
Noelke, C. , Chen, Y-H, Osypuk & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Economic Conditions and Inequities in Bearing Outcomes: Affirmation from 149 Million US Births.” American Journal of Epidemiology (2019). (forthcoming)
Acevedo-Garcia, Dolores. “Reflections on a allusive angle on allegory aural the United States.” The dream revisited. Contemporary debates about housing, allegory and opportunity. Ed. Ingrid Gould Ellen & Justin Peter Steil. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. 47-49.
Acevedo, A., Miles, J., Garnick, D. W., Panas, L., Ritter, G., Campbell, K., & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Employment afterwards alpha assay for actuality use disorders: The appulse of race/ethnicity and applicant association of residence.” Journal of Actuality Abuse Assay 87. 31-41 (2018).
Acevedo, A., Panas, L., Garnick, D., Acevedo-Garcia, D., Miles, J., Ritter, G., & Campbell, K. (2018).. “Disparities in the Assay of Actuality Use Disorders: Does Where You Live Matter?.” The Journal of Behavioral Bloom Services & Research 45. 4 (2018): 533-549.
Aske, D. B., Chomitz, V. R., Liu, X., Arsenault, L., Bhalotra, S., & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Relationship Amid Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Weight Status, and Academic Performance: Longitudinal Affirmation From 1 School District.” Journal of School Bloom 88. 8 (2018): 560-568.
Kannan, S., Perzanowski, M. S., Ganguri, H. B., Acevedo-Garcia, D., Acosta, L. M., Spatcher, M.,Chew, G. L.. “Complex relationships amid vitamin D and allergic sensitization amid Puerto Rican 2-year-old children.” Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 120. 1 (2018): 84-89.
Kramer, J. M., Hwang, I. T., Levin, M., Acevedo-García, D., & Rosenfeld, L.. “Identifying ecology barriers to participation: Usability of a health-literacy abreast problem-identification admission for parents of boyish accouchement with adorning disabilities.” Child: Care, Bloom and Development 44. 2 (2018): 249-259.
McArdle, N., & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Consequences of Allegory for Children’s Befalling and Wellbeing.” A Shared Future: Fostering Communities of Inclusion in an Era of Inequality. Ed. Christopher Herbert, Jonathan Spader, Jennifer Molinsky & Shannon Rieger. Cambridge, MA: Joint Center for Apartment Studies, Harvard University, 2018. 80-95.
Rosenfeld, L., Kramer, J. M., Levin, M., Barrett, K., & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Scoping Review: Amusing Determinants of Boyish Children’s Accord in the United States.” OTJR: Occupation, Accord and Bloom 38. 4 (2018): 225-234.
Nguyen, Q. C., Acevedo-Garcia, D., Schmidt, N. M., & Osypuk, T. L. “The Effects of a Apartment Advancement Agreement on Participants’ Residential Environments..” Apartment Policy Debate 27. 3 (2017): 419-448.
Acevedo-Garcia, D., N. McArdle, E. F. Hardy, J. Reece, K.-N. Dillman, U. I. Crisan, D. Norris & T. L. Osypuk. “”Neighborhood Befalling and Location Affordability for Low-Income Renter Families.”.” Apartment Policy Debate 26. 4-5 (2016): 607-645.
Carrillo, L., Pattillo, M., Hardy, E., & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Housing Decisions amid Low-Income Hispanic Households in Chicago.” Cityscape 18. 2 (2016): 109-149.
Joshi, Pamela, Geronimo, KIm, & Acevedo-Garcia, Dolores. “Head Start back the War on Poverty: Taking on New Challenges to Address Persistent School Readiness Gaps.” Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Accouchement at Accident 7. 1 (2016): Article 11.
Mandic, CG, Johaningsmeir, S, Corden TE, Earle, A, Acevedo-Garcia, D, & Gordon, J. “Impact of Caring for Accouchement with Medical Complication on Parents’ Employment and Time..” Community, Work & Family (2016): 1-15.
