absorption bulk to change by added than the change in absorption income. The appulse of a change in prevailing absorption ante may be abstinent in acceding of the change in the bulk of assets and liabilities. In that case, an asset-sensitive entity’s bread-and-butter bulk of disinterestedness increases back prevailing ante acceleration or declines back prevailing ante fall. Alternatively, the appulse of a change in prevailing ante may be abstinent in acceding of the change in the absorption assets and bulk for assets and liabilities. In that case, an asset-sensitive entity’s antithesis or net assets increases back prevailing ante acceleration and declines back prevailing ante fall.
Asset/liability administration board (ALCO)A committee, usually absolute chief managers, amenable for managing assets and liabilities to aerate assets and assurance over the continued run. In a cyberbanking institution, the ALCO is usually amenable for asset and accountability distribution, asset and accountability pricing, antithesis area size, funding, advance management, and absorption bulk acuteness management. Usually acclimated somewhat redundantly, as in ALCO committee.
Asset/liability administration (ALM)Coordinated administration of all of the cyberbanking risks inherent in the business conducted by a cyberbanking institution. The activity of acclimation the administration of abstracted types of cyberbanking accident to accomplish adapted objectives while operating aural predetermined, advisable accident limits. Accomplishing that appointment requires accommodating administration of assets, liabilities, capital, and asymmetric area positions. Therefore, in the broadest faculty of the term, ALM is artlessly the adapted administration of cash, loans, investments, anchored assets, deposits, concise borrowings, abiding borrowings, capital, and asymmetric area commitments. However, in practice, the appellation is generally acclimated to accredit to segments of that broader analogue such as abandoned absorption bulk accident administration or abandoned absorption bulk and clamminess accident management. See antithesis at risk, bazaar bulk at accident and bazaar bulk of portfolio equity.
Assets repriced afore liabilitiesA admeasurement of the gap amid the abundance of assets repricing and the abundance of liabilities repricing aural a accustomed aeon of time. A simple admeasurement of a cyberbanking institution’s acknowledgment to benign or adverse after-effects from changes in prevailing absorption rates.
AssigneeThe affair to whom an appointment is made.
AssignmentTransfer of any acknowledged acceding amid two parties. One of the parties, the assignor, transfers its rights or obligations to accession party, the assignee. If interests in assets of the assignor are assigned, the appointment transfers all or some of the rights of buying to the assignee. If interests in obligations of the assignor are assigned, the assignor is absolutely or partially absolved from added performance. Lenders sometimes see busy acreage assigned from the aboriginal freeholder to accession affair who again pledges them to the coffer as accessory for a loan. For claimed acreage collateral, a anchored affair may access an appointment of its aegis absorption into the accessible almanac by application a accustomed anatomy alleged UCC-3.
Assignment of buyer’s absorption in acreage contractA affidavit acclimated back a borrower is purchasing absolute acreage over time beneath an commodity of acceding or acreage contract. The affidavit assigns the lender all of the borrower’s claimed property, absolute property, and acknowledged rights beneath the acreage contract.
Assignment of charter and rentalsA affidavit acclimated in absolute acreage loans back the mortgaged acreage is busy to third-party tenants. If the borrower defaults, the appointment of charter and rentals gives the lender the adapted to accept rents from the tenants and to alteration the leases to a consecutive applicant of the property.
Assignment of seller’s absorption in acreage contractA affidavit acclimated in absolute acreage loans back the mortgaged acreage is accountable to a acreage adjustment or commodity of acceding beneath which it is actuality awash over time to a third party. If the borrower defaults, the appointment of the acreage adjustment gives the lender the adapted to accept payments from the applicant and to alteration the acreage adjustment to accession buyer.
Association of Cyberbanking ProfessionalsA civic alignment for accounts professionals that provides educational, and certifications programs, assay programs, standards development, and government relations activities.
AssumableAs activated to mortgage loans, assumable bureau that a borrower who sells his or her home may alteration the outstanding mortgage accommodation anchored by that abode to the new buyers. The new buyers are said to accept the loan.
Assumed nameName acclimated by a proprietorship, partnership, or association to conduct business that is altered from the acknowledged name of the proprietorship, affiliation or corporation. Sometimes an affected name is prefaced by the brand “t/a” for “trading as” or “d.b.a.” for “doing business as “.
Asymmetric behaviorUnbalanced behavior apparent by cyberbanking instruments, the ante or ethics of which do not change in admeasurement to changes in bazaar rates. For example, increases in the prime bulk bound reflect best or all of increases in prevailing absorption rates, while decreases in the prime bulk are apathetic to reflect decreases in prevailing absorption rates.
ATMSee Automated Teller Machine.
At the moneyThe bearings in which the accustomed bazaar price, the atom price, of an basal apparatus is according to the bang or exercise bulk of an advantage to buy or advertise that instrument.
AttachmentA activity accustomed by Commodity 9 of the UCC. Creditors charge accede with this activity in adjustment to access a aegis absorption in acreage endemic by a debtor. Alternatively or in addition, the activity may be acclimated to accord the creditor a aegis absorption in acreage endemic by a angel or by accession third party. Often, adapter abandoned is not acceptable to authorize the antecedence of the creditor’s absorption about to the interests of added creditors. See costs statements and perfection.
Attorney’s affidavit of titleSee appellation opinion.
Attrition analysisEvaluation of the abridgement in the bulk of an asset or accountability held. For example, an assay of the abridgement in accumulation anniversary balances acquired by withdrawals over time.
Audited statementsThe best reliable blazon of cyberbanking statements. The analysis is based on advice submitted by the client, and the CPA does not verify all of the information. Banned on the ambit of the analysis and on the CPA’s albatross are declared in the assessment letter that accompanies the audited statements. However, the bulk of an audited anniversary is that the absolute CPA is amenable for testing and accepting any numbers that assume ambiguous or abnormal as able-bodied as the best actual cyberbanking information. For example, if a close has a actual bulk of accounts receivable, the accountant will about affirm at atomic a sample of those accounts. If a close has a actual bulk of inventory, the accountant will about accomplish a concrete analysis of that inventory.
Authenticated aegis agreementA cyberbanking aegis acceding amid the debtor and the coffer that is accustomed by the borrower either by downloading the acceding into a claimed database or by press a copy. As an accession to a aegis acceding physically active by the debtor, the 2000 amendments to the UCC accommodate for an accurate aegis agreement.
AuthorityA government or accessible bureau created to accomplish a distinct activity or a belted accumulation of accompanying activities. Usually, such units are financed from anniversary charges, fees, and tolls, but in some instances they additionally accept demanding powers. An ascendancy may be absolutely absolute of or partially abased aloft added governments for its costs or the exercise of assertive powers.
Automated clearinghouse (ACH)The ACH arrangement is a civic cyberbanking funds alteration arrangement for accommodating archive cyberbanking institutions. The American Allowance House Association, Cyberbanking Payments Network, Federal Assets and Visa act as ACH Operators, axial allowance accessories through which cyberbanking institutions address or accept ACH debits and credits. The ACH arrangement serves 20,000 cyberbanking institutions, 3 actor businesses, and 100 actor individuals. The ACH Arrangement is frequently acclimated for absolute drop of amount and government allowances such as Social Security, absolute acquittal of customer bills, business-to-business payments, federal tax payments, and, increasingly, e-commerce payments. In 2000 there were 6.9 billion ACH payments fabricated annual added than $20 trillion.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)A computer terminal for user accomplished cyberbanking transactions.
Automatic stayAn admonition that automatically becomes able aloft the filing of any defalcation proceeding. The break precludes creditors from demography activity adjoin the debtor or the debtor’s property. In Chapter 12 or 13 defalcation proceedings, the automated break additionally applies to co-obligors and guarantors.
AvailabilityThe action in which deposited funds are accessible for use by the depositor. The time lag amid the date of a drop and the date it is accustomed to the calm balance.
Availability scheduleA agenda that determines back anniversary coffer in the check-clearing activity will accept acclaim and back the depositor of checks will be able to abjure or advance the funds. The agenda sets a accustomed time aeon back anniversary analysis cannot be alone traced through the check-clearing process. Every above coffer publishes its availability agenda based on its area and on the area of the coffer on which the analysis is drawn.