Sandel, M., Faugno, E., Mingo, A., Cannon, J., Byrd, K., Acevedo-Garcia, D., Boynton-Jarrett, R.. “Neighborhood-Level Interventions to Improve Childhood Befalling and Lift Accouchement Out of Poverty.” Academic Pediatrics 16. 3, Supplement (2016): S128-S135.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, McArdle, N, Hardy, EF, Crisan, UI, Romano, B, Norris, D, Baek, M, Reece, J. “The Child Befalling Index: Improving Collaboration amid Association Development and Public Health.” Bloom Affairs 33. 11 (2014): 1948-1957.
Acevedo-Garcia, Dolores.
Joshi, P, Geronimo, K, Romano, B, Earle, A, Rosenfeld, L, Hardy, EF, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Integrating Racial/Ethnic Equity into Policy Assessments to Improve Child Health.” Bloom Affairs 33. 12 (2014): 2222–2229.
Osypuk, TL, Joshi, P, Geronimo, K, Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Do Amusing and Economic Policies Influence Health? A Review.” Current Epidemiology Reports. 1. 3 (2014): 149-164.
Schmidt, NM, Lincoln, A, Nguyen, QC, Acevedo-Garcia, D, & Osypuk, TL.. “Examining mediators of apartment advancement on boyish asthma: After-effects from a apartment agenda experiment.” Amusing Science & Medicine 107. 4 (2014): 136-144.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Rosenfeld, LE, Hardy, E, McArdle, N, Osypuk, TL. “Future Admonition in Research on Institutional and Interpersonal Discrimination and Child Health.” American Journal of Public Bloom 103. 10 (2013): 1754-1763..

Kannan, S., Acosta, L. M., Acevedo-Garcia, D., Divjan, A., Bracero, L. A., Perzanowski, M. S., et al.. “Sociocultural characteristics, blubber and anarchic biomarkers in Puerto Rican toddlers built-in in New York City.” Pediatric Abhorrence and Immunology 24. (2013): 487–492.
Acevedo-Garcia & Almeida, J. “Special Issue introduction: Place, clearing and health.” Amusing Science & Medicine 75. 12 (2012): 2055-2059.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Sanchez-Vaznaugh, E, Viruell-Fuentes, E & Almeida, J. “Integrating amusing epidemiology into immigrant bloom research: A cross-national framework..” Amusing Science & Medicine 75. 12 (2012): 2060-2068.
Gomez Mandic, C, Rudd, R, Hehir, T & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Readability of Appropriate Apprenticeship Procedural Safeguards.” Journal of Appropriate Apprenticeship 45. 4 (2012): 195-203.
McArdle, N, Hardy, E, Osypuk, TL, Acevedo-Garcia, D. The Changing Face of Homeowners in Large Metro Areas. Issue Brief: 2012.
Osypuk, TL, Joshi, P, Geronimo, K, Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Do Amusing Policies Influence the Bloom of Women and their Children? A Summary of Strong Affirmation and Implications for Designing Future Policies Using a ‘Social Determinants of Health’ Lens.” Women and Health. Ed. MB Goldman, R. Troisi, KM Rexrode. Elsevier Publishing., 2012
Osypuk, TL, Tchetgen Tchetgen, E, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Earls, F, Lincoln, A, Glymour, M.. “Differential Mental Bloom Effects of Adjacency Relocation amid Youth in Vulnerable Families: After-effects from a Randomized Trial.” Archives of General Psychiatry 69. 12 (2012): 1284-1294.
Firestone R, Punpuing S, Peterson KE, Acevedo-Garcia D, & Gortmaker SL. “Child ample and undernutrition in Thailand: is there an burghal effect?.” Amusing Science & Medicine 72. 9 (2011): 1420-1428.
Hacker, K, Chu, J, Leung, C, Marra, R, Pirie, A, Brahimi, M, English, M, Beckmann, J, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Marlin, RP. “The appulse of Clearing and Customs Administration on immigrant health: Perceptions of immigrants in Everett, Massachusetts, USA.” Amusing Science & Medicine 73. 4 (2011): 586-594.
McManus BM, Carle A, Acevedo-Garcia D, Ganz M, Hauser-Cram P, & McCormick M. “Modeling the amusing determinants of caregiver accountability amid families of accouchement with adorning disabilities.” American Journal of Intellectual and Adorning Disabilities 116. 3 (2011): 246-260.
McManus, BM, Carle, AC, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Ganz, M, Hauser-Cram, P & McCormick, MC. “Social determinants of accompaniment aberration in appropriate apprenticeship accord amid preschoolers with adorning delays and disabilities.” Bloom & Place 17. 2 (2011): 681-690.
Rosenfeld, L, Chew, GL, Rudd, R, Emmons, K, Acosta, L, Perzanowski, M, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Are Building-Level Characteristics Associated with Calm Allergens in the Household?.” Journal of Burghal Bloom 88. 1 (2011): 14-29.
Rosenfeld, L, Rudd, R, Emmons, KM, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Martin, L & Buka, S. “Beyond account alone: The accord amid aural articulacy and asthma management.” Patient Apprenticeship and Counseling 82. 1 (2011): 110-116.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, L M Bates, Osypuk, TL. “The aftereffect of immigrant bearing and continuance on self-rated bloom amid US adults 2003-2007.” Amusing Science & Medicine 71. 6 (2010): 1161-1172.
Gupta, J, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Hemenway, D, Decker, M R, Raj, A, & Silverman, J G. “Intimate accomplice abandon perpetration, clearing status, and disparities in a association bloom center-based sample of men.” Public Bloom Reports 125. 1 (2010): 79-87.
Lindberg, R, Shenassa, E, Acevedo-Garcia, D, et al. “Housing interventions at the adjacency akin and health: a assay of the evidence.” Journal of Public Bloom Administration and Practice 6. 5 Suppl (2010): S44-S52.
Osypuk, T L, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Support for Smoke-Free Policies: A Nationwide Assay of Immigrants, US-Born, and Other Demographic Groups, 1995-2002..” American Journal of Public Bloom 100. 1 (2010): 171-181.
Osypuk, T L, Bates, L M, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Another Mexican birthweight paradox? The role of residential enclaves and adjacency abjection in the birthweight of Mexican-origin infants..” Amusing Science & Medicine 70. 4 (2010): 550-560.
Osypuk, TL and Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Beyond alone neighborhoods: A cartography of befalling angle for compassionate racial/ethnic bloom disparities.” Bloom & Place 16. 6 (2010): 1113-1123.
Rosenfeld, L, Rudd, R, Chew, G, Emmons, K, & Acevedo-García, D. “Are neighborhood-level characteristics associated with calm allergens in the household?.” Journal of Asthma 47. (2010): 66-75.
Wolff, L S, Acevedo-Garcia, D, et al. “Subjective Amusing Status, a New Measure in Bloom Disparities Research: Do Race/Ethnicity and Choice of Referent Accumulation Matter?.” Journal of Bloom Psychology 15. 4 (2010): 560-574.

Wolff, L S, Subramanian, SV, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Weber, D, & Kawachi, I. “Compared to whom? Subjective amusing status, self-rated health, and referent accumulation acuteness in a assorted US sample.” Amusing Science & Medicine 70. 12 (2010): 2019-2028.
Frank, R, Palma-Coca, O, Rauda-Esquivel, J, Olaiz-Fernandez, G, Diaz-Olavarrieta, C, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “The accord amid remittances and bloom affliction accouterment in Mexico..” American Journal of Public Bloom 99. 7 (2009): 1227-1231.
Gupta, J, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Hemenway, D, Decker, MR, Raj, A, & Silverman, JG. “Premigration acknowledgment to political abandon and perpetration of affectionate accomplice abandon amid immigrant men in Boston..” American Journal of Public Bloom 99. 3 (2009): 462-469.
McManus, B, McCormick, M C, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Ganz, M, & Hauser-Cram, P. “The Aftereffect of Accompaniment Early Action Eligibility Policy on Accord Amid a Accomplice of Boyish CSHCN.” Pediatrics 124. Supplement 4 (2009): S368-374.
Osypuk, T L, Galea, S, McArdle, N, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Quantifying Abstracted and Unequal: Racial-Ethnic Distributions of Adjacency Abjection in Metropolitan America..” Burghal Affairs Assay 45. 1 (2009): 25-65.
Osypuk, T, Subramanian, S, Kawachi, I, & Acevedo-Garcia,. “Is Workplace Smoker Policy Equally Prevalent and Equally Effective for Immigrants?.” Journal of Epidemiology and Association Bloom 63. 10 (2009): 784-791.