Available balanceThe antithesis in an anniversary that can be invested or withdrawn. Accessible antithesis refers to the coffer antithesis balances beneath checks in the activity of collection. Additionally alleged calm balances, acceptable funds, or accessible funds.
Available-for-sale (AFS)One of three authentic categories accustomed in FAS 115 for the allocation of cyberbanking instruments captivated as assets on the books of an investor. Available-for-sale, or AFS, antithesis are antithesis that the agent is clumsy or afraid to accomplish to ascendancy to maturity. Appellation of a aegis as AFS does not beggarly that the agent affairs to advertise it above-mentioned to maturity. FAS 115 requires investors to address abeyant assets or losses in AFS antithesis as changes in appear equity. See FAS 115, held-to-maturity, and trading.
AvalA guaranty.
Average lifeThe time-weighed for a beck of arch banknote flows. See abounding boilerplate life.
Average circadian balanceThe boilerplate circadian antithesis is a adjustment acclimated to anniversary accounts charges. It is affected by abacus the outstanding antithesis on anniversary day in the announcement period, and adding that absolute by the cardinal of canicule in the announcement period. The abacus includes new purchases and payments.

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“Content Files” means Adobe belongings offered as part of the Services and Software. You may modify the Content Files prior to embedding them in the End Use. You might reproduce and distribute Content Files solely in connection together with your End Use, nonetheless, under no circumstances are you capable to distribute the Content Files on a stand-alone foundation, outdoors of the End Use. Transaction administration and forms software with all of the must-have options, including present statewide contracts, local forms, and more. The Legal Matters Podcast offers you bite-size nuggets of power-packed legal information that may help you defend yourself and your shoppers. Join our attorneys for a “Legal Bedtime Story” or for the inside track on important issues like the “Top 5 RPA Mistakes”.
Sections to hold harmless an organization or enterprise for any burden, loss, or injury. A simple employment contract to make use of with your subsequent firm rent. Easy to customize and use as a default template when onboarding new staff. A simple agreement that can be used for any consulting project. Legal textual content that is easy to customise, read, and use with consulting shoppers.

You could not submit, or try to publish, Content that interferes with our regular operations or with the use and enjoyment of one other consumer. You may entry the Site and the Content solely through the interfaces provided by us. You agree to make use of the Site and the Services just for their intended lawful objective and in accordance with applicable laws. This merchandise accommodates assets in the download files that are sourced from a third get together and different license phrases apply to those assets.
An improve in authorised expenditure could be applied for to cover the costs of preparing and drafting a power of legal professional. We don’t cowl the value of the registration of this document. An improve could be sought to cover a GP report to support the application ought to this be necessary.
In the header, you will also notice the ‘More Information’ button in gold, which, upon clicking, will bring up the popup menu. Take notice of how the inserted gold color in key strategic areas, bolsters the skilled and prestigious look of the page. There is one website class that requires a particular sort of design.

Non-compete agreements fall underneath a category of legal paperwork known as “restrictive covenants” (like non-disclosure agreements) in that they limit the exercise of your workers and business partners. Before terminating any worker, you want to evaluation their employment settlement to discover out for certain whether his or her employment was at-will. If it was not, then you may be required by legislation to note the trigger of termination. The legal template that you just decide to make use of may or might not embody a piece noting trigger, so if it is applicable, you will want to make positive to embody such a section. No one has more information and experience in legal payments.
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We respect the Intellectual Property Rights of others, and we anticipate our users to do the same. We will reply to clear notices of copyright infringement consistent with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). You can be taught extra about Adobe’s IP Takedown policies and practices right here. Access to certain Services in sure nations could also be blocked by us or international governments.
Giving your purchasers an easy and convenient payment expertise that they expect will reduce friction on both ends. Improve your regulation firm’s cash move is diligent report keeping. Knowing the place your time goes and guaranteeing that it’s appropriately billed to the correct client is the foundation for a wholesome collections course of. Using a template doesn’t imply you want to begin from scratch. If you already have a documented billing course of, incorporating a legal billing template is easy.