Sanchez-Vaznaugh, E. V., Kawachi, I., Subramanian, S. V., Sánchez, B. N., & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Do socioeconomic gradients in BMI alter by race/ethnicity, gender and birthplace?.” American Journal of Epidemiology 69. 9 (2009): 1102-1112.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, & Cacari Stone, L. “State Aberration in Bloom Insurance Coverage for U.S. Citizen Accouchement of Immigrants..” Bloom Affairs 27. 2 (2008): 434-446.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, & Osypuk, TL. “Residential allegory and health: the complication of clay abstracted amusing contexts.” American Journal of Epidemiology 168. 11 (2008): 1255-1258.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Osypuk, TL, McArdle, N, & Williams, DR. “Towards a Policy Relevant Assay of Geographic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Child Health..” Bloom Affairs 27. 2 (2008): 321-333.
Acosta, LM, Acevedo-García, D, Perzanowski, MS, Mellins, R, Rosenfeld, L, Cortés, D, et al.. “The New York City Puerto Rican Asthma Project: abstraction design, methods, and baseline results..” Journal of Asthma 45. 1 (2008): 51-57.
Bates, LM, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Alegria, M, & Krieger, N. “Immigration and generational trends in anatomy accumulation basis and blubber in the United States: after-effects of the Civic Latino and Asian-American Assay (NLAAS), 2002-2003..” American Journal of Public Bloom 98. 1 (2008): 70-77.
Dubowitz, T, Subramanian, SV, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Osypuk, TL, & Peterson, KE. “Individual and Adjacency Differences in Diet Amid Low-Income Foreign and U.S.-Born Women..” Women’s Bloom Issues 18. 3 (2008): 181-190.
Garcia, SG, Becker, D, Martinez de Castro, M, Paz, F, Díaz-Olavarrieta, C, & Acevedo-Garcia, D.. “Knowledge and opinions of emergency contraceptive pills amid changeable branch workers in Tijuana, Mexico: Insights from a worksite intervention..” Studies in Family Planning 39. 3 (2008): 199-210.
Goldman, RE, Barbeau, E, Hunt, MK, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Emmons, KM, Gagne, J, et al.. “Perceptions of Bloom Promotion and Cancer Prevention Amid Adults in Working-Class Occupations and Neighborhoods..” Bloom Apprenticeship & Behavior 35. 6 (2008): 777-790.
Gupta, J, Silverman, JG, Hemenway, D, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Stein, DJ, & Williams, DR. “Physical abandon adjoin affectionate ally and accompanying exposures to abandon amid South African men..” CMAJ 179. 6 (2008): 535-541.
Osypuk, TL, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Are ancestral disparities in preterm bearing beyond in hypersegregated areas?.” American Journal of Epidemiology 167. 11 (2008): 1295-1304.
Sanchez-Vaznaugh, EV, Kawachi, I, Subramanian, SV, Sánchez, BN, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Differential aftereffect of birthplace and breadth of abode on anatomy accumulation basis (BMI) by education, gender and race/ethnicity..” Amusing Science and Medicine 67. 8 (2008): 1300-1310.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Soobader, M-J, & Berkman, LF. “Low birthweight amid US Hispanic/Latino subgroups: The aftereffect of affectionate foreign-born cachet and education..” Amusing Science & Medicine 65. 12 (2007): 2503-2516.
Conboy, L, Kaptchuk, T, Eisenberg, D, Gottlieb, R, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “The accord amid amusing factors and attitudes against accepted and CAM practitioners..” Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 13. 3 (2007): 146-157.
Dubowitz, T, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Salkeld, J, Lindsay, AC, Subramanian, SV, & Peterson, KE. “Life course, immigrant cachet and acculturation in aliment purchasing and alertness amid low-income mothers..” Public Bloom Nutrition 10. 4 (2007): 396-404.

Dubowitz, T, Smith-Warner, SA, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Subramanian, SV, & Peterson, KE. “Nativity and Continuance of Time in the United States: Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Amid Low-Income Postpartum Women..” American Journal of Public Bloom 97. 10 (2007): 1787-1790.
Haas, JS, Earle, CC, Orav, JE, Brawarsky, P, Neville, BA, Acevedo-Garcia, D, et al.. “Lower Use of Hospice by Cancer Patients who Live in Minority Versus White Areas..” Journal of General Internal Medicine 22. 3 (2007): 396-399.
Jun, H.-J, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “The aftereffect of distinct motherhood on smoker by socioeconomic cachet and race/ethnicity..” Amusing Science & Medicine 65. 4 (2007): 653-666.
Osypuk, TL, Kawachi, I, Subramanian, SV, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Are accompaniment patterns of smoker altered for altered racial/ethnic groups?.” Public Bloom Reports 121. 5 (2006): 563-577.
Acevedo-Garcia D, Pan J, Jun H-J, Osypuk TL, Emmons KM. “The aftereffect of immigrant bearing on smoking..” Amusing Science & Medicine 61. 6 (2005): 1223-1242.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Soobader, M-J, & Berkman, LF. “The cogwheel aftereffect of foreign-born cachet on low-birthweight by race/ethnicity and education..” Pediatrics 115. (2005): e20-e30.
Chen, Y-Y, Kawachi, I, Subramanian, SV, Acevedo-Garcia, D, & Lee, Y-J. “Can amusing factors explain sex differences in insomnia? Findings from a civic assay in Taiwan..” Journal of Epidemiology and Association Bloom 59. 6 (2005): 488-494.
Chen, Y-Y, Subramanian, SV, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Kawachi, I. “Women’s cachet and depressive symptoms: a multilevel analysis..” Amusing Science & Medicine 60. 1 (2005): 49-60.
Conboy, L, Patel, S, Kaptchuk, T, Gottlieb, R, Eisenberg, D, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Sociodemographic Determinants of the Utilization of Specific Types of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: An Assay Based on a Nationally Representative Assay Sample..” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 11. 6 (2005): 977-994.
Gold, DR, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Immigration to the United States and acculturation as accident factors for asthma and allergy..” Journal of Abhorrence and Clinical Immunology 116. 1 (2005): 38-41.
Subramanian, SV, Acevedo-Garcia, D, & Osypuk, TL. “Racial residential allegory and geographic adverse in black/white alterity in poor self-rated bloom in the US: a multilevel statistical analysis..” Amusing Science & Medicine 60. 8 (2005): 1667-1679.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Barbeau, E, Bishop, JA, Pan, JC, Emmons, KM. “Undoing an epidemiologic paradox: the tobacco industry’s targeting of U.S. immigrants..” American Journal of Public Bloom 94. 12 (2004): 2188-2193.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Osypuk, TL, Werbel, RE, Meara, ER, Cutler, DM, Berkman, LF. “Does Apartment Advancement Policy Improve Health?.” Apartment Policy Debate 15. 1 (2004): 49-98.
Acevedo-Garcia, D, Lochner, K, Osypuk, TL, Subramanian, SV. “Future admonition in allegory and bloom research: A multilevel approach..” American Journal of Public Bloom 93. 2 (2003): 215-221.
Ellertson, C, Heimburger, A, Acevedo-Garcia, D, et al. (. “Information attack and advancement efforts to advance admission to emergency contraception in Mexico..” Contraception 2002 66. 5 (2002): 331-337.
Heimburger, A, Acevedo-Garcia, D, Schiavon, R, et al.. “Emergency contraception in Mexico City: knowledge, attitudes and practices amid providers and abeyant audience afterward a 3-year addition effort..” Contraception 2002 66. 5 (2002): 321-329.
Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Zip cipher akin accident factors for tuberculosis: Adjacency ambiance and residential segregation, New Jersey, 1985-1992..” American Journal of Public Health, 2001 91. 5 (2001): 734-741.
Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Residential Allegory and the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases..” Amusing Science & Medicine 51. 8 (2000): 1143-1161.
Espenshade, TJ and Acevedo-Garcia, D. “Migrant accomplice size, administration effort, and the alarm of undocumented aliens..” Population Research and Policy Assay 14. 2 (1995): 145-172.
Acevedo-Garcia, D and Espenshade, TJ. “Implications of a North American Free Trade Agreement for Mexican clearing into the United States..” Population and Development Assay 18. 4 (1992): 729-744.
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